1 research outputs found

    Microbiological quality of marketed fish and shrimp in San Luis Mextepec in the State of Mexico, Mexico.

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    Objective: To analyze the common and widely marketed fishing products in the popular area of San Luis Mextepec, in the state of Mexico belonging to the Mexican Republic to determine the hazards and potential risks to health from consumption of those products. Design/methodology/approach: Samples of fish fillet and whole shrimp were collected from available fish shops in the popular aquatic food marketing area every week, for a month. The evaluation of their microbiological quality was performed through test aerobic mesophiles, total coliforms, Salmonella, fungi and yeasts. Results: The analysis of aerobic mesophiles in fish and shrimp indicated that they did not exceed the permissible limits of the health standard, while coliforms in fish and shrimp 50% exceeded the permissible limit in 100% and 50% of the samples respectively. For fungi in fish and shrimp they presented counts that ranged between 8 and 2150 CFU/g, while the yeast values ranged between 95 and 1010 CFU/g. Finally, in the analysis of Salmonella, 50% of fish and shrimp samples tested positive for the presence of the pathogen, exceeding the limit established by health standards and indicating a health risk for consumers. Limitations on study/implications: This study should be replicated at another time of the year since the type and degree of contamination in fish and shrimp can vary, influencing microbiological hazards and risk to the health of consumers. Findings/conclusions: The microbiological analysis of marketed fish and shrimp indicated the presence of microbiological contamination that influences their quality and safety, becoming a hazard and public health risk.  Objectivo: An谩lisis de productos comunes de la pesca y de amplia comercializaci贸n en zona popular de la poblaci贸n de San Luis Mextepec en el estado de M茅xico; af铆n de determinar el peligro y potencial de riesgo a la salud por consumo de estos productos. Dise帽o/metodologia/enfoque: Se realiz贸 la colecta de muestras de filete de pescado y camar贸n entero en pescader铆as disponibles de la zona popular de comercializaci贸n de alimentos acu谩ticos en San Luis Mextepec en el estado de M茅xico cada semana durante un mes, evaluando su calidad microbiol贸gica consistente en mes贸filos aerobios, coliformes totales, Salmonella, hongos y levaduras. Resultados: El an谩lisis de mesofilos aerobios en pescado y camar贸n indic贸 que no sobrepasaron los limites permisibles de la norma oficial sanitaria, mientras que coliformes en pescado el 100% de las muestras y en camar贸n el 50% sobrepasaron el l铆mite permisible. Para hongos en pescado y camar贸n presentaron recuentos que oscilaban entre 8 y 2150 CFU/g, mientras que para levaduras los valores oscilaron entre 95 y 1010 CFU/g. Finalmente en el an谩lisis de Salmonella spp., el 50% de muestras de pescado y camar贸n dieron positiva a la presencia del pat贸geno infringiendo el l铆mite sanitario e indicando un riesgo a la salud para consumidores. Limitaciones/implicaciones: Este estudio debe replicarse en otras 茅pocas del a帽o ya que el tipo y grado de contaminaci贸n en pescados y camarones puede variar influyendo en los peligros microbiol贸gicos y聽 riesgo a la salud de consumidores. Conclusiones: El an谩lisis microbiol贸gico de pescado y camar贸n comercializado indic贸 la presencia de contaminaci贸n microbiol贸gica que influye en su calidad e inocuidad convirti茅ndose en un peligro y riesgo a la salud de consumidores