67 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Myelin Sheath Marker Krox-20 for Detection of Early Disability in Leprosy

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    Early diagnosis of nerve damage in leprosy is quite important for preventing the deformities. With an aim to find a good marker we have investigated Krox-20 as early peripheral nerve damage indicator in leprosy. Ambulatory patients of Kediri Leprosy Hospital, Malang, Indonesia have been studied. Degree of disability was measured based on WHO's criteria. Immunohistochemistry was.used to study the expression of Krox-20 on Schwann cells on nerve twigs in skin biopsies from leprosy cases. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve was used to determine cut off value. Of all 79 leprosy patients studied, 36 patiens had degree of disability 0, and 43 patients had degree of disability 1. Analysis of ROC curve shown that cut off value for Krox- 20, was 8 and the cases in whom degree of disability was 0 (zero) had significantly higher mean values than those with degree of disability 1 (mean: 12.56 vs 4.24 (p<0.05)). Krox-20 appears to be a potentially good biomarker to identify early peripheral nerve damage in lepros

    Serum Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein Levels Profile in Patients With Severe Traumatic Brain Injury

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    Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP) sangat khas untuk otak (highly brain specific protein), sebagai petunjuk kerusakan sel, merupakan protein yang berhubungan dengan peningkatan tekanan intrakranial dan sebagai petanda perjalanan penyakit di pasien cedera otak. Penelitian ini menganalisis profil kadar GFAP serum pasien cedera otak berat sebagai petanda perjalanan penyakit dan keluarannya. Desain penelitian deskriptif observasional. Kadar GFAP serum dari sampel darah vena, diperiksa dengan metode ELISA pada hari pertama datang ke Instalasi Gawat Darurat dan hari ke-2,3,4 perawatan. Jumlah sampel 25 orang, laki-laki 20 orang (80%), perempuan 5 orang (20%). Umur terbanyak ā‰¤ 25 tahun, 8 orang (32%), rerata umur 35,92 Ā± 13,80 tahun. Jejas berdasarkan hasil CT Scan kepala terbanyak Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI) 7 (28%), tindakan operasi sebanyak 18 (72 %), non-operasi 7 (28%), penyebab cedera, kecelakaan lalu lintas 23 (92%), jatuh 2 (8%). Rerata kadar GFAP serum hari ke-1,2,3,4 berturut-turut 2,72Ā±1,44 ng/mL, 1,85Ā±0,85 ng/mL, 1,67Ā±1,26 ng/mL, 0,79Ā±0,35 ng/mL. Keluaran pasien, hidup 19 (76%), meninggal 6 (24%). GFAP sangat khas pada otak berguna sebagai petanda di pasien cedera otak berat, yaitu peningkatan kadarnya dapat digunakan sebagai faktor perjalanan penyakit untuk kematian dan keluarannya. Peningkatan kadar GFAP serum dapat digunakan sebagai faktor perjalanan penyakit. Penelitian lanjutan diperlukan dengan sampel yang lebih besa

    The Evaluation of PMP22 and Protein 0, Examinations for Early Disability Detection in Leprosy Patients

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    Introduction: Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae that has a predilection for peripheral nerves, especially Schwann cells. Leprosy medications may only eradicate the bacteria without preventing or recovering peripheral nerve damage. Previous studies proved that Krox-20 could be a useful diagnostic tool for early peripheral nerve damage detection in leprosy.nObjective: To analyse and to determine PMP22, and P0 cut-off points as diagnostic tools of early disability in leprosy. Methods: We examined ambulatory patients at Kediri Leprosy Hospital, Indonesia. We employed WHOā€™s criteria to assess the degree of disability and measured the study variables using ELISA. We then determine the cut-off value using Receiver Operating Characteristic curve. Results: From overall patients (n=79), 36 patients had 0-degree of disability, and 43 patients had 1-degree of disability. The ROC curve analysis revealed cut-off values for PMP22 and P0 at 4,42 pg/mL and 11,39 pg/mL, respectively. The mean value for all variables in patients with 0-degree of disability were higher than that in patients with 1-degree of disability at 12,56 pg/mL vs 4,24 pg/mL (p<0,05) and at 9,85 pg/mL vs 2,86 pg/mL, respectively (p<0,05). Conclusion: Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease that brings forth many degrees of disability secondary to peripheral nerve invasion, particularly Schwann cells. Hence, early detection of peripheral nerve damage becomes crucial. The evaluation of PMP22 and P0 examinations is useful to identify early peripheral nerve damage in leprosy


