8 research outputs found

    Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a community-based hypertension improvement project in Ghana: a qualitative study of ComHIP.

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    BACKGROUND: Globally, hypertension is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease and mortality, with the majority of deaths occurring in low- and middle-income countries. Because the burden of hypertension is increasing in low resource settings with restricted infrastructure, it is imperative that new models for hypertension care are realised. One such model is the Community-based Hypertension Improvement Project (ComHIP) which employs a community-based method of task-shifting for managing hypertension. This study is a qualitative analysis of the barriers and facilitators of the main components of ComHIP. METHODS: We purposively selected 55 informants for semi-structured interviews or focus group discussions, which were carried out bythree trained local researchers in Krobo, Twi or English. Informants included patients enrolled in ComHIP, health care providers and Licensed Chemical Sellers trained by ComHIP, and Ghana Health Service employees. Data were analysed using a multi-step thematic analysis. RESULTS: While results of the effectiveness of the intervention are pending, overall, patients and nurses reported positive experiences within ComHIP, and found that it helped enable them to manage their hypertension. Healthcare providers appreciated the additional training, but had some gaps in their knowledge. Ghana Health Service employees were cautiously optimistic about the programme, but expressed some worries about the sustainability of the programme. Many informants expressed concerns over the inability of community nurses and workers to dispense anti-hypertensives, due to legal restrictions. CONCLUSIONS: The WHO recommends task-sharing as a technique for managing chronic conditions such as hypertension in resource constrained settings. ComHIP presents an example of a task-sharing programme with a high level of acceptability to all participants. Going forward, we recommend greater levels of communication and dialogue to allow community-based health workers to be allowed to dispense anti-hypertensives

    Health system challenges to hypertension and related non-communicable diseases prevention and treatment: perspectives from Ghanaian stakeholders.

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    BACKGROUND: Hypertension, itself a cardiovascular condition, is a significant risk factor for other cardiovascular diseases. Hypertension is recognized as a major public health challenge in Ghana. Beginning in 2014, a collaborative team launched the community-based hypertension improvement program (ComHIP) in one health district in Ghana. The ComHIP project, a public-private partnership, tests a community-based model that engages the private sector and utilizes information and communication technology (ICT) to control hypertension. This paper, focuses on the various challenges associated with managing hypertension in Ghana, as reported by ComHIP stakeholders. METHODS: A total of 55 informants - comprising patients, health care professionals, licensed chemical sellers (LCS), national and sub-national policymakers - were purposively selected for interview and focus group discussions (FGDs). Interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Where applicable, transcriptions were translated directly from local language to English. The data were then analysed using two-step thematic analysis. The protocol was approved by the two ethics review committees based in Ghana and the third, based in the United Kingdom. All participants were interviewed after giving informed consent. RESULTS: Our data have implications for the on-going implementation of ComHIP, especially the importance of policy maker buy-in, and the benefits, as well as drawbacks, of the program to different stakeholders. While our data show that the ComHIP initiative is acceptable to patients and healthcare providers - increasing providers' knowledge on hypertension and patients' awareness of same- there were implementation challenges identified by both patients and providers. Policy level challenges relate to task-sharing bottlenecks, which precluded nurses from prescribing or dispensing antihypertensives, and LCS from stocking same. Medication adherence and the phenomenon of medical pluralism in Ghana were identified challenges. The perspectives from the national level stakeholders enable elucidation of whole of health system challenges to ComHIP and similarly designed programmes. CONCLUSIONS: This paper sheds important light on the patient/individual, and system level challenges to hypertension and related non-communicable disease prevention and treatment in Ghana. The data show that although the ComHIP initiative is acceptable to patients and healthcare providers, policy level task-sharing bottlenecks preclude optimal implementation of ComHIP

    Beliefs about children and the psychosocial implications of infertility on individuals seeking assisted fertilization in Ghana

