1,109 research outputs found

    A comparison of spot urinary protein-creatinine ratio with 24-hour urine protein in quantification of proteinuria in women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy

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    Background: Proteinuria is a major indicator of hypertensive disorder of pregnancy. The gold standard for diagnosis of significant proteinuria is based on a 24hour urine collection which is cumbersome, time-consuming, and inconvenient to patients. A need, therefore, exists for a rapid, valid, and accurate test to identify significant urinary proteinuria. Methods: We conducted an observational cross-sectional hospital-based study wherein a total of 150 pregnant women who met the criteria of preeclampsia were taken. Spot urine samples for calculating the urine P/C ratio were taken immediately before 24hr urine collection. Correlation between 24hour urine protein and spot PCR was then determined by Pearson’s correlation coefficient(r). Results: The correlation coefficient (r) between 24hr urine protein and spot PCR was found to be 0.734 (n=150) which was highly significant with p<0.001. In this study, population the ROC curve analysis revealed the sensitivity of 90.3% and specificity of 97.3% with AUC 0.958 for a cut-off value of spot PCR as 0.43 to detect significant. Conclusions: Spot PCR is an accurate, valid, steady fast, reliable, and time-saving test which may be used as an alternative method for determining significant proteinuria in patients with pregnancy-induced hypertension

    Comparative evaluation of simultaneous administration of mifepristone and misoprostol; and misoprostol alone for induction of second trimester abortion

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    Background: The present study was conducted with the aim to assess the safety and efficacy of misoprostol alone and misoprostol with simultaneous mifepristone for second trimester termination of pregnancy.Methods: The study was conducted on 160 cases, divided in two groups of 80 cases each. In the study group 200 mg mifepristone and 200 μgm misoprostol given together on admission followed by miso every 3 hrs upto a maximum of 8 doses or until the abortion occurs, whichever occurs early. In the control group only miso was given in the same dose regime. If abortion did not occur within this duration it was considered failure of method. The results were analysed.Results: The success rate in first regimen was 98%. Mean induction abortion interval was significantly shorter in the study group, 8.62±1.96 h as compared to 14.5±3.01 h in the control group. The mean dose of the misoprostol required was significantly less in study group. The side effects like nausea, vomiting, fever, abdominal cramps, diarrhoea were observed more in control group (30%) in comparison to study group (12.1%).Conclusions: Mifepristone with simultaneous misoprostol is better than misoprostol alone and there is no need to wait for 24 hr after mifepristone for administration of misoprostol

    Bessel-Maitland Function of Several Variables and its Properties Related to Integral Transforms and Fractional Calculus

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    In the recent years, various generalizations of Bessel function were introduced and its various properties were investigated by many authors. Bessel-Maitland function is one of the generalizations of Bessel function. The objective of this paper is to establish a new generalization of Bessel-Maitland function using the extension of beta function involving Appell series and Lauricella functions. Some of its properties including recurrence relation, integral representation and differentiation formula are investigated. Moreover, some properties of Riemann-Liouville fractional operator associated with the new generalization of Bessel-Maitland function are also discussed


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    From the past few decades, Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) have dominated the environment in which the companies operate. Whenever there is an announcement about a merger, there is an excitement and expectation among the shareholders. This expectation may or may not convert into an abnormal return. It is useful to have some kind of research activity on the performance of M&A, as both bidders and target firms will gain from it. The results have revealed that on average, the returns to the target companies are positive and that they gain from mergers. However, the bidder returns may be zero or negative, but it turns out be a different story in the long run. My dissertation identifies the performance of 86 Mergers and Acquisitions in India and the primary objective for this study will be to examine the change in firms share prices and the impact of mergers and acquisition on the returns to the shareholders of both bidder and target firms surrounding the announcement days. It then attempts to verify the significance of the same in the short-term. Whether the abnormal returns are significant to the announcement of the merger, determines the success of the merger in the shortterm. The research also estimates the beta coefficient for 86 bidder and target firms, during the announcement period (10 days before the announcement day and 19 days after the announcement days) and before the announcement period (ranging from150 days to 11 days before announcement). I have also shown some statistical test to see if the changes in the beta coefficient and required returns are significant or not Further, the research is based on types of mergers factor (Horizontal and non-horizontal) which might be closely related and give different returns to the target shareholders and bidder shareholders on the days surrounding the announcement. The event study methodology has been employed to assess the performance of both bidder and target firms surrounding the announcement days. The results of the event study reveal that on an average, the bidder companies experience a negative cumulative average abnormal returns (CAAR) of -1.03% and the target companies experience a positive CAAR of 12.074

    Mergers and Acquisitions in India

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    From the past few decades, Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) have dominated the environment in which the companies operate. Whenever there is an announcement about a merger, there is an excitement and expectation among the shareholders. This expectation may or may not convert into an abnormal return. It is useful to have some kind of research activity on the performance of M&A, as both bidders and target firms will gain from it. The results have revealed that on average, the returns to the target companies are positive and that they gain from mergers. However, the bidder returns may be zero or negative, but it turns out be a different story in the long run. My dissertation identifies the performance of 86 Mergers and Acquisitions in India and the primary objective for this study will be to examine the change in firms share prices and the impact of mergers and acquisition on the returns to the shareholders of both bidder and target firms surrounding the announcement days. It then attempts to verify the significance of the same in the short-term. Whether the abnormal returns are significant to the announcement of the merger, determines the success of the merger in the short-term. The research also estimates the beta coefficient for 86 bidder and target firms, during the announcement period (10 days before the announcement day and 19 days after the announcement days) and before the announcement period (ranging from150 days to 11 days before announcement). I have also shown some statistical test to see if the changes in the beta coefficient and required returns are significant or not Further, the research is based on types of mergers factor (Horizontal and non-horizontal) which might be closely related and give different returns to the target shareholders and bidder shareholders on the days surrounding the announcement. The event study methodology has been employed to assess the performance of both bidder and target firms surrounding the announcement days. The results of the event study reveal that on an average, the bidder companies experience a negative cumulative average abnormal returns (CAAR) of -1.03% and the target companies experience a positive CAAR of 12.074

    Mergers and Acquisitions in India

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    From the past few decades, Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) have dominated the environment in which the companies operate. Various researches have also been carried out where the main focus of the study is on the abnormal returns of the acquirers of the firm after the merger. The results have revealed that on average, the returns to the target companies are positive and that they gain from mergers. However, the bidder returns may be zero or negative, but it still remains a puzzle if they gain from mergers in the long-run. This research investigates the performance of mergers and acquisitions and its impact on the returns of the acquirers of the firm. A study of 58 mergers and acquisitions of Indian targets during the period 2003-2008 was undertaken to examine the pre acquisition and post acquisition returns of acquirers in the long-term by assessing the extent to which share price performance was abnormal. The main target companies were based in India. The research methodologies, that is, event study methodology have been employed to assess the performance of acquirers after the merger activity. The results of the event study reveal that on an average, the acquiring companies experience a negative CAAR of -0.69%

    Multicystic nephroma: a rare benign renal tumor with diagnostic predicament

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    Multi cystic Nephroma is a rare benign tumor of kidney occurring in adults which has clinical, radiological and morphological features causing diagnostic dilemma as it mimicks other cystic renal lesions. Distinguishing it from a cystic renal carcinoma is very important. Multicystic nephroma is usually unilateral, more common in females, presenting as a well capsulated mass lesion with multiple non communicating cysts lined by hobnailing epithelium. A similar lesion occurring in children represents a well differentiated nephroblastoma. The case presented here was a female patient complaining of pain in the left flank and had a mass lesion which was diagnosed as cystic renal cell carcinoma radiologically. The nephrectomy specimen showed a multilocular cystic mass well delineated from adjacent renal parenchyma. Histopathologically the cysts were lined by hobnail type of epithelium and separated by fibrocollagenous stroma. The stroma had hyalinised areas, chronic inflammatory cell infiltration and foci of mature adipose tissue. No atypia or mitoses were seen in the epithelium or stromal cells. Based on the histological criteria a diagnosis of multicystic nephroma was made. It is important to make a diagnosis of multicystic nephroma based on histomorpholgical criteria as it relieves the patient from the burden of a malignant lesion

    A rare case presentation of large mucinous ovarian cystadenocarcinoma in a young female

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    Here authors report a case of large ovarian mucinous cystadenocarcinoma in a young female complicating young pregnancy. Ovarian mucinous adenocarcinoma is a rare ovarian tumour that arises from the surface epithelium of the ovary. A 25-year young female, 9 days post-partum presented to the hospital with complain of abdominal distension. USG finding suggesting large solid cystic mass 36 × 14 cm arising from pelvis extending up to epigastrium. MRI pelvis evident of heterogenous hyperintense solid cystic mass lesion giving bunch of grapes appearance with size 24.5 × 25 × 11.5 cms seen in intra peritoneal space extending cranially up to epigastrium and caudally into pelvis giving anterior displacement of uterus.  And posterior displacement of bowel loops. A large part of lesion is cystic with solid component with multiple internal echoes

    Risk and Asian exchange rate regimes

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    A panel regression gives evidence that more flexibility in Asian exchange rates reduces risk associated with bank borrowing abroad, but deviations from mean exchange rates, and from the renminbi, increase risk. Since the exchange rate regime affects bank behavior and the incentives to hedge, the results broadly support the bank run over the moral hazard view of twin banking and currency crisis. The results suggest that flexibility in exchange rates is required for Asian EMEs, but the flexibility has to be limited, and it depends on more flexibility in the renminbi. This has implications for current global imbalances in reserves and feasible adjustment paths

    Risk and Asian exchange rate regimes

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    A panel regression gives evidence that more flexibility in Asian exchange rates reduces risk associated with bank borrowing abroad, but deviations from mean exchange rates, and from the renminbi, increase risk. Since the exchange rate regime affects bank behavior and the incentives to hedge, the results broadly support the bank run over the moral hazard view of twin banking and currency crisis. The results suggest that flexibility in exchange rates is required for Asian EMEs, but the flexibility has to be limited, and it depends on more flexibility in the renminbi. This has implications for current global imbalances in reserves and feasible adjustment paths
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