4 research outputs found

    Assessment of some important fertility parameters related to different land-use systems in the humid forest zone of southern Cameroon

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    A field study was carried out in 1999 and 2000 in the village of Akok 180 km south of Yaoundé in the humid forest zone of southern Cameroon to assess changes in particle size distribution and soil chemical properties related to five different land-use systems namely: a secondary forest, a young forest, a cocoa farm, a Chromolaena fallow and a mixed food crop field. The results showed that land-use systems significantly affect the soil particle distribution and the highest proportions of sand and silt fractions were found in soils of young forests, the highest clay content was found under cocoa farms (

    Soil structure of an Oxisol as influenced by land use systems in the forest margin zone of Southern Cameroon

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    Soil structure is the key for controlling soil quality. To assess changes in soil structure and its related indices under different land-use systems, an on-farm investigation was carried out on an Oxisol of Southern Province of Cameroon. Six land-use systems (LUS) consisting of a primary forest, a 30-year old secondary forest, a 25-year old cocoa field, a 15-year old natural fallow, a 3- year old Chromolaena odorata fallow and a 2-month old groundnut (Arachis hypogea) field were tested. Soil samples were collected at 0-5 and 5-10 cm depths and were used to determine particle size distribution (hydrometer method), bulk density and aggregatestability. Soil resistance to penetrometer was measured at the same depths in the field using a hand penetrometer. It was found that the primary forest and the cocoa field were associated with highest claycontents (74.6 and 52.0%, respectively) compared to other LUS. However, bulk density was significantly higher under cocoa field (1.09-1.26 g.cm-3) as compared to primary forest (0.72-0.89 g.cm-3). Soil resistance topenetrometer was the lowest under forests (1.2 - 5.2 bars) as compared to cropped fields (9 -12.5 bars) at 0-5 cm depth. Similar trend was observed at 5-10 cm depth. The proportion of aggregates less than 2 mm indiameter was the least under primary forest (27%) as compared to groundnut field (52%). In contrast, soil aggregates under primary forest and cocoa field were more stable, with the highest mean weight diameter(MWD) of 3.37 and 3.00 mm, respectively.Keywords: Cameroon, humid forest, land use systems, Oxisol, soil structure, structural stability

    Mycotrophie Et Connaissances Paysannes Des Essences Fertilitaires Dans Les Agroforets A Base De Cacaoyers Du Sud Cameroun

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    Une comparaison des modes de gestion des terres au Sud Cameroun montre que les agroforêts-cacao sont moins dommageables à l’environnement que les autres formes de gestion des sols. A cet effet, une étude en vue de valider les perceptions paysannes des essences ligneuses fertilitaires associées dans les agroforêts à base de cacaoyers a été effectuée dans deux sites écologiquement différents au sud Cameroun entre mars et novembre 2008. Dans chaque site, 20 systèmes cacaoyers étaient prospectés et dans chacun de ces systèmes, toutes les essences ligneuses étaient identifiées. Chaque paysan classait parmi les essences identifiées les dix premières ayant le potentiel d’amélioration de la fertilité des sols le plus élevé, et indiquait les attributs fonctionnels qui y concourent. Leur fréquence et leur distribution ont été déterminées. 52 essences différentes ont été identifiées dans les systèmes cacaoyers de la zone de transition forêtsavane (Bokito) contre 195 à Ngomedjap situé dans la zone de forêt dense humide. Les essences fruitières telles queDacryodes edulis, Elaesis guineensis, Citrus sinensis, Citrus reticulata, Mangifera indica et Persea americana sont plus fréquentes dans les deux sites. La classification des paysans des essences fertilitaires est basée sur certains attributs fonctionnels tels que le système racinaire et la surface foliaire. La comparaison entre la classification générale des paysanspar site et la mycotrophie de ces essences est presque identique. Des études complémentaires incluant les aspects physico-chimiques et même certains autres facteurs biologiques de la fertilité des sols des systèmes cacaoyers s’avèrent nécessaires pour affiner la validité des perceptions paysannes des essences associées fertilitaires.Mots clés: connaissances paysannes, fertilité des sols, mycotrophie, attributs fonctionnels.A comparison of land uses in the South Cameroon area shows that cocoa agroforests are less damaging the environment than the other land uses. In the respect, investigations to assess farmers’ knowledge of the contribution of associated trees in the soil fertility status in their cocoa farms were carried out in two ecologically contrasting locations of southern Cameroon in March 2008. 20 cocoa farms were selected per location. In each cocoa farm, all the associated trees were inventoried and their fine roots sampled to assess their mycorhizal status. Individual farmers were asked to rank amongst the identified trees the ten top indicators of fertile soils and to indicate their contributing functional attributes to that effect.The species’ frequency and distributions were calculated. Our findings revealed that there were 52 different species in cocoa systems of the forest savanna transition zone against 195 species in the humid forest zone. The frequency distribution indicated a predominance of exotic trees such as Dacryodes edulis, Mangifera Indica, Elais guinéensis, Citrus sinensis, Citrus reticuka and Persea americana than indigenous species in both sites. Farmers’ classification of species according to their fertilising potentials pertained to some tree functional attributes mainly rooting habits, leaf size and leaf area. Comparison between farmers’ ranking and ranking based on species’ mycotrophy showed no major differences. Further investigations taking into consideration physico-chemical and other biological aspects influencing soil fertility are necessary to ascertain farmers’ perceptions