195 research outputs found

    Blockchain Technology: A new secured Electronic Health Record System

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    International audienceNowadays, health systems are looking for effective ways to manage more patients in a shorter time, and to increase the quality of care through better coordination to provide quick, accurate and non-invasive diagnostics to patients. This paper aims to solve the dependence on trusted third parties by proposing a new management strategy, storage and security in a decentralized network through Blockchain technology. The proposed system also aims to offer a solution to help healthcare professionals to be informed of the slightest changes made in a patient's file in order to reduce medical error rates , but also by allowing them to consult them transparently if they are authorized

    Neural Network Model of QoE for Estimation Video Streaming over 5G network

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    International audienceWith the rapid increasing demand of commercial video streaming, the satisfaction of the end user is becoming more and more important to measure and assure.The quality of experience (QoE) is defined as the measure of the overall level of customer satisfaction with the usage of a service provided by a vendor. Many works have addressed this issue in many different scenarios in cellular networks however most of these works have addressed video streaming over LTE networks (Long Term Evolution network). Up to day, there are few contributions of work that address the QoE over 5G network since there still still some challenges in this later to address. In this paper, we present the specific aspects we consider important in the evolution from 4G to 5G in term of traffic management and a solution to estimate this QoE in this new context. We adopted an approach based on Neural Network (NN) to estimate the QoE parameters. NN have been successfully used in many domains where it was difficult to derive an exact analytical model of the system so is the case of the 5G network


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    The domain of transport and supply chain of goods is todaystrongly impacted by the digital technologies similarly to thelogistic enterprises providing them. Due to their critical nature.Not only these services are required to be correct but atraceability of the end-to-end process of transportation hasto be provided. The inuence of cutting edge technologiessuch as the Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain enablesa new level of transparency and real-time verication of theprocess of transport. The impact of the IoT attributes toimproving the quality of services in several domains so itdoes in transportation. The capacity of IoT devices to generatereal-time information is essential to monitor processand other daily activities in the domain of transport. In thearea of dangerous goods transportation, this is even morecritical since stakeholders of the supply chain need to shareand exchange information in a trustful manner. Sensitive informationabout the transportation process should veriedbefore shared as well as protected from any unauthorizedaccess and changes. For a trusted and transparent processof transport, the data captured by IoT devices to monitorthe transportation of goods, should remain consistent, reliableand with proved integrity properties. In this paper, wepresent a research that highlights how the potential of theblockchain and IoT technologies can be eciently integratedin order to secure information exchange in an end-to-endprocess of transport of dangerous goods (TDG). Firstly, weexamine the process of TDG from the perspective of stakeholdercollaboration i.e., information ow. Secondly, we proposea model that supports an end-to-end TDG based on thePermission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal orclassroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributedfor profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citationon the first page. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistributeto lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.regulatory framework. Third, we integrate blockchain andIoT technologies for securing information sharing during theprocess of TDG. Hence, we show how the transparent providesthe righ level of abstractions to the process of TDG. Aproof of concept applying our approach has been developedand tested

    A Two-stage RRH Clustering Mechanism in 5G Heterogeneous C-RAN

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    International audienceCloud Radio Access Network (Cloud RAN) is one of the most promising mobile architectures for 5G networks. The basic concept of Cloud RAN is to separate the digital baseband processing units (BBUs) of conventional cell sites, from the Remote Radio Heads (RRHs), and virtualize their functions in the cloud for centralized signal processing and management. In conventional RAN architectures, one BBU is assigned to one RRH in order to maximize network capacity. However, Cloud RAN may establish a one to many logical mapping, so as to enhance network energy efficiency. This paper addresses RRH clustering problem in heterogeneous C-RAN. The proposed clustering mechanism aims to reduce network power consumption, without compromising user QoS (Quality of Service)

    Service Orchestrator in Cloud RAN based Edge Cloud

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    International audienceFifth generation of mobile networks (5G) is designed to introduce a multitude of new services which require higher processing resources and lower latency. Cloud Radio Access Network (Cloud RAN) is one of the most promising solutions for next generation networks. The basic idea of C-RAN is to migrate Baseband Units (BBU) to the cloud for a centralized processing and management. In our work, we propose to extend C-RAN architecture with an edge cloud: the Cloud RRH in order to enhance the quality of service (QoS). In this paper we propose a service orchestrator in the Cloud RAN based edge cloud in order to enhance resources utilization while keeping a good QoS


