7 research outputs found

    Exploration of Higher-Order Quantum Interference Landscapes

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    Earth, Moon and Sun unite when they star together in the three-body problem, whose intricate plot still baffles us today. For some reason, the factorization of the two-body problem into two one-body problems does not, in general, cross the N=2 border. Is computational irreducibility responsible for this emergence of complexity, as Stephen Wolfram likes to think? We don't know. The introduction to this thesis in Chapter 1, however, makes it clear that the history of science is marked by intermittent encounters of sudden complexities when the number 2 is left behind. In Chapter 2, I present an experiment that is quite similar in spirit, for my colleagues and I observe three-photon interference without two-photon and single-photon interference. We had to overcome significant experimental challenges that are typical for most quantum interference experiments involving more than two photons. Next in line is the three-slit interference experiment. Again a deceptively simple extension of the famous double-slit experiment, we are faced with questions that are difficult to access experimentally: the existence of genuine three-slit interference was first denied and then affirmed, though no experiment has decided yet. My contribution to the study of this problem is outlined in Chapter 3, where I use symmetry of measurement settings in such interference experiments to theoretically derive higher-order interference terms. In Chapter 4, I take a step back in one sense, for we study a two-photon phenomenon, but we also leap forward and discover entirely new interference landscapes. Theoretically and experimentally, I demonstrate how to use a polarization-modulated lasers to go beyond the standard Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) dip, and generate both triangular and square wave HOM interference patterns. Two-photon interference is also subject of Chapter 5, but with an interesting twist. While laser HOM interference relies on two independent photons, here we endow the pair with the strongest known correlations, namely entanglement. More specifically, we entangle a polarization and a time-bin qubit and use this hybrid to assess the viability of a rather special interferometer for quantum communication purposes

    Observation of genuine three-photon interference

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    Multiparticle quantum interference is critical for our understanding and exploitation of quantum information, and for fundamental tests of quantum mechanics. A remarkable example of multi-partite correlations is exhibited by the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state. In a GHZ state, three particles are correlated while no pairwise correlation is found. The manifestation of these strong correlations in an interferometric setting has been studied theoretically since 1990 but no three-photon GHZ interferometer has been realized experimentally. Here we demonstrate three-photon interference that does not originate from two-photon or single photon interference. We observe phase-dependent variation of three-photon coincidences with 90.5 \pm 5.0 % visibility in a generalized Franson interferometer using energy-time entangled photon triplets. The demonstration of these strong correlations in an interferometric setting provides new avenues for multiphoton interferometry, fundamental tests of quantum mechanics and quantum information applications in higher dimensions.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure