11 research outputs found

    Lifestyle, an integrative concept: cross-disciplinary insights for low-carbon research

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    Lifestyle change is a fundamental component of transformative pathways to net-zero emissions. Despite the pervasive use of ‘lifestyle’ as a concept, there is lack of convergence on what constitutes lifestyle due to contrasting perspectives and approaches within and across disciplines. While there is a long tradition of lifestyle research in public health and in marketing, this does not currently inform low-carbon lifestyle research. We review a wide range of empirical and theoretical lifestyle studies using a directed thematic approach. Focusing on current knowledge within low-carbon lifestyles research, we draw insights from two contrasting research perspectives (health, marketing) to support and advance low-carbon research. We argue that ‘lifestyle’ is a unifying meta-concept comprised of three common integrating elements: behaviours, cognitions, and context. We find variation across research fields reflecting differing emphasis and differentiate integrative from domain-specific frameworks. Fragmented approaches in low-carbon research compartmentalise concepts within domains such that ‘lifestyle’ is aligned more closely in meaning to ‘behaviour’, accentuating inconsistencies. Lifestyle heterogeneity is characterised by clusters of cognitive and behavioural factors linked to broad social and material contexts. We identify drivers of lifestyle change, and argue lifestyle is not purely a matter of choice but shaped by contextual factors which lock-in unsustainable behaviours or facilitate sustainable behaviours. There are important implications for research and intervention. Lifestyle complexities demand a wider analytical lens incorporating cross-disciplinary datasets and integrative frameworks. Broadening cognitive and contextual dimensions would deepen understanding of lifestyle change. Comprehensive low-carbon lifestyle interventions should combine multiple strategies, at-risk groups, and opportunistic circumstance

    Potential impacts of climate change on international tourism

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    Global temperatures rose by over 0.5°C during the 20th century and current estimates suggest that they will continue to rise at between 0.2 and 0.3°C per decade during the course of the 21st century. This increasing trend towards warmer temperatures could have major consequences for the tourism industry, which is heavily dependent on present climatic and environmental conditions. The ecosystems of many international holiday destinations are potentially vulnerable to climate change. This paper reviews the potential impacts of climate change for ten international tourist destinations. The most serious impacts will result from the effects of sea-level rise on small island states. Other impacts likely to affect tourism include coral bleaching, outbreaks of fire, changed migration patterns of animals and birds, flooding, the spread of vector-borne diseases and shorter skiing seasons. Without appropriate adaptive measures, climate change could produce a shift in the comparative attractiveness of tourist destinations around the globe. </jats:p


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    The heterogeneous nature of the Mediterranean environment, combined with a wide diversity of socio-economic and cultural identities, make this region particularly amenable to integrated research on climate change impacts, vulnerabilities, and adaptive response. Eleven case-study locations have been strategically selected to represent three generic Mediterranean environments (urban, rural and coastal). While each case study location comprises a unique and complex set of climate-related issues, the range and scope of the case studies allows identification of common lessons and messages for the wider Mediterranean region. The aim is to perform an integrated assessment of climate impacts, vulnerability and adaptation at a regional to local scale. A risk-based \u2018bottom up\u2019 approach (based on regional stakeholder dialogue) is combined with a \u2018top down\u2019 case-study indicator assessment focused on a common conceptual and methodological framework

    Synthesis and the Assessment of Adaptation Measures,

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    The fi nal stage of the CIRCE case-studies integrated assessment involved identi fi cation and evaluation of the effectiveness of local and regional adaptation options in collaboration with stakeholders, and in the context of wider national adaptation policies and strategies. This stage provides a synthesis of both the casestudy work and the wider CIRCE project since it draws on the case-study indicators for present and future periods together with wider CIRCE work on adaptation options, particularly in the thematic areas of agriculture, forestry and ecosystems, and Mediterranean communities. This synthesis and evaluation links impacts and vulnerability with adaptation, and also bene fi ts strongly from the local stakeholder workshops held towards the end of the project. Lessons learnt and key messages from the CIRCE case studies are presented. While the objectives of the CIRCE case studies have generally been achieved, a number of research gaps and needs remain

    Integration of the Climate Impact Assessments with Future Projections ,in (A.Navarra and L.Tubiana eds), Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterran

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    Climate projections are essential in order to extend the case-study impacts and vulnerability assessments to encompass future climate change. Thus climatemodel based indicators for the future (to 2050 and for the A1B emissions scenario) are presented for the climate and atmosphere theme (including indices of temperature and precipitation extreme events), together with biogeophysical and socioeconomic indicators encompassing the other case-study themes. For the latter, the speci fi c examples presented here include peri-urban fi res, air pollution, human health risks, energy demand, alien marine species and tourism (attractiveness and socio-economic consequences). The primary source of information about future climate is the set of global and regional model simulations performed as part of CIRCE. These have the main novel characteristic of incorporating a realistic representation of the Mediterranean Sea including coupling between sea and atmosphere. These projections are inevitably subject to uncertainties relating to unpredictability, model structural uncertainty and value uncertainty. These uncertainties are addressed by taking a multi-model approach, but problems remain, for example, due to a systematic cold bias in the CIRCE models. In the context of the case-study integrated assessments, there are also uncertainties \u2018downstream\u2019 of climate modeling and the construction of climate change projections \u2013 largely relating to the modeling of impacts. In addition, there are uncertainties associated with all socio-economic projections used in the case studies \u2013 such as population projections. Thus there are uncertainties inherent to all stages of the integrated assessments and it is important to consider all these aspects in the context of adaptation decision making

    Climate Impact Assessments

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    This chapter highlights key climate impacts, hazards and vulnerabilities and associated indicators that have been used to assess current (recent) climate impacts at each of the case-study sites. The aim is to illustrate some of the wide range of information available from individual case studies and highlight common themes that are evident across multiple case-study locations. This is used to demonstrate linkages and sensitivities between the speci fi c climate impacts of relevance for each case-study type (urban, rural and coastal) and the key climate hazards and biogeophysical and social vulnerabilities representing the underlying drivers and site conditions. For some impacts, there are clear, direct links with climate events, such as heat stress and fl ooding, while for others, such as energy supply and demand, the causal relationships are more indirect, via a cascade of climate, social and economic in fl uences. Water availability and extreme temperatures are common drivers of current climate impacts across all case studies, including, for example, freshwater supply and heat stress for urban populations; irrigation capacity and growing season length for agricultural regions; and saltwater intrusion of aquifers and tourist visitor numbers at coastal locations. At some individual case-study locations, speci fi c impacts, hazards and/ or vulnerabilities are observed, such as peri-urban fires in Greater Athens, infrastructure vulnerability to coastal fl ooding in Alexandria, groundwater levels in Tel Hadya and vector-borne diseases in the Gulf of Oran. Throughout this chapter, evidence of current climate impacts, hazards and vulnerabilities from each of the case studies is detailed and assessed relative to other case studies. This provides a foundation for considering the wider perspective of the Mediterranean region as a whole, and for providing a context from which to assess consequences of future climate projections and consider suitable adaptation options