9 research outputs found

    The Relations between Investment in Employees\u27 Development and Organizational Productivity and Service Quality

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    Human resource management (HRM) is directed to managing human potentials of a company in order to achieve organizational goals, and at the same time, goals of employees. One of the very important part of this process is training and development, as a group of activities aimed at improving employees knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA), in order to be more successful in job, but also with the aim of creating a base for further development of an organization as a whole. The main aim of the research was to explore the effects of investment in employees\u27 development, measured by number of training days and percentage of operating costs invested in development and training, on the level of organizational productivity and service quality. The subject of the research is the relationship between two main indicators of employees\u27 development program, and organizational level productivity and service quality. The methodology used in the research obtained the application of two-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) on the data from 160 companies from one Southeast European country, gathered during 2015 and 2016. The results indicated that there is an interaction effect between training costs and number of training days on the combined dependent variables, productivity and service quality in the observed organizations

    The impact of corporate social responsibility on the financial performance in the Republic of Serbia

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    Under conditions of globalization and increasing market integration, competitiveness is a prerequisite for survival in the global market. The goal is not only to achieve a competitive advantage but to make it sustainable. The most stable and long-term source is reflected in business innovation. Innovative activities encourage companies' development and influence the preservation of market position as well as the company's profitability. The effects of applying the CSR concept can positively influence a company's financial performance. The authors of this paper investigate whether there is a connection between the concept of corporate social responsibility and financial performance in the Republic of Serbia. The paper presents the results of research conducted in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The research covers 165 large companies during the period November 2019 - August 2021. The data were processed using the Smart PLS program. The research results show that the application of the CSR concept has a positive effect on the financial performance of large companies in the Republic of Serbia

    Sad, Technical faculty "Mihajlo Pupin

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    The function very close to the training in the management of human resources is certainly the human resource development. Specifically, the employees acquire new knowledge, abilities and skills during the training process, but also gain new experiences through various business tasks during their working life, developing themselves both, in private life and in the professional sense. Human resource development is seen as the development of the expertise of people through organizational development and training of employees in order of improvement of the performances. In this paper authors explored the practice of carrier development in European countries. Research was based on data from international project, CRANET, in the period from 2008 to 2010. The authors presented data about the usage of techniques for evaluation of career development and investigated obtained results


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    In the turbulent business environment of today, the competitiveness of all organizations is primarily based on intangible resources. Due to global competition, the permanent actualization of employee competencies is imperative for the long-term survival of organizations. The higher education system bears a special responsibility in this process, as it provides an upgrade for the development of the previously obtained competencies of future employees. Higher education is the system focused on dual core functions of knowledge creation and knowledge transmission through the processes of research and teaching (Houston et al, 2006, 17). To ensure high-level competences in future employees, it is crucial for the higher education system (teaching staff) to provide students with the latest knowledge in their field. The job satisfaction of academic staff is reflected in the quality of teaching and communicating with students (Runhaar, 2017, 646-647). The aim of this paper is to determine the level of general and partial satisfaction of teaching staff at the institutions of higher education in the Republic of Serbia. The method implemented for determining the level of satisfaction, was Spector’s Job Satisfaction Survey – JSS (Spector, 1985), in the form of an on-line questionnaire. The pilot research was conducted in December 2018 and January 2019. The sample consists of 58 respondents - teachers from higher educational institutions in the Republic of Serbia. The results of general job satisfaction survey indicate that teachers are generally ambivalently satisfied with their job, they are neither satisfied, nor dissatisfied. The results of partial satisfaction show that teaching staff is most satisfied with the nature of their job.U današnjem turbulentnom poslovnom okruženju konkurentnost organizacija prevashodno je bazirana na nematerijalnim resursima. Kako je konkurencija sve snažnija, stalna aktualizacija kompetencija zaposlenih nameće se kao imperativ dugoročnog opstanka organizacije. Posebnu odgovornost u tom procesu zauzima visokoškolsko obrazovanje, koje obezbeđuje nadogradnju i pruža dalji razvoj prethodno stečenih kompetencija budućih zaposlenih. Visoko obrazovanje je sistem u kojem se stvaraju i prenose znanja kroz proces istraživanja i odvijanja nastave. (Houston et al, 2006, 17) Predavači imaju ključnu ulogu u razvoju kompetencija polaznika. Sadržaj i metode obuke određuju rezultate procesa obuke, odnosno novostečeno znanje, sposobnosti i osećanja polaznika.  Kvalitet nastave u velikoj meri zavisi i od zadovoljstva nastavnog kadra. (Runhaar, 2017, 646-647) Cilj rada je utvrditi nivo opšteg i parcijalnog zadovoljstva nastavnog kadra u visokoškolskim ustanovama u Republici Srbiji. Kao metod utvrđivanja nivoa zadovoljstva korišćen je Spektorov Job Satisfaction Survey  upitnik (Spector, 1985), koji je postavljen kao on-line upitnik. Istraživanje je sprovedeno tokom decembra 2018-te i januara 2019-te godine. Uzorak predstavlja 58 ispitanika, zaposlenih u nastavi na visokoškolskim ustanovama u Republici Srbiji. Rezultati opšteg nivoa zadovoljstva ukazuju na ambivalentnost zadovoljstva poslom nastavnog osoblja. Posmatrajući parcijalne nivoe zadovoljstva, nastavno osoblje je najzadovoljnije prirodom posla