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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of Solanum betaceum towards cognitive function, i.e. memory, and the level of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate receptor (NMDAR) and brain derived neurothropic factor (BDNF) as a drug candidate therapy for Alzheimer rats model.Methods: Fifty adult male albino rats were divided into five groups (K0, K1, P1, P2 and P3). Four groups (K1, P1, P2 and P3) of Alzheimerā€™s disease(AD) rats were induced by aluminum chloride with dose 2 g/L for 21 days period and three groups (P1, P2 and P3) in 22th day administered parallellywith 100 mg/kg b.w/day; 200 mg/kg b.w/day; and 400 mg/kg b.w/day of S. betaceum respectively for14 days. The level of NMDAR and BDNF wasmeasured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay methods, whereas memory was measured by the Morris water maze test.Results: S. betaceum administration increased cognitive function significantly (p=0.037) of AD induced-rats by decreasing the time to reach the targetof Morris water maze and maintaining the low levels of NMDAR significantly (p=0.006), but the level of BDNF did not increase significantly (p=0.346).These results indicated that ethanol extracts of S. betaceum could decrease brain NMDAR and increase cognitive function by promote better memoryfunction but did not significant increased the level of BDNF in AD-induced rats.Conclusion: This study revealed that the treatment of AD-induced rats with S. betaceum extracts significantly improve memory function and decreasethe level of NMDAR

    Solanum Betaceum Improves Cognitive Function By Decreasing N-Methyl-D-Aspartate On Alzheimer Rats Model

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    Abstract Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of Solanum betaceum towards cognitive function, i.e. memory, and the level of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate receptor (NMDAR) and brain derived neurothropic factor (BDNF) as a drug candidate therapy for Alzheimer rats model.Methods: Fifty adult male albino rats were divided into five groups (K0, K1, P1, P2 and P3). Four groups (K1, P1, P2 and P3) of Alzheimerā€™s disease(AD) rats were induced by aluminum chloride with dose 2 g/L for 21 days period and three groups (P1, P2 and P3) in 22th day administered parallellywith 100 mg/kg b.w/day; 200 mg/kg b.w/day; and 400 mg/kg b.w/day of S. betaceum respectively for14 days. The level of NMDAR and BDNF wasmeasured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay methods, whereas memory was measured by the Morris water maze test.Results: S. betaceum administration increased cognitive function significantly (p=0.037) of AD induced-rats by decreasing the time to reach the targetof Morris water maze and maintaining the low levels of NMDAR significantly (p=0.006), but the level of BDNF did not increase significantly (p=0.346).These results indicated that ethanol extracts of S. betaceum could decrease brain NMDAR and increase cognitive function by promote better memoryfunction but did not significant increased the level of BDNF in AD-induced rats.Conclusion: This study revealed that the treatment of AD-induced rats with S. betaceum extracts significantly improve memory function and decreasethe level of NMDAR

    Hyperdense Appearance in Active Epidural and Subdural Hematoma: Serial Case Report

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    Many of traumatic brain injured patients come to the emergency department with active intracranial bleeding, either Epidural Hematoma (EDH) or Subdural Hematoma (SDH). The most common source of bleeding in EDH cases might be either from the oozed bleeding from fracture of adjacent bone or tear of medial meningeal vessel branches. The classic appearance usually found in non-contrast head CT, which formed a biconvex lesion. The active bleeding, usually from blood vessels tearing origin, could also be found in CT imaging. There is hypodense mixed within the hyperdense lesion, sometimes formed a whirlpool-like appearance, which later known as ā€œSwirl Signā€3. The acute subdural hematoma, by its process, is different with EDH. It is usually caused by clot accumulation of adjacent cortical laceration or tearing of bridging veins. The crescent-like appearance is the classical CT image shown in acute SDH. However, up to now, the active bleeding in subdural hematoma is not widely explained. We report 12 cases of epidural and subdural hematoma which indicate active bleeding from imaging study.All of the cases revealed the active bleeding during the surgery.We suggest that hypodense lesion in acute TBI imaging should be considered as active bleeding not only for EDH but also for SDH cases. Thus, more attention must be taken carefully during the surgery

    A Rare Case of Repeated Migration and Transurethral Extrusion of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt

