3 research outputs found

    Results of the experiment.

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    <p>RTs of Session 1 (epoch 1–4) and Session 2 (epoch 5) for ASD (A), IQ-matched (B) and AGE-matched (C) control groups. The RT differences between the high (open squares) and low frequency (filled squares) triplets indicate sequence-specific learning, whereas the decrease of reaction time (regardless of triplet type) indicates general skill learning. In Session 1 all groups showed significant sequence-specific and general skill learning. D) Offline changes of sequence-specific knowledge for all groups. The sequence learning effect (SLE) is the RT on low frequency minus RT on high frequency trials; this effect on the last epoch of Session 1 (Epoch 4) does not differ significantly from that of the first epoch of Session 2 (Epoch 5). E) Offline changes of general skill for all groups; there was no difference in overall RT between Epoch 4 and 5 for any group. Error bars indicate SEM.</p

    General data of participants.

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    <p>The IQ-matched control group was significantly younger than the other two groups; and the mean IQ of the AGE-matched control group was the highest (* - p<0.05). The right-most column shows the number of participants in each group who showed significant sequence learning (determined by greater than zero RT difference in high minus low frequency triplets in the last epoch of Session 1).</p

    Experiment design.

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    <p>There were two sessions in the experiment: a Learning Phase (Session 1) followed by a Testing Phase (Session 2) after a 16-hour delay.</p