4 research outputs found

    Possible strategy for acute otitis media prevention: in vitro study of xylitol liberation in artificial saliva after application of varnishes in different concentrations

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a liberação de xilitol em saliva artificial ao longo do tempo após aplicação de verniz contendo 10% e 20% do açúcar. Para tal, 15 blocos de dentes bovinos foram divididos em três grupos (Grupo 1- recebeu verniz a 10%; Grupo 2 - recebeu verniz a 20% e Grupo 3 - recebeu verniz sem xilitol). Na seqüência, cada bloco foi imerso em tubo de microcentrífuga contendo 500 µL de saliva artificial. Foram coletadas e analisadas as amostras salivares em diferentes tempos após a aplicação do verniz (1h, 8h, 12h, 16h, 24h, 48h e 72h). Comparando-se os valores de concentração de xilitol em mg/L nos grupos G1 e G2, pode-se observar que houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos (ANOVA, F=32,68, p=0,0004) e tempos (ANOVA, F=2465,53, p=0,0000). Foi observada interação entre as variáveis grupo e tempo (ANOVA, F=1486,25, p=0,0000). Notou-se uma liberação significativamente maior no Grupo G2 nos tempos de 1 h (168,96 mg/L) e 8 h (164,22 mg/L), quando comparados com o Grupo G1 (1 h=63,42 mg/L e 8 h=69,52 mg/L), conforme detectado pelo teste de Tukey (p=0,0002). No entanto, nos tempos de 12 h, 16 h, 24 h, 48 h e 72 h, a liberação do açúcar foi significativamente maior no Grupo 1 (56,92 mg/L; 49,70 mg/L; 49,40 mg/L; 55,52 mg/L; 32,66 mg/L, respectivamente) em relação ao Grupo 2 (29,90 mg/L; 18,52 mg/L; 19,76 mg/L; 24,20 mg/L; 12,72 mg/L, respectivamente), conforme detectado pelo teste de Tukey (p=0,0002). Portanto, o verniz contendo 10% de xilitol liberou maiores concentrações do açúcar em períodos de tempo mais longos, denotando-se em uma liberação mais lenta e homogênea deste verniz.The aim of this study was to test xylitol release in artificial saliva along time after application of varnishes containing 10% and 20% xylitol. For this purpose, 15 block of bovine teeth were divided into three groups (Group 1-varnish 10%; Group 2-varnish 20%; Group 3-control). In sequence, each block was immersed in a microcentrifuge tube containing 500 µL of artificial saliva. Saliva samples were collected and analyzed for xylitol in different times after varnishes application (1h, 8h, 12h, 16h, 24h, 48h e 72h). Data were analyzed by 2-way ANOVA and Tukey?s test (p<0.05). An interaction between group and time was observed (ANOVA, F=1,486.25, p=0.0000). Xylitol release was significantly higher for Group G2 in times 1 h (168.96 mg/l) and 8 h (164.22 mg/l) when compared with Group G1 (1h=63.42 mg/l e 8h=69.52 mg/l). However, for the other periods, the sugar release was significantly higher in Group 1(56.92 mg/l; 49.70 mg/l; 49.40 mg/l; 55.52mg/l and 32.66 mg/l, respectively, for 12 h, 16 h, 24 h, 48 h and 72 h) when compared to Group G2 (29.90 mg/l; 18.52 mg/l; 19.76 mg/l; 24.20 mg/l and 12.72 mg/l, respectively). In conclusion, the varnish containing 10% xylitol released sugar more slowly and for longer periods, characterizing a more homogeneous release

    Literature review: use of xylitol for prevention of acute otitis media

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    Introduction: Xylitol is a sugar naturally found in various vegetables and fruits. Studies have demonstrated that the xylitol can be used as new preventive method for acute otitis media (AOM). Objective: To clarify the possible mechanisms of xylitol actions to inhibit the growth of otopathogenic bacteria and to describe researches that contribute for the discussion about the feasibility of the use of this sugar in the prevention of AOM. Method: Literature review based on scientific articles selected by means of the medical databases: MEDLINE, Cochrane, PubMed (MeSH) and Web of Science. Results: Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of xylitol to prevent the AOM, when it is administered five times a day in chewing gum. However, this sugar is not so effective in the prevention of AOM during upper airways infections. Final Comments: Xylitol seems to be an effective strategy in prevention of acute otitis media. However, new studies are necessary to establish ideal doses, frequencies and vehicles for the correct administration of the sugar, which allows for its utilization in the public health system