20 research outputs found

    Comparative Study of Access of Group and Individual Farmer-Clients to Financial Services of Microfinance Institutions in Enugu State, Nigeria

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    This study compares the access of group and individual farmer-clients to the credit services of microfinance institutions in Enugu State, Nigeria. The study was designed to ascertain specifically the factors that determine access, the reasons for differences in the levels of access by the respondents as well as their perceptions of the effects of the credit guidelines of MFIs on their levels of access. A total of 72 respondents, 36 individuals and 36 groups, were randomly selected for the study. Multiple regression analysis, Levene’s test for equality of means as well as Likert Rating Scale were used for data analysis. Regression result showed that years of experience in farming, size of farm, credit history, size of income from farming, value of collateral, interest rate, compulsory deposit requirement and distance to MFIs affected access for both group and individual clients. Levene’s test for equality of mean scores of the group and the individual clients were statistically significantly (p > 0.05) different. Likert Rating result indicate that MFI credit guidelines such as minimum deposit requirement, interest rate and loan size were perceived as constraints by group clients while individual clients perceived, in addition to these, provision of acceptable surety as hindrances to their access to MFI credit. Group lending option scored better than the individual option suggesting that insistence on group formation still remains a better approach to accessing MFI credit. Keywords: Microfinance, credit access, groups, individual

    Farmers’ Perception of Climate Change in Ikwuano Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria

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    This study examines farmers’ general understanding of climate change in Ikwuano LGA of Abia State, Nigeria. Data were collected by use of structured questionnaire administered to 420 farmers randomly selected from eight communities in the study area. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze data obtained from the survey. A 4-point Likert Rating Scale was used to gauge farmers’ response to 29 perception questions posed in the questionnaire. The result showed that the prevalent changes in climate in the study area are increased temperature, change in patterns of rainfall, uncertain patterns of relative humidity, high sunshine intensity and change in harmattan period. The consequence of climate change included poor health conditions of the farmers as well as poor yields from their farms. The main causes of climate change, by the farmers’ perception, include deforestation, overgrazing of farm lands, blockage of water ways, careless discharge of liquid waste and air pollution from automobile exhaust. The major techniques employed by farmers to mitigate the effects of climate change were planting of more resistant local varieties and diversification of their portfolios. Key words: Farmers, perception, climate, change

    Critical examination of the quorum of code of conduct tribunal

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    This paper critically examines the quorum of Code of Conduct Tribunal, and compares it to those of other tribunals and courts. The paper argues that since the Code of Conduct Bureau and Tribunal Act and the Nigerian Constitution provide for the establishment or composition of the Tribunal only, and not the constitution or quorum thereof, the Chairman and the two members of the Tribunal should sit at any time for it to be able to exercise the jurisdiction vested on it. In writing this paper, doctrinal research method was used in collating materials, principally, judicial authorities, statutes, and learned textbooks and articles, and internet materials. These were critically analyzed. The paper concludes that the most purposive construction on the provisions of the CFRN 1999 respecting the Tribunal is that it is properly constituted where its Chairman sits with two other members. It, therefore, recommends that: Supreme Court overrules itself whenever it has an opportunity to do so and Code of Conduct Bureau and Tribunal Act and the Constitution be amended to specifically provide for the quorum or constitution of the Tribunal.Keywords: Critical, Examination, Quorum, Code of Conduct, Tribuna

    Migration, Remittances and Livelihood Systems of Farm Households in Enugu State, Nigeria

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    This study examines the effects of remittances on the livelihood of farm households in Enugu State, Nigeria. Multistage random sampling technique was used to select 120 remittance recipient households used for the study. Data collection was effected by use of structured questionnaire. Both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were used in data analysis. The result showed that households whose heads are (1) in the middle to old age (51-70 years) and (2) not highly educated are more likely to produce migrants. Also families with large household sizes (six and above) migrated more. The most frequent channel for remittance delivery was hand carriage and both cash and non-cash remittances were received. Regression result showed that age of household heads as well as their levels of education affected migration. Other factors that affected migration are farm size and household size. The effect of remittance on families livelihood systems was found to be affected by the number of social organisations the household heads belong to, the age of household head, farm size and size of remittance that is invested. Keywords: Remittance, livelihood, farm, households

    Socio-economic determinants of cooperative societies’ access to the services of the Nigerian Agricultural Cooperative and Rural Development Bank

