4 research outputs found

    Usage of iron foliar spray in enhancing the growth and yield of the flax plant (Linum usitatissimum L)

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    The ideal growth and development of linseed plants depend on receiving the necessary nutrients during the growing season when they are grown. Flax's yield and oil content increase using a foliar spray containing micronutrients. This study aimed to determine how foliar iron (Fe) treatment affected flax yield and its constituents. The experiment was set up at the adoptive research farm Sargodha in a randomized block design and three replicates. At the capsule filling stages and bud initiation of the flax crop, foliar sprays with varying concentrations of Fe (5.5%, 4.5%, 3.5%, 2.5%, 1.5%) and without Fe (control) were administered. Sulphate of iron (Fe) was used as the source of Fe. All treatments resulted in notable enhancements in agronomic characteristics such as grain oil contents, harvest index, biological yield, number of capsule formations, technical stem length, plant height, as well as physiological parameters including fluorescence yield (Ft), quantum yield (YII), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), electron transport rate (ETR), and chlorophyll contents. The results of this study suggested that the application of 3.5% to flax during the bud initiation and capsule filling stages increases the seed yield, yield attributes, and oil contents. In conclusion, foliar spray of Fe could enhance the yield of linseed crops

    Conversion of lignocellulose biomass to bioenergy through nanobiotechnology

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    The growing global demand for energy, particularly petroleum-based fuels, has stimulated a long-term quest for an optimal source of sustainable energy. This barrier is removed by lignocellulosic biomass, which is an economical, easily accessible, and renewable fuel source that fits sustainability standards. However, large-scale use of most of the techniques results in significant handling costs and decontamination of the inhibitors released. Taken together, these limits increase the efficacy of present solutions and create a need for the development of a novel, environmentally sustainable, productive, and cost-effective technology for lignocellulose biomass conversion. In this context, the use of nanotechnology in the treatment of lignocellulose biomass to bioenergy exchange has gained significant attention and has been extensively researched in recent years. This review discussed how nanotechnology can be used to turn biomass into energy. It gives new ideas and tools for developing new industries, which will help the economy, grow in the long run. This careful examination will also shed light on some of the minor details surrounding the different ways of biomass conversion previously explored by other experts

    Efecto de la iluminaci贸n LED en la producci贸n hidrop贸nica de lechuga (Lactuca sativa L.) bajo invernadero

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    LED lighting is a novel technology in horticultural production, since it induces better development and performance in protected crops. The objective of the research was to evaluate the effect of LED lighting on the hydroponic production of lettuce under a greenhouse. The population was composed of 48 lettuce plants, the sample was the total population. Plant height, number of leaves, leaf length, leaf width, root length, fresh weight and dry weight were evaluated. The completely randomized design (DCA) was used, with three treatments; T1 (Red led light), T2 (Blue led light) and T3 (Control) with four repetitions. The data obtained were analyzed through the analysis of variance, to compare the means, the Tukey test was used (伪 = 0.05). The results show that the best treatment was T1 (Red led light) for all the variables evaluated, with an average for plant height (27 cm), number of leaves (20.75 u), leaf length (30.52 cm), leaf width (20.83 cm), root length (22.83 cm), fresh weight (228 g) and dry weight (22.48 g) at 30 days after transplanting (DDT), then T2 (Blue led light) and finally T3 (Witness). It is concluded that the T1 (Red led light) is the best treatment in the hydroponic production of lettuce under greenhouse.La iluminaci贸n LED, es una tecnolog铆a novedosa en la producci贸n hort铆cola, ya que induce un mejor desarrollo y rendimiento en los cultivos protegidos. El objetivo de la investigaci贸n fue evaluar el efecto de la iluminaci贸n LED en la producci贸n hidrop贸nica de lechuga bajo invernadero. La poblaci贸n estuvo compuesta de 48 plantas de lechuga, la muestra fue el total de la poblaci贸n. Se evalu贸 altura de planta, n煤mero de hojas, longitud de hoja, ancho de hoja, longitud de ra铆z, peso fresco y peso seco. Se utiliz贸 el dise帽o completamente al azar (DCA), con tres tratamientos; T1 (Luz led rojo), T2 (Luz led azul) y T3 (Testigo) con cuatro repeticiones. Los datos obtenidos se analizaron mediante el an谩lisis de varianza, para comparar las medias se recurri贸 a la prueba de Tukey (伪 = 0.05). Los resultados muestran que el mejor tratamiento fue el T1 (Luz led rojo) para todas las variables evaluadas, con una media para altura de planta (27 cm), n煤mero de hojas (20,75 u), longitud de hoja (30,52 cm), ancho de hoja (20,83 cm), longitud de ra铆z (22,83 cm), peso fresco (228 g) y peso seco (22,48 g) a los 30 d铆as despu茅s del trasplante (DDT), seguidamente el T2 (Luz led azul) y por 煤ltimo el T3 (Testigo). Se concluye que el T1 (Luz led rojo) es el mejor tratamiento en la producci贸n hidrop贸nica de lechuga bajo invernadero