832 research outputs found

    Developing a new business model for enabling research - the case of the ACPFG in Australia

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    Publisher's postprint archived as permitted by publisher.The way in which companies, research centres and educational institutions are organised and structured may provide a competitive advantage for commercialisation, in particular if companies are dependent on the deployment of complementary assets and capabilities by third parties. This paper presents the case of the Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics (ACPFG), a private agricultural biotechnology (agbiotech) company specialising in early stage Research and Development (R&D) to produce superior adapted cereal varieties, tolerant to abiotic stress conditions such as drought, frost, salt, or mineral toxicity, all of which have a direct and negative impact on plant growth and crop productivity. The organisational structure of the company has been influenced and shaped by Government policy, shareholders expectations and trends in the agbiotech industrial organisation. It has proved attractive to potential alliance partners for collaborative R&D and commercialisation. We present the ACPFG as a new business model to fund basic research and facilitate technology transfer.Stephanie C. Agius, David Corkindale, Antonio G. Dottore, Michael Gilber

    Constitutive Modeling of Additive Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V Cyclic Elastoplastic Behaviour

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    Metal additive manufacturing techniques have been increasingly attracting the interest of the aerospace and biomedical industry. A particular focus has been on high value and complexity parts and components, as there the advantages offered by additive manufacturing are very significant for the design and production organisations. Various additive manufacturing techniques have been tested and utilized over the past years, with laser-based technology being among the preferred solutions – e.g. selective laser melting / sintering (SLM / SLS). Fatigue qualification, as one of the primary design challenges to meet, imposes the need for extensive material testing. Moreover, this need is amplified by the fact that currently there is very limited in-service experience and understanding of the distinct mechanical behaviour of additively manufactured metallic materials. To this end, material modelling can serve as a mediator, nevertheless research particular to additively manufactured metals is also quite limited. This work attempts to identify the cyclic elastoplastic behaviour characteristics of SLM manufactured Ti-6Al-4V. A set of uniaxial stress and strain controlled mechanical tests have been conducted on as-built SLM coupons. Phenomena critical for engineering applications and interrelated to fatigue performance (mean stress relaxation, ratcheting) have been examined under the prism of constitutive modeling. Cyclic plasticity models have been successfully employed to simulate the test results. Moreover, a preliminary analysis has been conducted on the differences observed in the elastoplastic behaviour of SLM and conventionally manufactured Ti-6Al-4V and their possible connection to material performance in the high cycle fatigue regime


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    Colloid cysts account for approximately 2% of primary brain tumours and the majority of cases are identified in the fourth and fifth decade. They are small, gelatinous neoplasms lined by a single layer of mucin-secreting columnar epithelium that are thought to arise from errors in folding of the primitive neuroepithelium. They develop in the rostral aspect of the third ventricle in the foramen of Monro in 99% of cases and despite their benign histology carry a poor prognosis, with a mortality greater than 10% in symptomatic cases. The location of colloid cysts within the ventricular system results in obstruction of the foramen of Monro as the cyst grows, disrupting the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and causing hydrocephalus. This is the mechanism behind the most common presenting symptoms of postural headache, nausea and vomiting - a clinical picture synonymous with hydrocephalus and intracranial pathology. In addition to these classical neurological symptoms, there is a high prevalence of psychiatric symptoms in the patient population, with symptoms ranging from anterograde amnesia to gustatory hallucination. These symptoms can occur with or without the presence of hydrocephalus, and are thought to be secondary to compression of connecting pathways between the mesocortices and subcortical limbic regions. These symptoms have been shown to be comparative in frequency to the classical symptoms, yet are rarely the reason for referral to a neurological or neurosurgical service for investigation

    Seismic anisotropy indicates organised melt beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge aids seafloor spreading