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    This paper assesses the extent to which cooperative societies had access to the special intervention fund administered by the  Nigerian Agricultural Cooperative And Rural Development Bank (NACRDB) Ltd. The study was carried out between March and September, 2005, on six randomly selected states, one from each of the six geopolitical zones into which Nigeria has been divided. States sampled included Enugu (South-East). Rivers (South-South), Ondo (South West), Benue (North Central), Bauchi (North East) and Kano (North West). Sixty cooperative societies were also randomly selected for the study from each state covered; thirty of them with access and thirty without access to the intervention fund, on the whole 360 cooperative societies were studied. Statistical tools used for data analysis included percentage, means and range. Levene’s test for equality of means was used to determine if the means of the two categories of cooperatives (those with access and those without) were statistically different. Likert scale rating was used to determine cooperative societies’ perception of the effects of agency operational guidelines on access. The Levene’s test for equality of means showed that the difference between the means of the two categories of cooperative societies were statistically significant at 5% probability level. Likert scale rating confirmed that the operational guidelines of NACRDB such as minimum credit requirement, type of crop grown, approved loan size, and insurance cover affected access to the intervention fund. It was recommended that promoters of cooperative societies should pay adequate attention to the socioeconomic characteristics of the cooperative societies so promoted and the credit guidelines of the NACRDB Ltd.Cet article évalue l’étendue de l’accès des sociétés coopératives au fonds spécial d’intervention administré par la NACRDB Ltd (Nigerian Agricultural Cooperative And Rural Development Bank). Une étude a été menée entre mars et septembre 2005, sur six états sélectionnés au hasard, un dans chacune des six zones géopolitiques du pays : l’Etat d’Enugu (sud-est), l’Etat de Rivers (sud-sud), l’Etat d’Ondo (sud-ouest), l’Etat de Benue (centre nord), l’Etat de Bauchi (nord-est) et l’Etat de Kano (nord-ouest). Soixante sociétés coopératives ont également été sélectionnées au hasard dans chaque Etat concerné par l’étude ; trente avec accès au fonds d’intervention et trente autres sans accès au fonds, soit au total, 360 sociétés coopératives. L’analyse des données a été effectuée à l’aide des outils statistiques suivants : pourcentages, variances et étendue. Le test de Levene pour l’égalité des variances a été utilisé pour déterminer si les variances des deux catégories de coopératives (celles avec accès et celles sans accès) étaient statistiquement différentes. L’échelle de Likert a été utilisée pour déterminer la perception des sociétés coopératives concernant les effets des recommandations opérationnelles de la banque sur l’accès. Le test de Levene a montré que la différence entre les variances des deux catégories de sociétés coopératives était statistiquement significative à un niveau de probabilité de 5 %. L’échelle de Likert a confirmé que les recommandations opérationnelles de la NACRDB telles que les exigences de crédit minimum, le type de culture, l’ampleur du prêt approuvé et la couverture d’assurance affectaient l’accès au fonds d’intervention. Il a été recommandé aux promoteurs des sociétés coopératives d’accorder une attention particulière aux caractéristiques socioéconomiques des sociétés coopératives ainsi mises en avant et aux recommandations en matière de crédit de la NACRDB Ltd.Este artículo evalúa el punto hasta el que las cooperativas tuvieron acceso al fondo de intervención especial administrado por el Banco de Cooperativas Agrícolas y Desarrollo Rural de Nigeria (NACRDB, sociedad limitada). El estudio se realizó entre marzo y septiembre de 2005 en seis estados seleccionados al azar, uno de cada una de las seis zonas geopolíticas en las que ha sido dividida Nigeria. Los estados del estudio incluyeron a Enugu (Sudeste), Rivers (Sur-Sur), Ondo (Suroeste), Benue (Centro-Norte), Bauchi (Noreste) y Kano (Noroeste). En cada estado también se seleccionaron al azar sesenta cooperativas para el estudio; treinta de ellas con acceso al fondo de intervención y treinta sin acceso, estudiándose en total 360 cooperativas. Las herramientas estadísticas utilizadas para el análisis de datos incluyeron porcentaje, medias e intervalo. Se utilizó la prueba de Levene para la igualdad de medias para determinar si las medias de las dos categorías de cooperativas (las que tienen acceso y las que no la tienen) eran estadísticamente diferentes. Se utilizó la escala de calificación de Likert para determinar la percepción de las cooperativas acerca de los efectos de las directrices operativas de la agencia sobre el acceso. La prueba de Levene para la igualdad de medias mostró que la diferencia entre las medias de las dos categorías de cooperativas era estadísticamente significativa en un nivel de probabilidad del 5%. La escala de calificación de Likert confirmó que las directrices operativas de NACRDB como el requisito de crédito mínimo, el tipo de tamaño de la cosecha, el tamaño del préstamo aprobado y la cobertura del seguro afectaron al acceso al fondo de intervención. Se recomendó que los promotores de las cooperativas debieran prestar una atención adecuada a las características socioeconómicas de las cooperativas tan promocionadas y a las pautas de crédito del NACRDB Ltd

    Making Biotechnology Work for Farmers in Nigeria: The Role of Farmers’ Cooperative Societies

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    This paper has reviewed the giant strides which biotechnology has made in agricultural development. The paper proposes that to make biotechnology work for farmers in Nigeria there should be a paradigm shift from reaching the farmers with biotechnology packages as individuals to reaching them on the platform of their cooperative societies. The nature of cooperatives and their ability to facilitate access of farmers to biotechnology have also been x-rayed. The paper urges policy makers to explore the opportunities of increasing access to biotechnology through pro-poor farmers’ organisations like farmers cooperative societies. Keywords: Biotechnology, Access, Farmers, Cooperative Societies

