21 research outputs found

    Food neophobia - natural developmental stage or feeding difficulty? A study of children's behavior and parents' knowledge about children’s neophobic behaviors

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    Background: An increasing number of parents report problems with feeding their children to dieticians. Failure to expand the diet or sudden discontinuation of a variety of foods makes them increasingly worried about their child's monotonous diet and mealtime behavior The aim of this study was to assess parents' awareness of food neophobia and the attitudes and behaviors associated with it. Material and method: The study was carried out using a questionnaire-based indirect survey technique using a web form (CAWI). A total of 224 adults (parents of preschool children) participated in the study. The research tool was an anonymous survey questionnaire consisting of three parts. In the last part, a scale concerning neophobic behavior was used. The study group consisted mainly of mothers - 78.3% (n=159); fathers - 21.7% (n= 44). Results: In the study group, no child scored several points indicating a very high probability of neophobia. A high probability is possible in 28 children (13.79%), a possible predisposition to the occurrence of food neophobia exists in 66 children (32.51%), while 109 children (53.69%) do not present a predisposition to food neophobia. Conclusions: The study did not show children's behaviors reported by parents that could indicate a very high probability of food neophobia in their children. Moreover, the results of the questionnaire of neophobia scale indicate that this problem in the studied population concerns about 10% of the examined children

    Pregnant women's diets and fatty acid intake - a study of the frequency of intake of products that are sources of fatty acids among women in the third trimester of pregnancy

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    Background: Polyunsaturated fatty acids, essential for the human body, have several positive functions that affect human health. Pregnancy is a time of particular demand for these acids, especially DHA and EPA, whose sources are mainly oily marine fish. The supply of adequate amounts of these acids conditions the proper development of the fetus, influencing, among other things, the formation of the central nervous system and the development of the child's retina, as well as protecting against premature birth and increasing the child's birth weight. The aim of the study was to assess the frequency of consumption of fish, vegetable oils, and products rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and evaluate DHA supplementation by pregnant women, as well as to assess knowledge of PFAs, especially DHA and EPA.Material and methods: 210 pregnant women were included in the study. A self-administered and online survey questionnaires were used as the research tool. A database was created using Microsoft Excel.Results: According to the recommended amounts, 2-3 times a week, Marine fish was consumed by only 12.86% of the women surveyed. Regular consumption of ALA-rich products, such as flaxseed, was declared by 10 respondents, while 59.05% of the surveyed women did not consume it at all. The use of DHA acid supplementation during pregnancy was unequivocally declared by 58 women surveyed, representing only ÂĽ of the women surveyed.Conclusions: The dietary behavior of pregnant women related to fish consumption is not correct, the overall proportion of fish in the diet of the subjects does not cover the recommended amounts. Vegetable oils and products rich in PFAs are not consumed with adequate frequency by pregnant women. DHA supplementation by pregnant women, despite low fish consumption, is underestimated and at a very low level

    Complementary feeding with traditional and baby led weaning (BLW) methods - assessment of selected aspects of infant's diet

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    Background: Infant nutrition is a topic of constant debate between parents and doctors. The recommendations themselves have been modified several times over the past 6 decades. Baby Led Weaning (BLW) method is gaining more and more popularity in infant nutrition during the period of expanding the infant menu. The main aim of the study was to evaluate selected aspects of dietary expansion in a group of their children, taking into account dietary expansion with the use of the traditional method and the BLW method. Material and method: An exploratory cross-sectional study was conducted in December 2021-January 2022 among a randomly selected sample of 523 mothers of children in infancy aged up to 12 months. Data for the study were collected anonymously using the CAWI method. The information collected from 500 women was considered for the final data analysis taking into account the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: 66.6% of the women surveyed (N=333) stated that their child is or was fed breast milk during the first six months. The child's diet was most often expanded with complementary meals after 6 months of age. This answer was indicated by 58.8% of respondents (N=294). 85.6% of the surveyed women (N=428) first introduced or intend to introduce vegetables to their diet. 13% of the respondents (N=65) introduced or planned to introduce vegetables and fruit at the same time. In the studied group of mothers the BLW method was not known or not used by 7 mothers (1.4%), 343 mothers used or intended to use the BLW method (68.6%), whereas 150 women knew the BLW method (30.0%), but did not use it or did not intend to use it during the expansion of their child's diet. Conclusions: The majority of mothers surveyed used the BLW method during the expansion of their children's diet, accepting the principle that it is the child who decides whether and how much to eat, and the parent who decides what and when the child eats

