76 research outputs found

    Quartier 4: Impulse für eine bedürfnisgerechte Quartiersgestaltung

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    Von Quartieren kann und muss Wandel ausgehen, denn hier lässt sich das System Stadt von seiner kleinsten Einheit heraus transformieren. Die Autor*innen nehmen die Bedürfnisse des Menschen zum Ausgangspunkt und fragen danach, wie Wohnen, Freiraum, Bildung, Pflege, Mobilität und Versorgung auf Quartiersebene bestmöglich erfüllt werden können. Das Ergebnis ist eine Planungshilfe für Neubauquartiere bis hin zu Quartieren, die eingeschlafen sind und einen sanften Generationenwechsel benötigen. Ein umfangreiches Repertoire an Instrumenten bietet die Möglichkeit, Angebote und Services den Herausforderungen und Ressourcen im Quartier entsprechend zu koppeln, um eine sozialräumliche Entwicklung in Gang zu setzen

    Proteomic Analysis of Tardigrades: Towards a Better Understanding of Molecular Mechanisms by Anhydrobiotic Organisms

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    BACKGROUND: Tardigrades are small, multicellular invertebrates which are able to survive times of unfavourable environmental conditions using their well-known capability to undergo cryptobiosis at any stage of their life cycle. Milnesium tardigradum has become a powerful model system for the analysis of cryptobiosis. While some genetic information is already available for Milnesium tardigradum the proteome is still to be discovered. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we present to the best of our knowledge the first comprehensive study of Milnesium tardigradum on the protein level. To establish a proteome reference map we developed optimized protocols for protein extraction from tardigrades in the active state and for separation of proteins by high resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Since only limited sequence information of M. tardigradum on the genome and gene expression level is available to date in public databases we initiated in parallel a tardigrade EST sequencing project to allow for protein identification by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. 271 out of 606 analyzed protein spots could be identified by searching against the publicly available NCBInr database as well as our newly established tardigrade protein database corresponding to 144 unique proteins. Another 150 spots could be identified in the tardigrade clustered EST database corresponding to 36 unique contigs and ESTs. Proteins with annotated function were further categorized in more detail by their molecular function, biological process and cellular component. For the proteins of unknown function more information could be obtained by performing a protein domain annotation analysis. Our results include proteins like protein member of different heat shock protein families and LEA group 3, which might play important roles in surviving extreme conditions. CONCLUSIONS: The proteome reference map of Milnesium tardigradum provides the basis for further studies in order to identify and characterize the biochemical mechanisms of tolerance to extreme desiccation. The optimized proteomics workflow will enable application of sensitive quantification techniques to detect differences in protein expression, which are characteristic of the active and anhydrobiotic states of tardigrades

    Figurationen des Porträts

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    Mit dem Fokus auf Figurationen des Porträts wird ein Spannungsfeld kulturellen Wissens eröffnet, anhand dessen sich der historische Bezugsraum von Artefakten diskutieren lässt. Porträt meint also nicht (nur) die kunsthistorische Gattung, sondern ein Wahrnehmungsmodell, das sich zwischen einmaliger Ausprägung und der Wiedererkennbarkeit der Form entfaltet. Die Studien zielen in einem Bogen vom frühesten (Herrscher-) Porträt aus dem Alten Mesopotamien bis in die Gegenwartskunst hinein auf historisch variable Formen, individuelles Leben als besonders darzustellen. Neben genuin bild- und skulpturorientierten Beiträgen von antiken Centauren-Porträts und Statuenbasen im kaiserzeitlichen Sagalassos über die ›Antike der Fotografie‹ bis hin zu Schwitters’ Merzbild 9b und Twomblys Selbstbildnissen behandeln textorientierte Beiträge Fragen der Lesbarkeit von Porträts, etwa in apokryphen Paulus-Texten, an der Schnittstelle von biographischem Porträt und byzantinischer Philosophie oder anhand von Poes Oval Portrait. Ein eigener Fokus gilt den kulturellen Praktiken der Bedeutungsstiftung, von Stalins Herrscherbildnissen bis hin zur anthropologischen Funktion beispielsweise von Masken

    Mehrwert von Gestaltungsbeiräten

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    A comparative study of carbon pools and sequestration in forests of the northern German lowlands

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    The historic large-scale forest conversion in the northern German lowlands resulted in a man-made dominance of Scots pine, in a landscape that would naturally be dominated by forests of European beech. Since drawbacks of pure pine forests such as their susceptibility to calamities have become clear, re-conversion to mixed and broadleaf stands has been promoted. Consequently, the share of pine is progressively declining in German forests. Nevertheless, planting pine is still a popular option from a silvicultural perspective, due to its rapid growth especially at young age, its ability to grow on nutrient-poor and dry sites, and the high demand for its wood. In the face of accelerating climate change, the ability of forests to store and sequester carbon (C) has become a focus in science, politics and forestry. The aboveground biomass represents the largest biomass fraction in the forest and can be modulated directly through management. Fine roots represent only a few percent of the tree´s biomass, but due to their fast turnover as well as through root exudation to the surrounding soil, they are the main source for soil organic carbon. The presented study therefore compared the C pools and sequestration in the above- and belowground (fine root) biomass in naturally developing, mostly European beech forests (ND) and regularly thinned Scots pine forests (YP), respectively representing the dominant natural and the dominant current forest type of the northern German lowlands. Aboveground biomass C stocks were further determined in pine forests in transition to (mixed) broadleaf stands (OP). The study was conducted in a network of 48 forests at 16 sites, distributed throughout the northern German lowlands, covering a climate continentality gradient from west to east. Aboveground biomass calculations were based on stand structural data and species-specific allometric regressions (live trees, saplings) or volume calculations and species-specific wood density (deadwood). Aboveground net primary production (ANPP) was measured in three consecutive years using permanently attached dendrometer tapes for wood increment, and litter traps for litter production. Two repetitive fine root inventories were conducted, measuring fine root bio- and necromass in the organic layer and the top 20 cm of the mineral soil. Fine root productivity was determined with the ingrowth-core approach in 0–20 cm soil depth, including the organic layer. Above- and belowground biomass C stocks were significantly higher in beech than in pine forests. A linear mixed-effects model revealed that the tree species was the most important factor in explaining aboveground biomass C stocks. Variation in stand age, with a range of roughly 100 years for both species, was surprisingly not influential. ANPP was higher in beech than in pine forests as well, which was mostly a result of higher litter production, while wood production was similar in the two forest types. Fine root productivity was also higher in beech than in pine forests, but the difference was only significant in 10–20 cm depth. The naturally dominant European beech forests thus have a considerably higher climate change mitigation potential than the Scots pine forests replacing them, although the high share of beech wood used for the production of bioenergy impairs their potential. By estimating the extent of forest conversion in the northern German lowlands, the significant loss in the C storage and sequestration potential on the landscape-scale was demonstrated. The climatic gradient of the region had only little influence in this study, but performances of beech and pine under future climatic conditions will certainly affect the functioning of the investigated forests. Evidence exists that both tree species will suffer from climate change in the study region, especially from more frequent climatic extremes. In combination with additional negative effects of pine on groundwater recharge, microclimate and soil acidity, the results of this study strongly suggest that Scots pine is not a suitable option in a silviculture focusing on the mitigation of, and the resilience against climate change.2022-06-1

    Planung und Ahnung

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    Metropolises in the Twittersphere: An Informetric Investigation of Informational Flows and Networks

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    Information flows on social media platforms are able to show trends and user interests as well as connections between users. In this paper, we present a method how to analyze city related networks on the social media platform Twitter based on the user content. Forty million tweets have been downloaded via Twitter’s REST API (application programming interface) and Twitter’s Streaming API. The investigation focuses on two aspects: firstly, trend detection has been done to analyze 31 informational world cities, according the user activity, popularity of shared websites and topics defined by hashtags. Secondly, a hint of how connected informational cities are to each other is given by creating a clustered network based on the number of connections between different city pairs. Tokyo, New York City, London and Paris clearly lead the ranking of the most active cities if compared by the total number of tweets. The investigation shows that Twitter is very frequently used to share content from other services like Instagram or YouTube. The most popular topics in tweets reveal great differences between the cities. In conclusion, the investigation shows that social media services like Twitter also can be a mirror of the society they are used in and bring to light information flows of connected cities in a global network. The presented method can be applied in further research to analyze information flows regarding specific topics and/or geographical locations
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