2 research outputs found

    Treated plantain peels in diet of broiler chickens

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    Three hundred (300) one day old Arbor Acre broiler chicks were used in an 8-week study to determine the growth response and nutrient utilization of birds fed varied inclusion of differently treated plantain peel meals (PPM). The birds were randomly assigned to the 10 dietary treatments with three replicates of 10 birds each and arranged in 3x3 factorial layout plus a control. Treatment 1 is the control, diet without inclusion of PPM, Treatment 2, 3, 4 were sundried PPM at 25, 50 and 75% (replacement for maize) respectively; while treatments 5,6,7 and 8,9,10 were sun dried-lye treated and sundried plus phytase supplementation (1g/kg diet). Data were collected on some chemical profile of treated PPM, performance characteristics of broilers and nutrient digestibility of the diet. The results showed that nutrient composition of plantain peel appeared adequate to serve as a feed ingredient in poultry. Increased level of PPM in the diets however, lowered (P<0.05) all the performance traits and digestibility coefficients. Lye treatment and phytase supplementation had most profound effect on repressing the toxic component in PPM. Lye treatment also influenced fibre digestibility positively but depressed (P<0.05) ether extract digestibility. It was concluded that the use of treated PPM in broiler diet did not represent a perfect replacement for maize. However, 25% of lye and enzyme supplemented PPM replacement for maize proved adequate in broilers’ diet.Keywords: plantain peels, anti-metabolic compounds, digestibility, performanc

    A microcontroller-based Active Solar Water Heating System for Domestic Applications

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    A potential solution to adequate and sustainable electricity supply problems in most developing countries is dependent on proper harnessing of solar (radiant) energy. Owing to tbe over dependence on fossil-fuel based energy, tbere is an exponential rise in carbon dioxide (C02) emissions into tbe atmosphere, thereby causing severe environmental degradation and ozone layer depletion. This paper seeks to apply tbe readily available radiant energy source to solar water heating, and establish possible economic benefits to its use in domestic applications for residents of Covenant University campus. The microcontroller-based active solar water heating system (ASWHS) is designed to effectively absorb radiant energy using solar collectors, and store it as hot water in a water tank via a direct current (DC) circulation pump powered by a stand-alone photovoltaic (PV) system. The design also incorporates an auxiliary electric heater which is put to use ou!y when tbere is insufficient radiant energy. A case study is reported to show tbe importance of tbe ASWHS for domestic water heating. The maximum design efficiency and tbe expected energy output of tbe solar collector throughout its working life is 79.94% and 498,225kWh respectively. A reduced dependence on grid supply and/or fossil-fuel based generator sets during hot water demand periods is recorded using tbe ASWHS witb a high payback period of 15 years; and a lower unit cost (US0.01/kWh)oftbeASWHSmakesitmoreeconomicallyviableascomparedtotbeunitcost(US0.01/kWh) oftbe ASWHS makes it more economically viable as compared to tbe unit cost (US0.18/kWh) oftbe grid supply fortbe same amount of energy consume