278 research outputs found

    Analisa Nilai Investasi Ruko Swalayan Dalam Lima Tahun

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    Kabupaten rokan hulu merupaka wilayah yang tergabung kedalam wilayah propinsi Riau, yang saat ini mempunyai komitmen untuk meningkatkan pendidikan dan taraf hidup masyarakat, agar mampu bersaing baik di bidang ilmu pengetahuan maupun di bidang bisnis seperti berinvestasi di bidang properti. Salah satu wujud dari pengelolaan pembangunan kota adalah penataan ruang kota yang berkaitan dengan perkembangan dan Perubahan kota itu sendiri. Pemanfaatan lahan melalui pola tata guna lahan merupakan salah satu ciri dari pertumbuhan dan perkembangan kota. Semakin meningkatnya jumlah penduduk di suatu daerah maka mengakibatkan permintaan atas tanah di kota semakin tinggi baik untuk memenuhi ruang pemukiman maupun untuk menampung kegiatan USAha.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tata cara perhitung rencana anggaran biaya pembuatan ruko, dan juga mengetahui kelayakan investasi ruko swalayan di daerah pasir pengarayan dilihat dari NPV dan IRR nya

    Motivasi Taiwan Melarang Impor Produk Indomie Asal Indonesia Pada Tahun 2010

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    In 7th October 2010, Taiwan made announced to banned on Indomie Indonesia instant noodle product. Taiwan claims that Indomie is had certain health problem issues, that contains two preservatives that are prohibited namely methyl p-hydroxybenzoate and benzoic acid. Two elements should only be used to make cosmetics. Due to the CODEX standards, prove that Indomie is safe to consume, the elements who use in the noodles is on the small quantity. Rather than that, the differences in food safety standards applied in each country said that Taiwan doesnt accept any kind and quantity of nipagin, against to that standards, PT Indofood CBP then says that they already made two kind of instant noodles due to the international and domestic standards, and as long as they importer instant noodle, it is the first time they had protest about the product. The research use Competitive Advantage which has been revealed by Michael E. Porter. This research is qualitative research by using using primer and secondary file, the used technique is collecting file which is used by library observation, journal, and website The research use Competitive Advantage which has been revealed by Michael E. Porter. This research is qualitative research by using using primer and secondary file, the used technique is collecting file which is used by library observation, journal, and website The result of this research prove that theres no relevant reason owned Taiwan to impose ban on Indomie Indonesia instant noodle, after re-investigation, and directly meeting in 13th October 2010. In 9th December 2010, Taiwan re-announced that all the Taiwans data and evidence is a mistaken. The only reason Taiwans had is related to economy interest and political interest The result of this research prove that theres no relevant reason owned Taiwan to impose ban on Indomie Indonesia instant noodle, after re-investigation, and directly meeting in 13th October 2010. In 9th December 2010, Taiwan re-announced that all the Taiwans data and evidence is a mistaken. The only reason Taiwans had is related to economy interest and political interest Keywords: Motivation, Trade Relations, banned on instant noodles, Protectionism Keywords: Motivation, Trade Relations, banned on instant noodles, Protectionis

    Peran Pemerintah Kabupaten Bintan dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Desa terhadap Pengelolaan Kewenangan (Studi Pelaksanaan Kewenangan Desa Malang Rapat dalam Mengelola Potensi Wisata)

