457 research outputs found

    Judgment on Reparations

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    Having found these violations, the Court ordered the Respondent State to: i. Provide legal aid to the Applicants for the proceedings pending against them in the domestic courts. ii. Take all necessary measures within a reasonable time to expedite and finalise all criminal appeals by or against the Applicants in the domestic courts. iii. Inform the Court of the measures taken within six months of the JudgmentThis Application for reparation was filed pursuant to the Judgment on the merits delivered by the Court on 18 March 2016. In the said Judgment, the Court unanimously found that the Respondent State violated the Applicants’ rights to be tried within a reasonable time and to legal aid protected under Article 7(1)(c) and (d) of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Right

    45th Activity Report of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights

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    This 45th Activity Report of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR or the Commission), which was presented to the Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU) in accordance with Article 54 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the African Charter or the Charter), covers the period from 10 May to 13 November 2018. It highlights, among others: the statutory and other institutional meetings of the Commission; the status of State reporting; Resolutions adopted by the Commission; the human rights complaints before the Commission; the various interventions of the Commission on human rights issues including Urgent Appeal Letters, Press Releases and Letters of Appreciation; the human rights situation on the continent; financial, staffing and operational matters of the Commission; implementation of the Recommendations of the Executive Council and Recommendations to the different stakeholders

    Opinion Individuelle du Juge Blaise Tchikaya

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    Penal reform in Africa: The case of prison chaplaincy

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    Penal reform is a challenge across the world. In Africa, those who are incarcerated are especially vulnerable and often deprived of basic human rights. Prison conditions are generally dire, resources are limited, and at times undue force is used to control inmates. The public attitude towards offenders is also not encouraging. Reform efforts include finding alternative ways of sentencing such as community service, making use of halfway houses and reducing sentences. These efforts have not yet yielded the desired results. The four principles of retribution, deterrence, incapacitation and rehabilitation guide penal practice in Africa. Retribution and rehabilitation stand in tension. Deterrence and incapacitation aim at forcing inmates to conform to the social order. The article argues that prison chaplaincy can make a valuable contribution to restoring the dignity and humanity of those who are incarcerated. Chaplaincy can contribute to improving attitudes and practices in the penal system and society. In addition to the social objective of rehabilitation, prison ministry can, on a spiritual level, also facilitate repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation. The aim is the holistic restoration of human beings
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