12 research outputs found

    True substrates: The exceptional resolution and unexceptional preservation of deep time snapshots on bedding surfaces

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    Abstract: Rock outcrops of the sedimentary–stratigraphic record often reveal bedding planes that can be considered to be true substrates: preserved surfaces that demonstrably existed at the sediment–water or sediment–air interface at the time of deposition. These surfaces have high value as repositories of palaeoenvironmental information, revealing fossilized snapshots of microscale topography from deep time. Some true substrates are notable for their sedimentary, palaeontological and ichnological signatures that provide windows into key intervals of Earth history, but countless others occur routinely throughout the sedimentary–stratigraphic record. They frequently reveal patterns that are strikingly familiar from modern sedimentary environments, such as ripple marks, animal trackways, raindrop impressions or mudcracks: all phenomena that are apparently ephemeral in modern settings, and which form on recognizably human timescales. This paper sets out to explain why these short‐term, transient, small‐scale features are counter‐intuitively abundant within a 3.8 billion year‐long sedimentary–stratigraphic record that is known to be inherently time‐incomplete. True substrates are fundamentally related to a state of stasis in ancient sedimentation systems, and distinguishable from other types of bedding surfaces that formed from a dominance of states of deposition or erosion. Stasis is shown to play a key role in both their formation and preservation, rendering them faithful and valuable archives of palaeoenvironmental and temporal information. Further, the intersection between the time–length scale of their formative processes and outcrop expressions can be used to explain why they are so frequently encountered in outcrop investigations. Explaining true substrates as inevitable and unexceptional by‐products of the accrual of the sedimentary–stratigraphic record should shift perspectives on what can be understood about Earth history from field studies of the sedimentary–stratigraphic record. They should be recognized as providing high‐definition information about the mundane day to day operation of ancient environments, and critically assuage the argument that the incomplete sedimentary–stratigraphic record is unrepresentative of the geological past

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    Holocene thermal maximum in the western Arctic (0-180°W)

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    The spatio-temporal pattern of peak Holocene warmth (Holocene thermal maximum, HTM) is traced over 140 sites across the Western Hemisphere of the Arctic (0–180°W; north of ~60°N). Paleoclimate inferences based on a wide variety of proxy indicators provide clear evidence for warmer-than-present conditions at 120 of these sites. At the 16 terrestrial sites where quantitative estimates have been obtained, local HTM temperatures (primarily summer estimates) were on average 1.6±0.8°C higher than present (approximate average of the 20th century), but the warming was time-transgressive across the western Arctic. As the precession-driven summer insolation anomaly peaked 12–10 ka (thousands of calendar years ago), warming was concentrated in northwest North America, while cool conditions lingered in the northeast. Alaska and northwest Canada experienced the HTM between ca 11 and 9 ka, about 4000 yr prior to the HTM in northeast Canada. The delayed warming in Quebec and Labrador was linked to the residual Laurentide Ice Sheet, which chilled the region through its impact on surface energy balance and ocean circulation. The lingering ice also attests to the inherent asymmetry of atmospheric and oceanic circulation that predisposes the region to glaciation and modulates the pattern of climatic change. The spatial asymmetry of warming during the HTM resembles the pattern of warming observed in the Arctic over the last several decades. Although the two warmings are described at different temporal scales, and the HTM was additionally affected by the residual Laurentide ice, the similarities suggest there might be a preferred mode of variability in the atmospheric circulation that generates a recurrent pattern of warming under positive radiative forcing. Unlike the HTM, however, future warming will not be counterbalanced by the cooling effect of a residual North American ice sheet