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    Villages have the authority to regulate and manage government affairs, the interests of local communities based on community initiatives, rights of origin, and / or traditional rights recognized and respected within the system of government of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. One of the potentials in the village of Malang Rapat is tourism. The existing condition indicates that the village has not maximally managed the potential to improve the welfare of the village community. What is the function of local government that has direct oversight of the village to create policies that encourage villages to be able to manage their authority. The purpose of this study is to see what the local government does to the village, why the village government has not been able to maximize the authority of the village. The concept / theory that approaches is the authority of the village. While the method used is descriptive qualitative. The results of the analysis obtained by the local government in this case the Bintan regency government has not been maximal in conducting guidance to the village of Malang Rapat Keywords: Village Authority, Community Welfare, Tourism   Desa memiliki kewenangan untuk mengatur dan mengurus urusan pemerintahan, kepentingan masyarakat setempat berdasarkan prakarsa masyarakat, hak asal usul, dan/atau hak tradisional yang diakui dan dihormati dalam sistem pemerintahan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Salah satu potensi yang ada di desa Malang Rapat adalah bidang pariwisata. Kondisi yang ada menunjukkan belum maksimalnya desa mengelola potensi untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat desa. Bagaimana fungsi pemerintah daerah yang memiliki pengawasan langsung terhadap desa untuk membuat kebijakan yang mendorong desa untuk mampu mengelola kewenangannya.  Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat apa yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah terhadap desa, mengapa pemerintah desa belum mampu memaksimalkan kewenangan desa yang dimiliki. Konsep/teori yang menjadi pendekatan adalah   kewenangan desa. Sedangkan metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil yang analisa yang didapatkan pemerintah daerah dalam hal ini pemerintah kabupaten Bintan belum maksimal dalam melakukan pembinaan terhadap desa Malang Rapat. Kata kunci: Kewenangan Desa, Kesejahteraan Masyarakat, Pariwisat

    Upaya Pemerintah Indonesia Dalam Menjaga Wilayah Perbatasan Indonesia-Vietnam Tahun (2010-2014)

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    This research that the study of diplomacy and strategy analyzes about Indonesian government's efforts in maintaining the border region Indonesia-Vietnam years (2010-2014). The purpose of this research is to explain about general conditions Indonesia-Vietnam defence, the condition of Indonesia-Vietnam border region, and Indonesian government's efforts in maintaining the border region Indonesia-Vietnam years (2010-2014).Indonesia-Vietnam border lies between the Sekatung island and Condore island in South China Sea. Indonesian government attempted to keep the border region because Sekatung Island is one of the outer islands are disturbed to conflict. Moreover Indonesia has border issues with Vietnam. The problems that Indonesia has not been completed entire sea border agreement with Vietnam and the violation of the territorial sovereignty (illegal fishing) which is rife in the waters of Natuna Islands. That problems in Indonesia-Vietnam border, it will threaten the national security and defense Indonesia.This research used qualitative methods which is done by explanning the case based on existing facts. The techniques used to collects data to study the case to library research in the form of journals, books, official documen, article, and website. The theoretical framework applied in this research are realism perspective, security concept, nation-state analysis and national security theory. National security is a form of a country's ability to provide a protection for each country from external threats indication. The persective use

    Kebijakan Rusia Menerapkan Sistem Caspian Pipeline Consorsium (Cpc) Dalam Kerjasama Dibidang Energi Migas Dengan Khazakhstantahun 2010-2014

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    This research describes the policy of Rusia implemented the Caspian Pipeline Concorcium system in oil cooperation Rusia with Khazakhstan in 2010-2014. Oil one of most important for human and nowdays every states need a oil with politics oil. Khazakhstan are one of most country in Centre Asia Region that have big potency in oil, its make a Rusia to create a agreement wiyth Khazakahstan.The research method used was a qualitative with descriptive as a technic of the research. Writer collects data from books, encyclopedia, journal, mass media and websites to analyze the policy of Rusia implemented the Caspian Pipeline Concorcium system in oil cooperation Rusia with Khazakhstan. The theories applied in this research are realism perspective with the foreign policy by Richard Snyder.The conclusion of this research the policy of Rusia implemented the Caspian Pipeline Concorcium system in oil cooperation Rusia with Khazakhstan are caused by strategys value of Khazakhstan for Rusia to oil supply, the needed of oil for Rusia, used for distribution of oil Rusia to another state in Center Asia region and to containment of United State hegemony in Centre Asia Region
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