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    Infertility presents challenges to individuals and couples, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. This study aimed to document beliefs about childbearing/children and the psychosocial implications of infertility in individuals seeking assisted fertilization in the Ghanaian context. The study had an exploratory descriptive qualitative design. Six males and 12 females were recruited purposefully from five private fertility centres in the Greater Accra Region. Face-to-face interviews were performed. In Ghanaian society, couples and individuals with infertility who are seeking assisted fertilization consider having biological children to be important. The quest to have children was broadly centred on the associated benefits of being a parent, including societal recognition, the role of family inheritance, and support. The inability of participants to have biological children was found to have a negative effect on their psychological and social well-being. Anxiety, worry, hopelessness, stigma and suicidal ideations were some of the effects identified. It is recommended that those seeking assisted fertilization should be supported through counselling to minimize the potential negative effects of childlessness

    Ways of coping among women with infertility undergoing assisted reproductive technologies in Ghana

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    Introduction: infertility remains a public health challenge, especially among women in low- and middle-income countries. Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) provide effective remedies to infertility problems. Despite the use of these technologies in many countries, not much empirical studies have examined the coping strategies infertile women accessing ART adopt. We sought to explore various coping mechanisms used by women with infertility. Methods: a cross-sectional survey was conducted in five selected fertility centers in Accra. Overall, 150 women undergoing ARTs were consecutively sampled. The ways of coping questionnaire was used. Chi-square test and binary logistic regression model were used in testing for association between sociodemographic characteristics of women receiving ART and the use of coping strategies at 5% significance level. Results: the mean age of the respondents was 38.2 ± 6.1 years with 56% having completed tertiary education and 40% had been experiencing infertility for less than five years. All 46.7% of the respondents were in phase two of the treatment process. The most widely used coping strategy was positive reappraisal, with confrontational being the least form of coping strategy used. Age and educational level significantly associated with problem solving and positive reappraisal, respectively. Conclusion: the study concludes that women use various coping strategies whiles seeking ARTs. Women who were advanced in age and had attained higher level of education coped better whiles seeking ARTs. Those who had experienced infertility for a long period were able to cope through avoidance of difficulty situations and accepting the reality of the challenges. It can therefore be recommended that the coping strategy used among different subgroups of individuals that are seeking ARTs needs to be identified and women educated on whiles seeking ARTs

    Parents’ Experiences and Sexual Topics Discussed with Adolescents in the Accra Metropolis, Ghana: A Qualitative Study

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    Background. Traditionally, discussion about sexuality is subdued in proverbs and is earmarked for adults. However, adolescents also need information about their sexuality to make informed choices regarding sexual behaviours. This study, therefore, seeks to explore the experiences of parents discussing sexuality topics with adolescents in the Accra Metropolis, Ghana. Methods. This was a qualitative study that used focus group discussions (FGDs) and in-depth interviews (IDIs) to assess parents’ experiences in discussing sexuality topics with adolescents. The FGDs, consisting of 8-12 parents each, were conducted for one “all fathers”, then another “all mothers”, and finally “fathers and mothers” groups. Parents who were not part of the FGDs were engaged in IDIs. The data was transcribed and analyzed manually. Results. Most of the parent-adolescent sexual discussions were based on physical changes, personal hygiene, abstinence, abortion, and saying “no” to forced sex. Parents discussed sexuality issues with adolescents to prevent them from premarital sex, pregnancy, and sexually transmitted infections. Parents sourced their knowledge about sexuality from books, television, radio, and personal experiences. Parents always seize opportunities such as television scenes to discuss sexual topics with their children. Although some parents expressed some level of comfort discussing sexual topics with adolescents, many still had difficulties explaining some terminologies related to sex. Preferentially, parents were protective of their girls than the boys when discussing issues on sexuality. Most parents received no sexuality education from their parents but a few reminisced precautionary advices on sex. Parents believed training on sexuality issues will help them to better discuss sexual topics with adolescents. Conclusions. Ghanaian parents preferentially discuss sex with their daughters as a protective tool against irresponsible sexual behaviours. Parents still have challenges discussing adolescent sexuality topics; hence equipping parents to effectively discuss such sensitive topics will improve adolescent reproductive health and sexual behaviour