15 research outputs found

    Chasing international language: genesis of language curriculum in Kenya

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    This paper draws attention to the cross-linguistic problems that have made minority languages lose their prominence and allow stronger languages to dominate in international linguistic space and in education.Schools and universitiescrave stronger languages for medium of instruction in the classroomin developing countries again dictates of science and technology have influenced the use of a stronger language for global use. The paper therefore investigates the states of early use of language (English) in Kenyan schools and its relationship with other vernacular languages in the country. It also identifies reasons why English became so prominent than other languages spoken in Kenya. KEYWORDS:Global Worlds, Curriculum, Society, Bootstrapping, Language, Syntactic-semantic Interface

    Assessment of Strategic Messages Communicated for Sustainable Solid Waste Management: A Study of Migori County, Kenya

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    Solid waste management has become great concern for governments and cities due to its effects on health, environment and climate change. The aim of sustainable solid waste management (SSWM) is to achieve circular economy and realize sustainable development goals. Communication plays a significant role in empowering communities with knowledge, influencing behaviour and promoting collaboration on waste management between governments and communities. Past research shows indiscriminate dumping of waste and inadequate knowledge on how to manage solid waste including reduce, reuse and recycle waste among communities in Africa. However, there is limited focus in research on messages communicated for SSWM. This study sought to assess strategic messages communicated for SSWM and media used in the communication. The study conducted in Migori county Kenya, using a mixed methods approach involved a total of 399 town residents sampled using purposive, stratified, and simple random sampling techniques. The study found lack of focus on strategic messages for SSWM in the communication by Migori county government. Communication is uncoordinated, conducted in public meetings, local radio, and by waste management supervisors. Most community members lack knowledge on SSWM practices. The study recommends communication of strategic messages for SSWM to improve community knowledge of SSWM; communication using participatory media accessible to the community; and inclusion of community knowledge in the construction of strategic messages for SSWM. Keywords:Strategic, Message, Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Community, Participatory Communication. DOI: 10.7176/NMMC/97-02 Publication date:August 31st 202

    (Re)Positioning The Social Responsibility Theory in Defense of Vernacular Mass Media in Kenya: Going Forward

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    In order to objectively understand the nature and the role of media in peace and conflict management, it is important to understand the various ways through which the media influences conflict and conflict management. Howard (2015) points out that majority of scholars and researchers have concentrated on the role of media in economic, social and political issues affecting states with little attention being given to conflicts. Further, he posits that media impact on conflict management is an emerging area that has been under studied due to lack of multidisciplinary models and concepts that would view the media’s role from the realm of peace and conflict

    Use of Contemporary Broadcast Media in De-escalating Intra-communal Violence among the Abakuria in Kenya

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    The rapid growth in the vernacular broadcast media sector in Kenya has been lauded as key in the social and economic transformation of the rural communities. However, how they can be used in conflict management still remains datable. The aim of this study was to evaluate the contemporary vernacular media intervention in the Abakuria community which has been prone to internecine intra-ethnic conflicts for a long time. The study analysed sources of information from broadcast media and their role in conflict resolution; evaluated the existing media reportage of intra-ethnic conflict; identified shortfalls in the usage of existing broadcast media platforms for resolving ethnic conflict and assessed the suitability of vernacular broadcast media in resolution of intra-ethnic conflict among the Abakuria community. The study used libertarian and social responsibility theories to advance understanding of the media in enhancing conflict management. It used a mixture of survey and qualitative methods of research design. Data was obtained from 162 victims of previous conflict and 162 local community members as well as 12 media practitioners and 12 key informants from the four divisions of Mabera, Ntimaru, Kegonga and Kehancha. Analysis of previous media reports was also done.

    Perspectivizing Vernacular Broadcast Media Intervention in Stemming Intra-Ethnic Conflict in Kenya: A Case of the Abakuria

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    The media can be used as an instrument to build as well as to destroy order, harmony and social coexistence in the human society. This study has tried to establish the inherent nature of social conflict and crises in human society as well as the significant role of the media and communication in forming and shaping individual or group perception of events or issues, as well as enhancing human interaction. It also perspectivizes the nature of violence and turmoil to the wellbeing of humanity. Vital roles of the media and the various conflict management apparatus like arbitration, collaboration, mediation, negotiation and reconciliation among other measures put in place to avert or control the recurrent violent conflict among the Abakuria community have also been highlighted. Keywords: intra-ethnic conflict, conflict resolution, vernacular broadcast media, Abakuri

    Perspectivizing Vernacular Broadcast Media Intervention in Stemming Intra-Ethnic Conflict in Kenya: A Case of the Abakuria

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    The media can be used as an instrument to build as well as to destroy order, harmony and social coexistence in the human society. This study has tried to establish the inherent nature of social conflict and crises in human society as well as the significant role of the media and communication in forming and shaping individual or group perception of events or issues, as well as enhancing human interaction. It also perspectivizes the nature of violence and turmoil to the wellbeing of humanity. Vital roles of the media and the various conflict management apparatus like arbitration, collaboration, mediation, negotiation and reconciliation among other measures put in place to avert or control the recurrent violent conflict among the Abakuria community have also been highlighted. Keywords: intra-ethnic conflict, conflict resolution, vernacular broadcast media, Abakuri

    An Exploratory Study of Community Involvement in Communication for Sustainable Solid Waste Management: A Study of Migori County, Kenya

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    Sustainable solid waste management (SSWM) is intended to reduce impacts of solid waste on the environment and achieve of sustainable development goals on sustainable cities and communities. Past research focused on the role of mass media in awareness creation and influencing attitude towards solid waste management. However, studies show that awareness and attitude do not translate to positive behaviour towards solid waste management. Objectives of this study were to explore community involvement in the communication of SSWM, establish media used to involve community in the communication of sustainable solid waste management and examine community awareness on SSWM. Qualitative data was collected using face-to-face interviews and focus group discussions from162 participants sampled using purposive, snowball and stratified sampling techniques. Results show minimal community involvement in the communication of SSWM due to lack of structures for community involvement in communication. There was minimal communication of SSWM through radio, public fora and stakeholder meetings which resulted to limited knowledge of SSWM among the community. The study recommends community involvement in the communication of SSWM using participatory media so as to improve their understanding and participation in SSWM. Keywords: Sustainable solid waste management, Communication, Community involvement, Dialogue, Social change. DOI: 10.7176/JEES/11-5-04 Publication date:May 31st 202