    Nutritional knowledge of patients diagnosed with endocrinopathies

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    Background: Thyroid diseases including Hashimoto's chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis represent an increasing epidemiological problem of the 21st century. Thyroid disease is estimated to affect approximately 7.0-9.0 per cent of the population up to the age of 60 years, and as much as 10.0-12.0 per cent after the age of 60 years. Hashimoto's disease is much more common among women of childbearing age, but it is also increasingly common among children and adolescents. The number of reported cases of autoimmune thyroiditis is steadily increasing. The aim of this study was to assess the nutritional knowledge of female patients with Hashimoto's disease in selected closed online support groups for patients with thyroid disease.Materials and methods: A self-administered online survey questionnaire was used to conduct the study.Results: 321 women were enrolled in the study. The largest group of respondents, aged between 20 and 40 years, lived in cities with more than 100 000 inhabitants and had a university education. Hypothyroidism along with Hashimoto's disease was declared by the largest number of respondents. The respondents' main source of nutritional knowledge was the media; the level of knowledge was assessed as insufficient.Conclusions: There is a need to increase nutritional education among patients in order to reduce the incidence of disease complications, the development of other comorbidities and will allow for health-promoting effects during the pharmacotherapy process

    Lifestyle and the risk of acute coronary event: a retrospective study of patients after myocardial infarction

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    IntroductionUnhealthy lifestyle behaviours that may contribute to the development of disorders leading to MI include consuming foods with a high glycaemic load and excessive supply of saturated fats, especially trans fats. Limiting the consumption of simple and refined carbohydrates, such as sweets, sweet drinks, white bread, or white pasta, has a positive effect on the lipid profile by lowering the concentration of triglycerides. Eliminating simple sugars, especially fructose, prevents the deposition of visceral adipose tissue.Materials and methodsThe study included 116 patients of the Silesian Centre for Heart Diseases in Zabrze (SCCS; Poland), with their average age being 59.45 ± 11.54 years, staying in the SCCS due to MI, from March to November 2022. The comprehensive assessment of diet quality included 72 patients: 15 women and 57 men. The research tool was the KomPAN questionnaire for examining dietary views and habits, developed by the Committee on Human Nutrition Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences, evaluating the diet in the year preceding the study. The following three indicators were used to assess the diet quality: pro-Healthy Diet Index (pHDI), non-Healthy Diet Index (nHDI) and Diet Quality Index (DQI).ResultsMost patients ate white wheat bread several times a day (39.66% of patients, with a higher percentage in men than in women – 42.35% vs. 32.26%), and white rice, fine-ground groats and pasta once a week (40.52% of patients, including 41.17% of men and 38.71% of women). Legume seeds were predominantly eaten 1–3 times a month (51.73% of responses, with comparable percentages of men and women, i.e., 51.76% vs. 51.62%), vegetables several times a week (42.25% of responses, including more women than men, i.e., 54.84% vs. 37.64%), and fruit once a day (40.52% of responses, including more men than women: 45.89% vs. 25.81%).ConclusionThe results of our assessment of individual behaviours of the whole group may indicate errors in the diet. The value of the pro-Healthy Diet Index appears to confirm this fact, while the non-Healthy Diet Index and Diet Quality Index values do not clearly demonstrate its potential adverse impact on health. These limitations of our study may be due to differences in the size of the study population and the size of the population included in the comprehensive diet assessment. Therefore, it seems necessary to conduct further research

    What is the pro-inflammatory dietary model associated with?

