1,501 research outputs found

    Quantum versus classical counting in nonMarkovian master equations

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    We discuss the description of full counting statistics in quantum transport with a nonMarkovian master equation. We focus on differences arising from whether charge is considered as a classical or a quantum degree of freedom. These differences manifest themselves in the inhomogeneous term of the master equation which describes initial correlations. We describe the influence on current and in particular, the finite-frequency shotnoise. We illustrate these ideas by studying transport through a quantum dot and give results that include both sequential and cotunneling processes. Importantly, the noise spectra derived from the classical description are essentially frequency-independent and all quantum noise effects are absent. These effects are fully recovered when charge is considered as a quantum degree of freedom.Comment: 12 pages; 3 figure

    The puzzling interpretation of NIR indices: The case of NaI2.21

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    We present a detailed study of the Na I line strength index centered in the KK-band at 2210022100, {\AA} (NaI2.21 hereafter) relying on different samples of early-type galaxies. Consistent with previous studies, we find that the observed line strength indices cannot be fit by state-of-art scaled-solar stellar population models, even using our newly developed models in the NIR. The models clearly underestimate the large NaI2.21 values measured for most early-type galaxies. However, we develop a Na-enhanced version of our newly developed models in the NIR, which - together with the effect of a bottom-heavy initial mass function - yield NaI2.21 indices in the range of the observations. Therefore, we suggest a scenario in which the combined effect of [Na/Fe] enhancement and a bottom-heavy initial mass function are mainly responsible for the large NaI2.21 indices observed for most early-type galaxies. To a smaller extent, also [C/Fe] enhancement might contribute to the large observed NaI2.21 values.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Entanglement between charge qubits induced by a common dissipative environment

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    We study entanglement generation between two charge qubits due to the strong coupling with a common bosonic environment (Ohmic bath). The coupling to the boson bath is a source of both quantum noise (leading to decoherence) and an indirect interaction between qubits. As a result, two effects compete as a function of the coupling strength with the bath: entanglement generation and charge localization induced by the bath. These two competing effects lead to a non-monotonic behavior of the concurrence as a function of the coupling strength with the bath. As an application, we present results for charge qubits based on double quantum dots.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Hydrodynamic Aspects and Correlations for the Design of Draft-Tube Conical Spouted Beds

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    A study has been carried out on the hydrodynamics of conical spouted beds with draft tube. Correlations have been proposed for calculating minimum spouting velocity, operating pressure drop and peak pressure drop as functions of dimensionless module that take into account geometric factors, particle characteristics and operating conditions

    Origin of the anomalies: the modified Heisenberg equation

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    The origin of the anomalies is analyzed. It is shown that they are due to the fact that the generators of the symmetry do not leave invariant the domain of definition of the Hamiltonian and then a term, normally forgotten in the Heisenberg equation, gives an extra contribution responsible for the non conservation of the charges. This explanation is equivalent to that of the Fujikawa in the path integral formalism. Finally, this approach is applied to the conformal symmetry breaking in two-dimensional quantum mechanics.Comment: 7 pages, LaTe

    Non-perturbative electron dynamics in crossed fields

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    Intense AC electric fields on semiconductor structures have been studied in photon-assisted tunneling experiments with magnetic field applied either parallel (B_par) or perpendicular (B_per) to the interfaces. We examine here the electron dynamics in a double quantum well when intense AC electric fields F, and tilted magnetic fields are applied simultaneously. The problem is treated non-perturbatively by a time-dependent Hamiltonian in the effective mass approximation, and using a Floquet-Fourier formalism. For B_par=0, the quasi-energy spectra show two types of crossings: those related to different Landau levels, and those associated to dynamic localization (DL), where the electron is confined to one of the wells, despite the non-negligible tunneling between wells. B_par couples parallel and in-plane motions producing anti-crossings in the spectrum. However, since our approach is non-perturbative, we are able to explore the entire frequency range. For high frequencies, we reproduce the well known results of perfect DL given by zeroes of a Bessel function. We find also that the system exhibits DL at the same values of the field F, even as B_par non-zero, suggesting a hidden dynamical symmetry in the system which we identify with different parity operations. The return times for the electron at various values of field exhibit interesting and complex behavior which is also studied in detail. We find that smaller frequencies shifts the DL points to lower field F, and more importantly, yields poorer localization by the field. We analyze the explicit time evolution of the system, monitoring the elapsed time to return to a given well for each Landau level, and find non-monotonic behavior for decreasing frequencies.Comment: REVTEX4 + 11 eps figs, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Finite-frequency counting statistics of electron transport: Markovian Theory

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    We present a theory of frequency-dependent counting statistics of electron transport through nanostructures within the framework of Markovian quantum master equations. Our method allows the calculation of finite-frequency current cumulants of arbitrary order, as we explicitly show for the second- and third-order cumulants. Our formulae generalize previous zero-frequency expressions in the literature and can be viewed as an extension of MacDonald's formula beyond shot noise. When combined with an appropriate treatment of tunneling, using, e.g. Liouvillian perturbation theory in Laplace space, our method can deal with arbitrary bias voltages and frequencies, as we illustrate with the paradigmatic example of transport through a single resonant level model. We discuss various interesting limits, including the recovery of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem near linear response, as well as some drawbacks inherent of the Markovian description arising from the neglect of quantum fluctuations.Comment: Accepted in New Journal of Physics. Updated tex

    Control of Dephasing and Phonon Emission in Coupled Quantum Dots

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    We predict that phonon subband quantization can be detected in the non-linear electron current through double quantum dot qubits embedded into nano-size semiconductor slabs, acting as phonon cavities. For particular values of the dot level splitting Δ\Delta, piezo-electric or deformation potential scattering is either drastically reduced as compared to the bulk case, or strongly enhanced due to phonon van Hove singularities. By tuning Δ\Delta via gate voltages, one can either control dephasing, or strongly increase emission into phonon modes with characteristic angular distributions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication as Rapid Comm. in Phys. Rev.

    Truncation method for Green's functions in time-dependent fields

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    We investigate the influence of a time dependent, homogeneous electric field on scattering properties of non-interacting electrons in an arbitrary static potential. We develop a method to calculate the (Keldysh) Green's function in two complementary approaches. Starting from a plane wave basis, a formally exact solution is given in terms of the inverse of a matrix containing infinitely many 'photoblocks' which can be evaluated approximately by truncation. In the exact eigenstate basis of the scattering potential, we obtain a version of the Floquet state theory in the Green's functions language. The formalism is checked for cases such as a simple model of a double barrier in a strong electric field. Furthermore, an exact relation between the inelastic scattering rate due to the microwave and the AC conductivity of the system is derived which in particular holds near or at a metal-insulator transition in disordered systems.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. B., 21 pages, 3 figures (ps-files

    Photon-Assisted Transport Through Ultrasmall Quantum Dots: Influence of Intradot Transitions

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    We study transport through one or two ultrasmall quantum dots with discrete energy levels to which a time-dependent field is applied (e.g., microwaves). The AC field causes photon-assisted tunneling and also transitions between discrete energy levels of the dot. We treat the problem by introducing a generalization of the rotating-wave approximation to arbitrarily many levels. We calculate the dc-current through one dot and find satisfactory agreement with recent experiments by Oosterkamp et al. . In addition, we propose a novel electron pump consisting of two serially coupled single-level quantum dots with a time-dependent interdot barrier.Comment: 16 pages, Revtex, 10 eps-figure
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