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    Skip Nav Destination RESEARCH ARTICLE| AUGUST 04, 2023 Seismic anisotropy indicates organized melt beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge aids seafloor spreading J.M. Kendall; D. Schlaphorst; C.A. Rychert; N. Harmon; M. Agius; S. Tharimena Author and Article Information Geology (2023) 51 (10): 968–972. https://doi.org/10.1130/G51550.1 Article history Standard View Open thePDFfor in another window Cite Share Icon Share Permissions Abstract Lithospheric plates diverge at mid-ocean ridges and asthenospheric mantle material rises in response. The rising material decompresses, which can result in partial melting, potentially impacting the driving forces of the system. Yet the geometry and spatial distribution of the melt as it migrates to the ridge axis are debated. Organized melt fabrics can cause strong seismic anisotropy, which can be diagnostic of melt, although this is typically not found at ridges. We present anisotropic constraints from an array of 39 ocean-bottom seismometers deployed on 0–80 Ma lithosphere from March 2016 to March 2017 near the equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). Local and SKS measurements show anisotropic fast directions away from the ridge axis, which are consistent with strain and associated fabric caused by plate motions with short delay times, ÎŽt (<1.1 s). Near the ridge axis, we find several ridge-parallel fast splitting directions, φ, with SKS ÎŽt that are much longer (1.7–3.8 s). This is best explained by ridge-parallel sub-vertical orientations of sheet-like melt pockets. This observation is much different than anisotropic patterns observed at other ridges, which typically reflect fabric related to plate motions. One possibility is that thicker sub-ridge lithosphere with steep sub-ridge topography beneath slower spreading centers focuses melt into vertical, ridge-parallel melt bands, which effectively weakens the plate. Associated buoyancy forces elevate the sub-ridge plate, providing greater potential energy and enhancing the driving forces of the plates

    Structure based inhibitor design targeting glycogen phosphorylase b. Virtual screening, synthesis, biochemical and biological assessment of novel N-acyl-ÎČ-d-glucopyranosylamines

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    Glycogen phosphorylase (GP) is a validated target for the development of new type 2 diabetes treatments. Exploiting the Zinc docking database, we report the in silico screening of 1888 ÎČ- D-glucopyranose-NH-CO-R putative GP inhibitors differing only in their R groups. CombiGlide and GOLD docking programs with different scoring functions were employed with the best performing methods combined in a “consensus scoring” approach to ranking of ligand binding affinities for the active site. Six selected candidates from the screening were then synthesized and their inhibitory potency was assessed both in vitro and ex vivo. Their inhibition constants’ values, in vitro, ranged from 5 to 377 ”M while two of them were effective at causing inactivation of GP in rat hepatocytes at low ”M concentrations. The crystal structures of GP in complex with the inhibitors were defined and provided the structural basis for their inhibitory potency and data for further structure based design of more potent inhibitors

    Reflective agents for personalisation in collaborative games

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    The collaborative aspect of games has been shown to potentially increase player performance and engagement over time. However, collaborating players need to perform well for the team as a whole to benefit and thus teams often end up performing no better than a strong player would have performed individually. Personalisation offers a means for improving overall performance and engagement, but in collaborative games, personalisation is seldom implemented, and when it is, it is overwhelmingly passive such that the player is not guided to goal states and the effectiveness of the personalisation is not evaluated and adapted accordingly. In this paper, we propose and apply the use of reflective agents to personalisation (‘reflective personalisation’) in collaborative gaming for individual players within collaborative teams via a combination of individual player and team profiling in order to improve player and thus team performance and engagement. The reflective agents self-evaluate, dynamically adapting their personalisation techniques to most effectively guide players towards specific goal states, match players and form teams. We incorporate this agent-based approach within a microservices architecture, which itself is a set of collaborating services, to facilitate a scalable and portable approach that enables both player and team profiles to persist across multiple games. An experiment involving 90 players over a two-month period was used to comparatively assess three versions of a collaborative game that implemented reflective, guided, and passive personalisation for individual players within teams. Our results suggest that the proposed reflective personalisation approach improves team player performance and engagement within collaborative games over guided or passive personalisation approaches, but that it is especially effective for improving engagement

    On the information-theoretic formulation of network participation

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    The participation coefficient is a widely used metric of the diversity of a node's connections with respect to a modular partition of a network. An information-theoretic formulation of this concept of connection diversity, referred to here as participation entropy, has been introduced as the Shannon entropy of the distribution of module labels across a node's connected neighbors. While diversity metrics have been studied theoretically in other literatures, including to index species diversity in ecology, many of these results have not previously been applied to networks. Here we show that the participation coefficient is a first-order approximation to participation entropy and use the desirable additive properties of entropy to develop new metrics of connection diversity with respect to multiple labelings of nodes in a network, as joint and conditional participation entropies. The information-theoretic formalism developed here allows new and more subtle types of nodal connection patterns in complex networks to be studied