    Determinants of Access to the Central Bank of Nigeria (Cbn) Commercial Agriculture Credit Scheme by Agro-Enterprises in Nasarawa State, Nigeria

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    This study which was carried out in Nasarawa State of Nigeria was designed to obtain a first hand assessment of the performance of the Commercial Agriculture Credit Scheme of the CBN in the state. Sixty agro-enterprises that have received credit from the scheme formed the sample size for the study. Data on the operations of the sixty agro-enterprises as well as their socio-economic characteristics were obtained by use of structured questionnaires and interview schedules. Multiple regression analysis and Likert scale rating were used for data analysis. Results obtained showed that most of the agro-enterprises were young, probably registered to take advantage of the scheme. Owners of the enterprises were also young, fairly well educated and were mostly males. Constraints identified included stringent conditions for access like required asset base, acquisition of an insurance cover and high cost of the facility inspite of a single digit interest rate. It was recommended that the CBN revisits some of the credit guidelines to ensure a wider access to the services of the scheme in the state. Keywords: Access, Commercial Agriculture, Credit Scheme, Agro-enterprise

    Determinants of Access to the Central Bank of Nigeria (Cbn) Commercial Agriculture Credit Scheme by Agro-Enterprises in Nasarawa State, Nigeria

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    This study which was carried out in Nasarawa State of Nigeria was designed to obtain a first hand assessment of the performance of the Commercial Agriculture Credit Scheme of the CBN in the state. Sixty agro-enterprises that have received credit from the scheme formed the sample size for the study. Data on the operations of the sixty agro-enterprises as well as their socio-economic characteristics were obtained by use of structured questionnaires and interview schedules. Multiple regression analysis and Likert scale rating were used for data analysis. Results obtained showed that most of the agro-enterprises were young, probably registered to take advantage of the scheme. Owners of the enterprises were also young, fairly well educated and were mostly males. Constraints identified included stringent conditions for access like required asset base, acquisition of an insurance cover and high cost of the facility inspite of a single digit interest rate. It was recommended that the CBN revisits some of the credit guidelines to ensure a wider access to the services of the scheme in the state. Keywords: Access, Commercial Agriculture, Credit Scheme, Agro-enterprise

    Alchornea floribunda (MĂĽll. Arg.) - A review of its phytochemistry and biological activities

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    Alchornea floribunda is an evergreen plant that grows up to 32 feet tall and belongs to the family of Euphorbiaceae. It is found mainly in African forest undergrowth. In Nigeria, its leaves, stems and roots are widely used in folkloric medicine to manage ailments and diseases. The pharmacological activity of A. floribunda depends mainly on the part used. A previous study showed that the leaves have antiinflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-cancer activities, while its roots and stem possess antibacterial activity. Thus, this review takes a critical look at previously reported findings and information about the phytochemistry, biological activities and various isolated bioactive constituents from the leaf, root and stem of Alchornea floribunda. Keywords: Alchornea floribunda, Phytochemistry, Inflammatory, Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, Anti-cance

    Isolation and structure elucidation of polyphenols from Loranthus micranthus Linn. parasitic on Hevea brasiliensis with antiinflammatory property

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    The present study was carried out to evaluate the anti-inflammatory activities of polyphenols isolated from the leaves of mistletoe (Loranthus micranthus Linn.) parasitic on Hevea brasiliensis. The anti-inflammatory properties of the isolated compounds were evaluated on the basis of their ability to inhibit the production of nitric oxide (NO) and tumuor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) activated RAW 264.7 mouse macrophages. Semipreparative HPLC separation of the ethyl acetate (EtOAc) and butanol (n-BuOH) fractions of the leaves of mistletoe (Loranthus micranthus Linn) parasitic on Hevea brasiliensisled to the isolation of four polyphenols: 3-O-(3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoyl)-(-)-epicatechin (TMECG) (1);(-)-epicatechin-3-O-(3′′-O-methyl)-gallate (ECG3′′Me) (2); rutin (3) and peltatoside (4). Compounds 1-4 were isolated for the first time from this plant while 1 was isolated for the first time in nature. These compounds (1-4) were readily identified by comparison of their spectroscopic data with those reported in the literature. The polyphenols proved to have anti-inflammatory activity as evidenced by the suppression of inducible nitric oxide (iNO) and cytokine (TNF-α) levels in the culture supernatant of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated RAW 264.7 murine macrophages. However, the study showed that the quercetin diglycosides showed stronger inhibition of proinflammatory mediators than the epicatechin derivates. These data provide evidence that polyphenolic compounds isolated from the mistletoe parasitic on Hevea brasiliensis may contribute to its anti-inflammatory properties by inhibiting the expression of inducible nitric oxide and proinflammatory cytokines such as tumour necrosis factor-α