4 research outputs found

    Media Pembelajaran Pengenalan Alat Transportasi dan Rambu Lalu Lintas Berbasis Android untuk Sekolah Dasar

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    Transportation equipment and traffic signs are one of the important lessons for elementary school students. However, many elementary school students only know the means of transportation without knowing the traffic signs. The purpose of this study is to build and create learning media to make it easier for students to recognize transportation tools and traffic signs using the Android platform. The method used in building this application is the waterfall method, which starts with making observations to testing the system. The tests used are black box testing and Mean Opinion Score (MOS). The results of the black box testing test are that the menu has been able to run according to their respective functions, while for MOS, it produces about 98% results stating that the application is running well. So that this application is used in accordance with the needs of elementary school students in helping to recognize means of transportation and traffic signs

    Perancangan Software As A Service (SAAS) untuk Sistem Pelayanan Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (PKIA) pada Puskesmas Se-Kota Mataram Berbasis Cloud Computing

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     Saat ini sistem pengolahan data pasien layanan KIA di semua puskesmas di kota Mataram masih dikerjakan dengan  cara  konvensional  atau  belum  memanfaatkan teknologi sistem informasi. Permasalahan yang muncul dari pihak puskesmas adalah lambatnya proses pelayanan pasien yaitu dalam hal pendataan pasien dan pencarian data pasien, serta tingginya  tingkat  kesalahan  dalam  pengolahan  data  pasien  misalnya data  pendaftaran,  data  pemeriksaan,  dan data rujukan. Permasalahan dari sisi pasien adalah pasien harus datang ke puskesmas jika ingin mendaftar, pasien harus mendaftar sebagai pasien baru lagi jika ke puskesmas yang berbeda, pasien masih menggunakan buku KIA untuk mendapatkan informasi dan melihat catatan hasil konseling yang memiliki resiko rusak atau hilang, serta pasien kesulitan untuk melakukan monitoring terhadap perawatan kesehatannya. Keberadaan teknologi cloud computing dengan layanan Software as a Service (SaaS) dapat memberikan solusi untuk permasalahan tersebut. SaaS merupakan model bisnis untuk menyampaikan aplikasi dalam bentuk layanan. SaaS untuk sistem PKIA akan sangat berguna bagi puskesmas dalam mengelola data pasien, sedangkan bagi pasien akan mempermudah mendapatkan informasi dan mempercepat proses layanan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat rancangan SaaS  untuk sistem PKIA dimana nantinya seluruh Puskesmas di Kota Mataram yang telah tergabung dalam community cloud computing memiliki keseragaman sistem dalam mengelola data pasien dan dapat diakses dari puskesmas mana saja. Terdapat dua metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu (1) analisis layanan bisnis, (2) analisis kebutuhan sistem, dan (3) analisis service oriented architecture. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diambil saat dilakukan observasi langsung dan pengumpulan data di puskesmas wilayah Mataram. Hasil akhir penelitian ini berupa (1) prototype model layanan bisnis PKIA puskesmas yang digambarkan dalam bentuk use case diagram sebagai bagian dari layanan SaaS serta (2) prototype web service. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan pihak Puskesmas yang terdiri dari bidan dan petugas, hasil rancangan ini telah sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan.  Perancangan ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan dasar dalam implementasi perangkat lunak sistem PKIA puskesmas se-Kota Mataram berbasis cloud SaaS. AbstractCurrently, patient data processing system of PKIA services in public health centers in Mataram city is still doing conventional way that is not yet utilize information technology. The problems that arise from public health centers are: a long service process which includes patient data collection and patient data retrieval, and the number of errors in the processing of patient data, such as registration data, examination data, and referral data. Problems from the patient that the patient must come if will do the registration, must register as new patient if to the different public health centers, still use the manual book to get information and see the record of counseling results that have the risk of damaged or lost, and difficulty in monitoring health care. The existence of cloud computing technology with Software as a Service (SaaS) can provide solutions to these problem. SaaS is a business model for delivering applications in the form of services. SaaS for PKIA will be very useful for public health center to manage patient data, patient will be more efficient easier to get service and get information. The purpose of this research is to design the SaaS for PKIA system where the public health center in Mataram City which is incorporated in community cloud  has uniform system in managing data.. This research uses three methods: (1) business service analysis, (2) system requirement analysis, and (3) service oriented architecture analysis. The data used in this research was taken when doing observation and data collection at public health center of Mataram city. The results of this research are (1) prototype of PKIA business service model which is described in the form of use case diagram as part of SaaS service and (2) prototype of  web service. Based on the results of interviews conducted with the Public Health Center, the results of this design were as expected. This design can be used as a basis in the implementation of software on the system of PKIA based on cloud SaaS

    The Design of E-Commerce System to Increase Sales Productivity of Home Industry in Indonesia

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    The household industry is the foundation of the existing home industry in Indonesia. It is categorized as a type of Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) that significantly influence the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ratio by up to approximately 10%. Since the pandemic of Covid-19, the home industry has increasingly stretched, especially in culinary and home craft products. The internet is one of the efforts to increase household industry sales. The household industry needs e-commerce to be a container for marketing its products. In this paper, we design an e-commerce system to support the sales productivity of the household industry in Indonesia. This study's e-commerce system or application is developed through some crucial stages. The stages are analysis through a questionnaire that represents needs in the field, selection of business models, namely B2B models with Virtual Storefront, marketplace concentrators, and lastly, Information Broker. Our infrastructure is determined for e-commerce development, and then strategy analysis is done using portfolio analysis, SWOT analysis, and competitor analysis. Based on the proposed strategy, we made a prototype as a designed e-commerce system that can increase sales for household businesses in cities in Indonesia. Important features in our proposed e-commerce system can accommodate many sellers or the household industry to establish relationships with many buyers based on geographical location, product search features based on closest positions or by city, and product categorization by familiar categories with household products.