1,346 research outputs found

    Supraclavicularis proprius muscle associated with supraclavicular nerve entrapment

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    Entrapment neuropathy of the supraclavicular nerve is rare and, when it occurs, is usually attributable to branching of the nerve into narrow bony clavicular canals. We describe another mechanism for entrapment of this nerve with the aberrant muscle; supraclavicularis being found during the routine dissection of an embalmed 82-year-old cadaver. Our report details a unique location for this rare muscular variation whereby the muscle fibres originated posteriorly on the medial aspect of the clavicle before forming a muscular arch over the supraclavicular nerve and passing laterally towards the trapezius and acromion. We recommend that in clinical instances of otherwise unexplained unilateral clavicular pain or tenderness, nerve compression from the supraclavicularis muscle must be borne in mind.


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    Techniques are described herein for caller acoustic properties extraction by sampling an initial duration of the connected Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) caller stream and analyzing a received transcript of the ongoing live stream. A Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) mapping of the caller acoustic information is generated in the most suitable customer-understandable format. These techniques may provide automated identification and enable Push To Answer when the caller is not able to understand what is being communicated by the agent

    Examining the role of sales-based CRM technology and social media use on post-sale service behaviors in India

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    Despite the growing recognition of the critical role of post-sale service on the salesperson-customer relationship, few studies have explored how salesperson service behaviors (SSB) are enhanced through tools such as sales-based customer relationship management (CRM) technology and social media. Using dyadic salesperson-customer data within a business-to-business context, this study analyzes the direct effects of sales-based CRM technology on the behaviors of diligence, information communication, inducements, empathy and sportsmanship. Additionally, the study examines the interactive effects of sales-based CRM technology and social media on these behaviors. The results indicate that sales-based CRM technology has a positive influence on SSBs and that salespeople using CRM technology in conjunction with social media are more likely to exhibit higher levels of SSBs than their counterparts with low social media technology use

    Social media and customer relationship management technologies: Influencing buyer-seller information exchanges

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    Highlights Social media and CRM technology aid salespeople in market sensing and customer-linking activities. Social media utilization enhance the competitive information collection abilities of the seller. CRM techpositively affects seller product information communication, which enablesbuyer information sharing intentions. Sellers capture value from buyers by CRM utilization. Seller experience has significant moderating and explanatory power regarding the use of sales technology. Abstract Due to the increasing array of sales technology, salespeople must understand how each application assists them. This study examines how business-to-business salespeople use different forms of sales technology to meet their boundary-spanning roles. Our research draws from social exchange theory and task-technology fit theory to test a model that examines how salespeople use CRM and social media technologies differentially to support competitive information collection, product information communication, and buyer information sharing. Dyadic data from industrial buyers and sellers is used to analyze the technology-behavior relationships. Our study\u27s results reveal social media use and CRM technology both positively influence buyer-seller information exchanges; however, each technology takes a distinct route to enable the information exchange between the buyer and the seller. The results also suggest that managers need to champion the use of both technology applications to their salesforce

    Relationship of certain abiotic factors and the incidence of gram pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera (HUBNER) in chickpea at Pantnagar

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    India is the largest producer and consumer of pulses accounting for almost 33% of world area. The chickpea marked a significant increase in area (9.96 million ha) for the year 2013-14 which is highest in last 10 years. Similarly, the chickpea production (9.92 million tonnes) also surpassed record with in the history of India since last 50 years (Anonymous, 2014). Helicoverpa armigera is a conundrum and one of the most dominant insect pests in agriculture, accounting for half of the total insecticides usage in India for protection of crops. The problem of this pest is magnified due to its direct attack on fruiting structures, voracious feeding habits, high mobility and fecundity, multivoltine nature, overlapping generations, nocturnal behaviour etc., (Sarode, 1999). At the same time adequate ecological data is prerequisite for integrated pest management, which can therefore be enhanced after determining the seasonal abundance (Mathur et al., 2003). There are many environmental factors which influence the insect pest populations (Lode and Sharma, 1993). Among them abiotic factors play a vital role in multiplication and distribution of insect pests. The knowledge on the seasonal incidence of gram pod borer will certainly found to be helpful in formulating the insect pest management strategies for Helicoverpa armigera at Pantnagar condition. Therefore, an attempt has been made to work out the effect of different abiotic factors on the seasonal incidence of pod borer, H. armigera in chickpea..

    Relationship of abiotic factors and the copiousness of larval parasitoid, Campoletis chlorideae on pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera under sole and chickpea-coriander ecosystem at Pantnagar, Uttarakhand

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    The pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera is a conundrum pest of chickpea in Uttarakhand, India. One of the best ways to overcome the attack of this pest is to destroy its initial stage of the life cycle by larval endo parasitoid Campoletis chlorideae. The seasonal incidence and simple statistical tool were used for studying the relationship between percent parasitization and weather parameters in sole and chickpea‐coriander intercropping systems. The results revealed that in both cropping systems higher parasitism were recorded on 11th Standard Week (March) in both consecutive years. In sole crop, parasitism of 76.67% and 60.67%; and in intercropping system higher parasitism were recorded with 90%; 80% for respective years. A correlation with abiotic factors revealed a non-significant positive correlation with maximum temperature, evening relative humidity (RH), rain fall and sunshine hours. There was negative correlation observed with minimum temperature and morning RH in respective years under sole crop. In case of intercropping system, the result elucidated that a significant positive correlation was observed with evening RH and rainfall (r= 0.951*; r= 0.900* and r= 0.926*; r= 0.931*) in respective years under intercropping system

    Screening for host plant resistance to Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) in chickpea using novel techniques

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    Insights of antibiosis resistance in various chickpea cultivars against pod borer Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) under laboratory condtions. The present study was carried out in order to investigate the level of resistance against H. armigera on different cultivars by adopting detach leaf and pod assay. In leaf detach assay, pooled mean of 2012 and 2013, significantly lower and maximum weight gain and percent gain recorded was 101.9 mg (88.5%); 382.3mg (317.4%), respectively for ICCV 097105 and ICCV 07306. During podding stage, lowest pod damage (%) was recorded 55 % (ICCV 92944) and highest pod damage recorded by ICC 3137, LL 550 and ICCV07306 (95 %).Highest pupal weight of one day old pupae was recorded on LL 550 (405.2 mg) and lower pupal weight in ICCV 097105 (202.4 mg). The present result gave clue for future in depth studies on weeds for developing either specific pheromone compound or repellant compound for the ecofriendly management of H. armigera

    Supraclavicularis proprius muscle associated with supraclavicular nerve entrapment

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    Entrapment neuropathy of the supraclavicular nerve is rare and, when it occurs, is usually attributable to branching of the nerve into narrow bony clavicular canals. We describe another mechanism for entrapment of this nerve with the aberrant muscle; supraclavicularis being found during the routine dissection of an embalmed 82-year-old cadaver. Our report details a unique location for this rare muscular variation whereby the muscle fibres originated posteriorly on the medial aspect of the clavicle before forming a muscular arch over the supraclavicular nerve and passing laterally towards the trapezius and acromion. We recommend that in clinical instances of otherwise unexplained unilateral clavicular pain or tenderness, nerve compression from the supraclavicularis muscle must be borne in mind.