    Is there Something as an Ex-Yugoslavian HRM Model? – Sticking to the Socialist Heritage or Converging With Neoliberal Practices

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    The question of this paper is whether there is an ex-Yugoslavia HRM model drawing upon Western imported features fused with ethno open-socialistic and self-management elements? In the empirical part Cranet data for 341 companies from Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia are analysed. Main characteristics of HRM systems in ex-Yugoslavia are: the HRM strategic partner role is still neglected, the mind-set of taking care for everybody is omnipresent, the value of performance management is not fully entrusted, the full-time employment still predominates, and the trade unions retained their barging power. Although 30 indicators revealed specifics of ex-Yugoslavia HRM model, the theorized hybrid HRM system was not disclosed

    Efekti strategije smanjenja na percipirani kvalitet usluga

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    In the context of a very turbulent environment where various challenges are more and more present, companies often apply different strategies in order to harmonize their business with new and often unfavorable conditions. One of the possible strategies of companies is the downsizing strategy. Downsizing, as an organizational strategy, usually involves a reorganization that can be implemented in different ways, but in which the resulting outcome often causes a reduced number of employees. Research around the world has highlighted the various effects of this strategy on the performance of organizations. On the one hand, cost are reduced as it strives to increase profitability and productivity. On the other hand, various problems often arise in the form of attitudes and behavior of employees, reflected in the changed quality of service that is provided, employee satisfaction, their loyalty and willingness to leave the company. The aim of this paper is to explore the relation between the application of different approaches to the downsizing strategy in organizations and the perceived service quality. The survey was carried out on a sample of 160 companies in Serbia, based on the data collected during the Cranet project, from 2015 to 2016. The methodology used during the research included research of the available literature and results of previous studies, as well as the application of statistical techniques for data analysis, factor analysis, Spearman’s correlation and hierarchical linear regression. The results of the research indicate that there is a negative link between the observed variables, that is, the implementation of the downsizing in certain forms is associated with a lower level of the perceived quality of service

    A Survey on Relationship between Leadership Styles and Leadership Outcomes in the Banking Sector in Serbia

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore leadership styles and relationships between the dominant leadership style and the outcomes that are related to leadership. The research methodology incorporates an analytical investigation of the available literature in the area of leadership, as well as a statistical analysis of the data collected during the empirical research. The empirical research is focusing on the leadership styles in the banking sector of Serbia, on a sample of 140 managers, using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ). The hierarchical regression model was used to explore the relations between leadership styles and outcomes. The results of the research pointed-out that there are positive statistically significant relations between the transformational and transactional leadership styles and the analyzed outcomes (satisfaction with the leader, extra efforts, and efficiency). In most of Serbian banks the dominant leadership style is transformational style