15 research outputs found

    Na pograniczu pamięci współczesnych – (nie)pamięć o przeszłości słowackich Węgrów w słowackiej literaturze XXI wieku

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    At the peripheries of memory: (Non-)memory about the past of Slovak Hungarians in twenty-first-century Slovak literature The aim of this article is to analyse the portrayal of Hungarians in the context of the Second World War in twenty-first-century Slovak literature on the example of the novels Stalo sa prveho septembra (alebo inokedy) (It happened on the first of September (or whenever)) by Pavol Rankov (2008) and Nedeľne šachy s Tisom (Sunday chess with Tiso) by Silvester Lavrík (2016). The article argues that the two novels demonstrate two types of forgetting described by Paul Connerton: “repressive erasure” and “forgetting that is constitutive in the formation of a new identity”. I analyse how these types of forgetting functioned in Slovak society, and conclude that the question of the Hungarian minority is becoming less of a taboo in contemporary Slovak literature, even if it still remains at the peripheries of Slovak memory about the Second World War.   Na pograniczu pamięci współczesnych – (nie)pamięć o przeszłości słowackich Węgrów w słowackiej literaturze XXI wieku Celem niniejszego artykułu jest udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytanie, jakie miejsce zajmuje pamięć o Węgrach w kontekście II wojny światowej w słowackiej literaturze XXI wieku na przykładzie powieści Stalo sa prveho septembra (alebo inokedy) Pavla Rankova (2008) oraz Nedeľne šachy s Tisom Silvestra Lavríka (2016). W wybranych przeze mnie powieściach można zaobserwować dwa typy zapomnienia wyróżnione przez Paula Connertona: „represyjne wymazywanie z pamięci” oraz „zapomnienie konstruktywne dla tworzenia nowej tożsamości”. Tym samym w tekstach widoczne są dwa główne sposoby zapomnienia o wydarzeniach II wojny światowej, które istniały w słowackim społeczeństwie. Wynikiem analizy jest stwierdzenie, że kwestia mniejszości węgierskiej we współczesnej literaturze słowackiej przestaje być kwestią tabu, chociaż nadal znajduje się na pograniczach słowackiej pamięci dotyczącej II wojny światowej

    Pulsar shadow as the origin of double notches in radio pulse profiles

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    We present the model of eclipsing a rotating, spatially extended source of directional emission by a central absorber, and apply it to the pulsar magnetosphere. The model assumes the radially extended inward radio emission along the local direction of the magnetic field, and the pulsar as the absorber. The geometry of the magnetic field lines of the rotating dipole is favourable for the double eclipse events, which we identify with the double notches observed in pulse profiles of nearby pulsars. For pulsars with large dipole inclinations 70 <~ alpha <~ 110 deg the double notches are predicted to occur within a narrow phase range of 20 to 30 deg before the main radio peak. Application of the model to PSR B0950+08 establishes it as a nearly orthogonal rotator (alpha =~ 75 deg, beta =~ -10 deg) with many pulse components naturally interpreted in terms of the inward radio emission from a large range of altitudes. The inward components include the intermittently strong, leading component of the main pulse, which would traditionally have been interpeted as a conal emission in the outward direction. The model also identifies the magnetic field lines along which the radially extended inward radio emission occurs in B0950+08. These have a narrow range of the footprint parameter s close to 1.1 (closed field line region, near the last open field lines). We describe directional characteristics of inward emission from the radially extended region and compare them with characteristics of extended outward emission. Our work shows that pulse profiles of at least some pulsars may be a superposition of both inward and outward emission.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figures, accepted by ApJ, high-quality figures are available from http://www.ncac.torun.pl/~michalf/inward1_figs

    Long-term Quasiperiodicity in LMXB 4U 1636–536

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    We present the results of the low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1636–536 study. We performed a temporal analysis of all available RXTE/All-Sky Monitor, RXTE/Proportional Counter Array, Swift/Burst Alert Telescope, and MAXI data collected until the middle of 2022. Within our analysis we confirmed the previously discovered quasiperiodicity of ≃45 days present during ∼2004, and we found that it continued until 2007. Moreover, we showed that similar periodicity also appeared in 2010 and 2011. At other epochs, the quasiperiodicity is only transient. We applied a time-dependent accretion disk model to the interval with the most significant X-ray quasiperiodicity. Although 4U 1636–536 is persistent, the observed quasiperiodicity can be well modeled by the hydrogen thermal-ionization instability occurring in the outer regions of the accretion disk. For our best model, the theoretical light curve’s period and amplitude agree well with those observed

    Astronomical polarisation from the infrared to gamma rays

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    This book serves as both a primer to astronomical polarimetry and an authoritative overview of its application to various types of astronomical objects from AGN, compact stars, binary systems, stars across the HR diagram, transients, the interstellar medium and solar system bodies. It starts with an historical perspective, a discussion of polarimetric theory, instrumentation and techniques in wave bands from the near infrared to gamma rays. The book presents the state of the art in astronomical polarimetry. It is motivated by the new X-ray polarimeters due to be launched in the next four years and improved optical polarimeters on large telescopes requiring a new analysis of polarimetric theory, methodology and results.This book will be suitable as advanced undergraduate companion text, a primer for graduate students and all researchers with an interest in astronomical polarimetry

    High-time-resolution Measurements of the Polarization of the Crab Pulsar at 1.38 GHz

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    Using the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope, we obtained high-time-resolution measurements of the full polarization of the Crab pulsar. At a resolution of 1/8192 of the 34 ms pulse period (i.e., 4.1 μs), the 1.38 GHz linear-polarization measurements are in general agreement with previous lower-time-resolution 1.4 GHz measurements of linear polarization in the main pulse (MP), in the interpulse (IP), and in the low-frequency component (LFC). We find the MP and IP to be linearly polarized at about 24% and 21% with no discernible difference in polarization position angle. However, contrary to theoretical expectations and measurements in the visible, we find no evidence for significant variation (sweep) in the polarization position angle over the MP, the IP, or the LFC. We discuss the implications, which appear to be in contradiction to theoretical expectations. We also detect weak circular polarization in the MP and IP, and strong (≈20%) circular polarization in the LFC, which also exhibits very strong (≈98%) linear polarization at a position angle of 40° from that of the MP or IP. The properties are consistent with the LFC, which is a low-altitude component, and the MP and IP, which are high-altitude caustic components. Current models for the MP and IP emission do not readily account for the absence of pronounced polarization changes across the pulse. We measure IP and LFC pulse phases relative to the MP consistent with recent measurements, which have shown that the phases of these pulse components are evolving with time

    Hematological parameters in the injured and the control horses.

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    <p>Mean ± standard deviation</p><p>WBC–white blood cell count, RBC–red blood cell count, HCT–packed cell volume, HGB–hemoglobin concentration</p><p>Hematological parameters in the injured and the control horses.</p

    Serum amyloid A concentration in different types of injuries and in healthy horses.

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    <p>Median (IQR; range)</p><p>* SAA concentration significantly higher than in the rest of groups (p<0.001)</p><p>Serum amyloid A concentration in different types of injuries and in healthy horses.</p