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    Bladder migration and transurethral extrusion is an extremely rare complication of ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt. Only eight cases have been reported in the English literature since 1995. We report a case of a 4-year-old boy with cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, and VP shunted on both sides who presented with a protruded distal VP shunt from his urethral orifice. The patient was reported for having previous shunt extrusion through the anus. The patient was treated on by a multidisciplinary approach, involving a neurosurgeon and urologist. Shunt removal with simple procedure was smoothly achieved without morbidities. He was discharged home in satisfactory conditio

    The Evaluation of PMP22 and Protein 0, Examinations for Early Disability Detection in Leprosy Patients

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    Introduction: Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae that has a predilection for peripheral nerves, especially Schwann cells. Leprosy medications may only eradicate the bacteria without preventing or recovering peripheral nerve damage. Previous studies proved that Krox-20 could be a useful diagnostic tool for early peripheral nerve damage detection in leprosy.nObjective: To analyse and to determine PMP22, and P0 cut-off points as diagnostic tools of early disability in leprosy. Methods: We examined ambulatory patients at Kediri Leprosy Hospital, Indonesia. We employed WHOā€™s criteria to assess the degree of disability and measured the study variables using ELISA. We then determine the cut-off value using Receiver Operating Characteristic curve. Results: From overall patients (n=79), 36 patients had 0-degree of disability, and 43 patients had 1-degree of disability. The ROC curve analysis revealed cut-off values for PMP22 and P0 at 4,42 pg/mL and 11,39 pg/mL, respectively. The mean value for all variables in patients with 0-degree of disability were higher than that in patients with 1-degree of disability at 12,56 pg/mL vs 4,24 pg/mL (p<0,05) and at 9,85 pg/mL vs 2,86 pg/mL, respectively (p<0,05). Conclusion: Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease that brings forth many degrees of disability secondary to peripheral nerve invasion, particularly Schwann cells. Hence, early detection of peripheral nerve damage becomes crucial. The evaluation of PMP22 and P0 examinations is useful to identify early peripheral nerve damage in leprosy

    The effect of progesteron for expression delta (Ī“) opioid receptor spinal cord through peripheral nerve injury

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    Abstract Background: Neuropathic pain is a major problem to date because of its high prevalence and lack of effective treatment. Neuropathic pain processes can be influenced by many factors and at various levels of the nervous system, including progesterone and the opioid system. The various mechanisms of the effect of progesterone on pain are still controversial, while the effect of progesterone on the activation of the opioid system also needs to be proven. This study aimed to determine the effect of progesterone on pain through the modulation mechanism of the opioid system. Methods: This research is a completely randomized experimental study using male wistar rats aged around three months at the Experimental Animal Laboratory, Department of Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University. Results: The result was analyzed by using statistical analysis of two independent samples (t-test). The t value was obtained at 6.880, p = 0.000 (p < 0.05). Conclusion: It was shown that there was a significant difference in the delta (Ī“) opioid receptor expression between the control group and the progesterone group, which indicated that progesterone causes an increase in the delta (Ī“) opioid receptor expression in the spinal cord

    An Overview of the Quality of Life of Post Severe Brain Injury Patients within 2018-2020 Period of Time in Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital based on Short Form-36

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    Highlight: ā€¢ Until today, Traumatic Brain Injury is still a major cause of death, disability, and a serious health issue ā€¢ Traumatic Brain Injury patients have a good quality of life if they get adequate therapy and on time interventions Ā  ABSTRACT Introduction: Approximately 90 million traumatic brain injury (TBI) cases worldwide exist yearly. TBI pathophysiology varies, which may cause diverse complications. These complications may decrease the patientsā€™ quality of life. Objective: Describing the quality of life of traumatic brain-injured patients after being treated at Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital Period 2018-2020. Methods: This research is a descriptive cross-sectional study using SF-36 questionnaire data from patients with post-severe brain injury at Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital in 2018-2020.Ā Results: The value of the physical component (59.9) and mental component (68.6) in patients with severe brain injury at Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital showed a good quality of life, with values ā€‹ā€‹in the SF-36 domains, namely physical function (58.2), physical limitations (46.7), body pain (73.6), general health (61.3), vitality (65.3), social functioning (72.5), emotional limitations (60), and mental health (76.5) is above the threshold value (50) except for physical limitations (46.7).Conclusion: Patients with severe brain injury had a good quality of life after receiving treatment in Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital
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