588 research outputs found

    Study of deformation of non-oscillating droplets in liquid media

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    The object of this investigation was to find a method for predicting the deformation of non-oscillating liquid droplets which are moving in liquid media, from a knowledge of droplet size and the physical properties of the continuous and dispersed phase systems. The deformation of thirteen liquid-liquid systems was experimentally studied in this investigation --Abstract, page i

    A study of the anodic oxidation of 1, 3-butadiene on platinum and gold electrodes

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    The anodic oxidation of 1,3-butadiene on Pt and Au electrodes was studied at 70°C in solutions of H₂SO₄, K₂SO₄, K₂CO₃, and KOH with pH\u27s ranging from 0.35 to 12.5. Reaction rates (current) were measured as a function of potential, pH, temperature, and butadiene partial pressure. A transition region (apparently a shift in the rate determining step) in case of Pt was observed in the Tafel plots. The coulombic efficiencies of oxidation to CO₂ were 85 percent in 1 N H₂SO₄ on Pt, 93 percent in 1 N KOH on Pt, and 72 percent in 1 N KOH on Au --Abstract, Page ii

    A Novel Approach to PID Controller Design for Improvement of Transient Stability and Voltage Regulation of Nonlinear Power System

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    In this paper, a novel design method for determining the optimal PID controller parameters for non-linear power system using the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is presented. The direct feedback linearization (DFL) technique is used to linearize the nonlinear system for computing the PID (DFL-PID) controller parameters. By taking an example of single machine infinite bus (SMIB) power system it has been shown that PSO based PID controller stabilizes the system and restores the pre-fault system performance after fault is cleared and line is restored. The performance of this controlled system is compared with the performance of DFL-state feedback controlled power system. It has been shown that the performance of DFL-PID controlled system is superior compared to DFL-state feedback controlled system. For simulation MATLAB 7 software is used.


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    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a lifelong neurodevelopmental condition with its onset before the age of three years. It is characterized by abnormalities in communication, impaired social function, repetitive behaviours and restricted interests. There is no effective treatment currently available for ASD and there is a growing need of an alternative treatment modality. A three year six month old male patient, diagnosed with ASD was brought to the OPD for Ayurvedic treatment of ASD. There is no mention of ASD in Ayurveda classics and hence, considered an Anukta Vyadhi. ASD involves vitiation of all the three Doshas mainly Vata Dosha in the lead. The management was primarily based on the associated Doshas and Ayurvedic formulations i.e. Abhaya Ghrita orally for three months and Marsha Nasya with Panchabhautika Taila for forty five days were used. Changes in the clinical features were assessed using Aberrant Behaviour Checklist (ABC) and changes in the severity of disease after treatment was done using Clinical Global Impression scale (CGI). The patient showed significant improvement in the core features of ASD after the treatment duration

    Prospective randomised study of cases of pelvic fracture urethral distraction defects managed by early alignment versus initial suprapubic urinary diversion with delayed urethroplasty

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    Background: In complex pelvic fracture urethral distraction defects (PFUDD), early management prevents incidence of devastating complications such as urinary incontinence, restenosis and urethra cutaneous fistula. The aim of the present study was to study the outcome of patients with PFUDD undergoing early alignment (either by rail roading or endoscopic) compared with initial suprapubic urinary diversion with delayed urethroplasty.Methods: This was a prospective randomized study done at KGMU, Lucknow; having PFUDD during the period from June 2014 to July 2017. Patients with PFUDD were randomized in to two groups. Group A included 22 patients and managed by supra pubic cystostomy followed by delayed urethroplasty. Group B included 23 patients and managed by primary alignment by rail-roading and early endoscopic alignment. Patients were followed up after 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months for measuring the primary and secondary outcomes during follow up.Results: The most common age group that sustained pelvic fracture urethral distraction defects injury are male of 21-40 years. In group A, stricture was present in all patients at 6 weeks post-surgery. Open urethroplasty was done at 3 months in 60% and 10% patients at 6 months.  In group B, stricture was present in 80% at 6 weeks, 40% at 3 months and 10% at 6 months. The incidence of ED in group A at 6 weeks, 3 months, was 25% patient which reduced to 20% at 6 months. In group B, ED was present in 30% patients 6 weeks, 3 months and which reduced to 25% at 6 months. No incontinence was observed in both groups.Conclusions: Primary realignment has significant benefits compared to SPC as realignment approach is associated with a 50%-55% decrease in stricture formation

    Variability for Functional and Nutritional Quality Traits in Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

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    Natural biodiversity for functional and nutritional quality traits is of prime importance in breeding programmes for developing nutritionally rich genotypes. The present investigation was carried out to identify lines of sweet pepper with high ascorbic acid content and important mineral nutrients like potassium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iron and manganese. Forty accessions of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) were analyzed for their functional and nutritional composition. Wide variation was observed in functional quality traits like ascorbic acid content (22-129mg 100g-1), and β-Carotene (0.39-1.0mg 100g-1) suggesting a considerable level of genetic diversity. Wide variability was also noticed for nutritional composition (K, P, Zn, Cu, Fe&Mn) in the tested lines. Across accessions, concentration of ascorbic acid was negatively correlated with copper content (r = -0.293, p < 0.05) being significantly greater in two accessions, VHC 34 and VHC 37 (129 and 118.0 mg100g-1, respectively) compared to other accessions. β-Carotene concentration was higher (0.85 to 0.99mg 100g-1) in six accessions, and lower (0.39 to 0.54mg 100g-1) in twenty four accessions. Greater variability present for quality traits holds an immense potential to help develop Capsicum lines with traits of high functional and nutritional quality. Therefore, this information is potentially useful in sweet pepper breeding programmes in the future

    Barnyard millet global core collection evaluation in the submontane Himalayan region of India using multivariate analysis

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    Barnyard millet (Echinochloa spp.) is one of the most underresearched crops with respect to characterization of genetic resources and genetic enhancement. A total of 95 germplasm lines representing global collection were evaluated in two rainy seasons at Almora, Uttarakhand, India for qualitative and quantitative traits and the data were subjected to multivariate analysis. High variation was observed for days to maturity, five-ear grain weight, and yield components. The first three principal component axes explained 73% of the total multivariate variation. Three major groups were detected by projection of the accessions on the first two principal components. The separation of accessions was based mainly on trait morphology. Almost all Indian and origin-unknown accessions grouped together to form an Echinochloa frumentacea group. Japanese accessions grouped together except for a few outliers to form an Echinochloa esculenta group. The third group contained accessions from Russia, Japan, Cameroon, and Egypt. They formed a separate group on the scatterplot and represented accessions with lower values for all traits except basal tiller number. The interrelationships between the traits indicated that accessions with tall plants, long and broad leaves, longer inflorescences, and greater numbers of racemes should be given priority as donors or parents in varietal development initiatives. Cluster analysis identified two main clusters based on agro-morphological characters
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