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    Introduction. Cellular potential disruption leads to several polyplatoligias due to increased systemic inflammation, as a consequence of the visualized multivariate appearance. Objective. To highlight the relevance of the pathomechanism of oxidative stress and oxidative potential about changes in metabolic mechanisms at the cellular level, predisposing to polypatoligia and the development of destructive transformations visualized in outward appearance targeted by a pro-inflammatory nutritional model. Material and methods. A sample of 226 subjects was selected by random selection of respondents. The author's questionnaire concerned metric data, level of physical exercise, diagnosed disease entity, inflammatory changes within the body dermis, and level of frequency of consumption of selected food groups. The obtained results were verified by statistical analysis with a significance level of α <0.05. Results. The subject was characterized by a diagnosed multimorbidity at the level of (approximately 20%) about the individual clinical course of the respondent. The anthropometric parameter BMI without sex division (due to predominance of female subjects) among 55% of the whole group was within the normal range, constituting 24.4 kg/m2, showed a significant correlation directed at the pathomechanism of multimorbidity at the level of 78% in physical appearance. Conclusions. The pathomechanism of developing polyposis is significantly associated with the appearance of changes within the tissues translated into the shell system and anthropometric measurements related to the value of body mass index. Multivariable within the common coat is significantly dependent on the implemented phytotherapeutics - bioactive components derived from oregano, to obtain high antioxidant potential

    Legal and organizational aspects of the implementation of immunization in Poland after the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Introduction. Reducing the transmission of infectious diseases both among vaccinated individuals and the general population is only possible with the introduction of mandatory vaccination. The purpose of this article is to analyze the normative acts in force in the territory of the Republic of Poland, regulating mandatory and recommended immunizations. State of the art description. In Poland, immunization is mandatory and carried out in accordance with the Immunization Program for children and adolescents up to the age of 19, and persons particularly vulnerable to disease are published annually as a communiqué of the Chief Sanitary Inspector in the Official Journal of the Minister of Health. The issue of recommended immunizations is clarified by the Regulation of the Minister of Health of September 16, 2010, on the list of recommended immunizations and how to finance and document recommended immunizations required by international health regulations. According to Article 17(6) of the Law, vaccination may be performed by a doctor, feldsher, nurse, midwife, and school hygienist, as long as they have the appropriate qualifications. These qualifications are described in detail in the Ordinance of the Minister of Health of August 18, 2011, on mandatory immunization. According to Article 16 of the Law on Patient Rights and Patient Ombudsman, every patient has the right both to consent and to refuse certain health services. Conclusion. Immunization on the territory of the Republic of Poland is mandatory and is subject to legal regulation in the form of laws, regulations, and announcements, cited above. The exceptions are recommended vaccinations and COVID-19 vaccination, which are voluntary but are also legally normalized.&nbsp

    Dietary trends among Polish women in 2011–2022—cross-sectional study of food consumption frequency among women aged 20–50 in Silesia region, Poland

