1,060 research outputs found

    SUSMETRO : Impact Assessment Tools for Food Planning in Metropolitan Regions : IA tools and serious gaming in support of sustainability targets for food planning, nature conservation and recreation

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    By offering a series of decision support tools for stakeholders of metropolitan regions, SUSMETRO facilitates and enables evidence-based decision making by means of ‘serious gaming’. Making use of the Phase 1 thematic maps such as on agricultural competitiveness, nature conservation and recreational values, stakeholders can compare impacts of traditional versus innovative forms of agricultural production. The SUSMETRO Impact Assessment tool provides information on the expected effects of spatial planning with regard to the self-supportive capacities of the region (ecological footprint) and the share of recreational and nature conservation facilities (land use functions), offering cost-benefit calculations regarding the expected economic revenues. The whole process is embedded in a Landscape Character Assessment process and guided by Knowledge Brokerage procedures to strengthen the science-policy interface. In sum, the SUSMETRO approach allows a wide range of stakeholders to co-develop images for sustainable Metropolitan Agriculture

    Killing spinors in supergravity with 4-fluxes

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    We study the spinorial Killing equation of supergravity involving a torsion 3-form \T as well as a flux 4-form \F. In dimension seven, we construct explicit families of compact solutions out of 3-Sasakian geometries, nearly parallel \G_2-geometries and on the homogeneous Aloff-Wallach space. The constraint \F \cdot \Psi = 0 defines a non empty subfamily of solutions. We investigate the constraint \T \cdot \Psi = 0, too, and show that it singles out a very special choice of numerical parameters in the Killing equation, which can also be justified geometrically

    Composition algebras and the two faces of G2G_{2}

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    We consider composition and division algebras over the real numbers: We note two r\^oles for the group G2G_{2}: as automorphism group of the octonions and as the isotropy group of a generic 3-form in 7 dimensions. We show why they are equivalent, by means of a regular metric. We express in some diagrams the relation between some pertinent groups, most of them related to the octonions. Some applications to physics are also discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    The Central Correlations of Hypercharge, Isospin, Colour and Chirality in the Standard Model

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    The correlation of the fractionally represented hypercharge group with the isospin and colour group in the standard model determines as faithfully represented internal group the quotient group {\U(1)\x\SU(2)\x\SU(3)\over\Z_2\x\Z_3}. The discrete cyclic central abelian-nonabelian internal correlation involved is considered with respect to its consequences for the representations by the standard model fields, the electroweak mixing angle and the symmetry breakdown. There exists a further discrete Z2\Z_2-correlation between chirality and Lorentz properties and also a continuous \U(1)-external-internal one between hyperisospin and chirality.Comment: 18 pages, latex, macros include

    On the Ricci tensor in type II B string theory

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    Let ∇\nabla be a metric connection with totally skew-symmetric torsion \T on a Riemannian manifold. Given a spinor field Ψ\Psi and a dilaton function Φ\Phi, the basic equations in type II B string theory are \bdm \nabla \Psi = 0, \quad \delta(\T) = a \cdot \big(d \Phi \haken \T \big), \quad \T \cdot \Psi = b \cdot d \Phi \cdot \Psi + \mu \cdot \Psi . \edm We derive some relations between the length ||\T||^2 of the torsion form, the scalar curvature of ∇\nabla, the dilaton function Φ\Phi and the parameters a,b,μa,b,\mu. The main results deal with the divergence of the Ricci tensor \Ric^{\nabla} of the connection. In particular, if the supersymmetry Ψ\Psi is non-trivial and if the conditions \bdm (d \Phi \haken \T) \haken \T = 0, \quad \delta^{\nabla}(d \T) \cdot \Psi = 0 \edm hold, then the energy-momentum tensor is divergence-free. We show that the latter condition is satisfied in many examples constructed out of special geometries. A special case is a=ba = b. Then the divergence of the energy-momentum tensor vanishes if and only if one condition \delta^{\nabla}(d \T) \cdot \Psi = 0 holds. Strong models (d \T = 0) have this property, but there are examples with \delta^{\nabla}(d \T) \neq 0 and \delta^{\nabla}(d \T) \cdot \Psi = 0.Comment: 9 pages, Latex2

    The prevalence of cam and pincer morphology and its association with development of hip osteoarthritis

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    Our understanding of femoroacetabular impingement syndrome is slowly improving. The number of studies on all aspects (etiology, prevalence, pathophysiology, natural history, treatment, and preventive measures) of femoroacetabular impingement syndrome has grown exponentially over the past few years. This commentary provides the latest updates on the prevalence of cam and pincer hip morphology and its relationship with development of hip osteoarthritis (OA). Cam and pincer morphology is highly prevalent in the general population and in this paper is presented for different subgroups based on age, sex, ethnicity, and athletic activity. Methodological issues in determining prevalence of abnormal hip morphology are also discussed. Cam morphology has been associated with development of hip OA, but the association between pincer morphology and hip OA is much less clear. Results from reviewed studies, as well as remaining gaps in literature on this topic, are critically discussed and put into perspective for the clinician

    Landschappelijke effecten van ontwikkelingen in de landbouw

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    Ontwikkelingen in de land- en tuinbouw hebben gevolgen voor het Nederlandse landschap. Het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving wil graag in beeld krijgen waar wat staat te gebeuren. Doel van dit onderzoek is om landsdekkend in kaart te brengen waar tot 2020 welke veranderingen in de landbouw zullen optreden en wat de effecten daarvan zijn op de kwaliteiten van het landschap. Voor het Nederlandse buitengebied is een onderscheid gemaakt naar in totaal 23 landschapstypen, agrarische cultuurlandschappen waarin stedelijke- en natuurgebieden buiten beschouwing zijn gelaten. De typering neemt de indeling naar fysisch geografische regio¿s als uitgangspunt. Verdere differentiatie heeft plaatsgevonden op basis van ontginningsgeschiedenis en schaalkenmerken van het landschap

    Induction, Philosophical Conceptions of

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    How induction was understood took a substantial turn during the Renaissance. At the beginning, induction was understood as it had been throughout the medieval period, as a kind of propositional inference that is stronger the more it approximates deduction. During the Renaissance, an older understanding, one prevalent in antiquity, was rediscovered and adopted. By this understanding, induction identifies defining characteristics using a process of comparing and contrasting. Important participants in the change were Jean Buridan, humanists such as Lorenzo Valla and Rudolph Agricola, Paduan Aristotelians such as Agostino Nifo, Jacopo Zabarella, and members of the medical faculty, writers on philosophy of mind such as the Englishman John Case, writers of reasoning handbooks, and Francis Bacon

    Wat kan het buitengebied van Amsterdam betekenen voor de gezondheid van de Amsterdammers

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    Dit rapport gaat over de betekenis die het buitengebied van Amsterdam heeft voor de gezondheid van Amsterdammers. Van de 1349 agrariërs binnen een straal van 10 kilometer rondom Amsterdam richten er zich 7 op de zorglandbouw, 3 op educatie, 1 op kinderopvang en 49 op recreatie. Het aanbod is onvoldoende en onregelmatig verspreid. Met name op het gebied van zorglandbouw, recreatie, kinderopvang en nieuwe vormen van participatie van burgers in agrarische bedrijven is een aanzienlijke groei mogelijk. Recreatie en zorgtaken kunnen leiden tot een additioneel bedrijfsinkomen van 15.000 euro en daarmee bijdragen aan het instandhouden van landbouwbedrijven en de instandhouding van het open buitengebied
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