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) Mendeskripsikan makna lirik lagu “Merah”, “Hijau, “Kuning” dalam album Sinestesia band Efek Rumah Kaca secara umum dengan menggunakan semiotika pragmatik Charles Sanders Peirce (2) Mendeskripsikan nilai pendidikan karya sastra yang mencakup nilai pendidikan moral, sosial, budaya, dan agama lirik lagu “Merah”, “Hijau, “Kuning” dalam album Sinestesia band Efek Rumah Kaca (3) Mendeskripsikan keterkaitan analisis semiotika pragmatik dengan penggunaan model pembelajaran discovery dalam pengajaran puisi di SMP. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah peneliti sendiri. Objek penelitian adalah lirik lagu “Merah”, “Hijau”, “Kuning” dalam album Sinestesia band Efek Rumah Kaca. Data dianalisis dengan teknik deskriptif kualiatif yang menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa kalimat atau kata yang terdapat dalam lirik lagu “Merah”, “Hijau, “Kuning” dalam album Sinestesia band Efek Rumah Kaca. Cara pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara, dokumentasi, dan observasi. Teknik keabsahan data dilakukan dengan triangulasi sumber dan waktu. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa setiap judul lagu memiliki kekhasannya masing-masing. Lirik “Merah” membahas mengenai politik, “Hijau” tentang isu lingkungan politik dan lingkungan hidup, sedangkan “Kuning” membahas tentang kehidupan umat beragama. Nilai pendidikan karya sastra dalam lirik lagu hanya ditemukan tiga, yaitu nilai pendidikan moral, sosial, dan agama. Ada keterkaitan analisis semiotika pragmatik terhadap penggunaan model pembelajaran discovery dalam pengajaran puisi

    Taking Benefit of Diversity in RAN to Offload Delay-tolerant Traffic and Improve End-Users QoE

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    International audienceSince the introduction of smartphones and tablets into the market, mobile data traffic has shown an exponential growth. To cope with such mobile data explosion, offloading techniques were proposed. The main aim of offloading is to avoid transporting unnecessary traffic in costly networks without creating any additional incremental revenue. Offloading is addressed in this paper where we focus on the the interworking between 3GPP access and WiFi. Thus, we propose an economical model for offloading, capturing simultaneously the subscribers' conditions and the operators' preferences. Such model enables the operators to specify an offload strategy to increase their economical benefits without impacting their subscribers QoE

    A Visible Light Communication based positioning system for intuitive advertising in supermarkets

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    International audienceOver the years, smart advertising has become a key marketing tool for brands to communicate with their potential customers in a place where a large number of people live. For that, supermarkets are ideal advertising spaces since hundreds of consumers visit them every day and are receptive to the advertising that is offered to them. In this paper, we propose a new system that can smartly transmit advertising to contains ubiquitously customers of a supermarket using a LED lighting system embedding the VLC technology. This system aims to offer a solution to help brands to study the relevance of the deployed advertising campaign through a low-cost implementation

    VNET: Towards End-to-End Network Cloudification

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    International audienceTo address the needs for future network services, existing network architecture should evolve significantly to provide a higher level of flexibility, resilience and quality of service. This challenge was also the one of computing which has found with " virtualization " a breakthrough approach to bring a high flexibility in existing computing architecture which makes today the success of cloud computing. The next obvious following step is therefore to " cloudify " the networks. We introduce the VNET project, which proposes to study some of the most complex network cloudification problems from a global point of view i.e at radio access networks and the core networks to the service hosting data centers. It will identify the challenges and address the problems related to the visualization of RAN (Radio Access Networks), the problems of service composition and dependability related to the deployment of SDN and NFV, and finally the design a NaaS platform with the associated tools to allow the specification, validation, deployment and management of on-demand end-to-end services. In addition, the project will address the manageability of this " cloudified " architecture using autonomic concepts based on the MAPE framework
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