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    BackgroundWomen’s nutrition should be different from that of men. Women have lower energy requirements than men. And the need for certain vitamins and minerals is higher in women, this applies to iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin B9 (folic acid). This is related to hormonal changes including menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding and the onset of menopause. Through hormonal changes and the changing physiological state, women are at greater risk of anaemia, bone weakness and osteoporosis.The aim of the study was to assess changes in the dietary pattern among women from the Silesian Agglomeration in Poland between 2011 and 2022.Material and methodThe survey was conducted in 2011 (March–May 2011) and in 2022 (October–November 2022) among women living in the Silesian Agglomeration (Silesia region) in Poland aged 20–50. After consideration of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 745 women were included in the final analysis, including 437 women screened in 2011 and 308 women screened in 2022.The research tool used in this publication was a survey questionnaire consisting of 2 parts. The first part of the questionnaire consisted of demographic data. The second part of the study focused on the dietary habits of the women surveyed and the frequency of consumption of individual foods (FFQ).ResultsMore women in 2022 ate breakfast than in 2011 (77.6% vs. 63.8% p < 0.001), were more likely to eat breakfast I at home (73.1% vs. 62.5%; p < 0.001), were more likely to eat breakfast II (39.0% vs. 35.2%; p = 0.001), were more likely to eat breakfast II at home (28.6% vs. 19.2%; p = 0.002), and were more likely to eat lunch at work (16.6% vs. 3.4%; p < 0.001). Women in 2022 were more likely to consume fast-food (p = 0.001), salty snacks (chips, crisps) (p < 0.001) and sweets (p < 0.001). Women in 2022 were more likely to consume whole-grain bread (p < 0.001), wholemeal pasta (p < 0.001), brown rice (p < 0.001), oatmeal (p < 0.001), buckwheat groats (p = 0.06), and bran (p < 0.001) than women in 2011. They were less likely to consume white bread (p < 0.0001), light pasta (p = 0.004), white rice (p = 0.008) and cornflakes (p < 0.001) in 2022.Women in 2022 were significantly more likely to consume vegetables (p < 0.001) than women in 2011.ConclusionEating habits in Silesia region women changed between 2011 and 2022. In 2022, women were more likely to choose cereal products considered health-promoting and rich in dietary fiber (including whole-grain bread, whole-grain pasta, oatmeal, bran) were more likely to consume vegetables, dry pulses and vegetarian dinners, and consumed less meat, cured meats, fish and dairy products. Consumption of fast-food, salty snacks (such as chips) and sweets increased

    Nutrition as Prevention of Diet-Related Diseases—A Cross-Sectional Study among Children and Young Adults with Down Syndrome

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    Background: The aim of this study was to assess the diet of children with Down syndrome (DS) and to identify potential dietary mistakes made by their parents. Materials and methods: The study was conducted among 195 parents of people with DS between November 2020 and March 2021. Data for the study were collected anonymously using the CAWI method. Results: 122 (62.6%) people with DS did not eliminate any nutrient from their diet. By contrast, in the study group, the following numbers of people reported the following dietary restrictions: 51 (26.2%) gluten, 56 (28.7%) lactose, 17 (8.7%) casein, 26 (13.3%) sucrose, 2 (1.0%) histamine, 2 (1.0%) lectins, and 1 (0.5%) dairy. The most frequent response for vegetable and fruit consumption was once a day, with 83 (42.6%) and 87 (44.6%) parents indicating this. The most frequent response for dairy product consumption was every day, with 72 (36.9%) parents indicating this, while 36 (20%) parents stated that their children do not eat dairy products at all. In the study group, the most frequent response for meat consumption was several times a week, this was indicated by 107 (54.9%) parents, while 1 (0.5%) of them said that their children do not eat meat products at all. The most frequent response for fish consumption was 1–2 times a week, this answer was indicated by 101 (51.8%) parents, while 13 (6.7%) said that their children do not eat these products at all. Conclusions: A majority of the subjects with DS are usually fed in a normal way, but nutritional mistakes are made by the parents. Special attention should be paid to prolonging the period of natural feeding

    Dietary Therapy in Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)—Tradition or Modernity? A Review of the Latest Approaches to Nutrition in CVD

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    The development of cardiovascular diseases is undoubtedly influenced by improper dietary behavior. The most common mistakes include irregularity of meal consumption, high dietary atherogenicity: snacking on sweets between meals, low supply of dietary fiber, unsaturated fatty acids, legume seeds, and high supply of meat and meat products. Among many food components, some are characterized by a specific cardioprotective effect, which means that their supply of food may prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular disease or improve the health of the sick. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is one of the ingredients showing cardioprotective effects on the heart and blood vessels. Antioxidant and lipid profile-enhancing effects are also attributed to sitosterol which is one of the plant-derived sterols. A very important argument indicating the necessity of a varied diet rich in a variety of plant products is the beneficial effect of polyphenols, which are most abundant in multicolored vegetables and fruits. Numerous studies show their effectiveness in lowering blood pressure, improving lipid profile, and regeneration of vascular endothelium. The collected publications from the field of lifestyle medicine can be a source of knowledge for dieticians, physicians, and people associated with physical culture and human mental health to prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases and reduce the risk of death from this cause