17 research outputs found

    Studi Retrospektif: Karakteristik Papular Pruritic Eruption (PPE) pada Pasien HIV/ AIDS

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    Background: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS) is a symptoms caused by infection of Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that may cause the decreasing of immune system. Skin disorder that can occurin patients with AIDS are papular pruriticeruption (PPE), which often lead toimpaired quality of lifein patients. Purpose: To evaluate the general overview and management of PPE, hence better management can be provided. Methods: Retrospective study of PPE patien in UPIPI (Unit Perawatan Intermediate Penyakit Infeksi) Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya during 2014. Results: The number of PPE patients was 15.4% of hospitalized patients. The largest age group was 25-44 years (56.9%), sex most were male (65.5%). Patients mostly from Surabaya (72.4%). Most of the patients worked asprivate sector workers (43.1%), and 73.2% of those with high school education. The main complaints include itching (83.62%), the location is in the limbs (55.2%). The most effloresensi is +multiplepapuleshyperpigmentation sharply marginated (58.6%). Mosttypes oftransmissionarefree sex (78%), CD4 highest 3value is 1-100 cells/mm (32.7%), 56.9% of patients received ARV treatment. Skin treatment is topical steroids (73.3 %). Conclusion: PPE is a skin disorderthat often arises in patients with HIV/AIDS

    Profil Ekspresi p16ink4a dan Tipe Human papillomavirus (HPV) pada Pasien Kondilomata Akuminata Wanita

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    Latar Belakang: Kondilomata akuminata (KA) merupakan penyakit infeksi menular seksual yang disebabkan oleh Human papillomavirus (HPV) dengan gejala berupa pertumbuhan tunggal atau multipel pada daerah anogenital. HPV risiko tinggi mempunyai kemampuan untuk berkembang menjadi keganasan, sedangkan HPV risiko rendah sangat jarang menimbulkan keganasan. Pemeriksaan p16ink4a digunakan untuk mendeteksi HPV yang berpotensi kearah keganasan. Deteksi genotipe HPV dengan menggunakan PCR memiliki sensitivitas yang sangat tinggi. Tujuan: Mengevaluasi profil ekspresi p16INK4a pada lesi KA pada wanita dengan infeksi HPV tipe risiko rendah, risiko tinggi, dan infeksi multipel HPV. Metode: Penelitian deskriptif, observasional, cross sectional dengan melakukan pemeriksaan p16INK4a dan genotyping HPV dengan teknik PCR lesi KA pada wanita. Hasil: Satu pasien dengan HPV risiko rendah (HPV 6 dan 11) memiliki gambaran p16ink4a negatif, 4 pasien memiliki gambaran p16ink4a sporadis, dan 2 pasien memiliki gambaran p16ink4a fokal, 1 pasien dengan HPV 18 memiliki gambaran p16ink4a difus, 1 pasien dengan infeksi multipel HPV 6,81,82,89 memiliki gambaran p16ink4a fokal, 4 pasien dengan infeksi multipel HPV memiliki gambaran p16ink4a difus. Simpulan: Terdapat 5 pasien dengan gambaran p16INK4a yang difus. p16ink4a yang difus menunjukkan bahwa pada pasien tersebut memiliki kemampuan untuk berkembang menjadi keganasan

    Genotyping of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) in female condyloma acuminata patient in Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya

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    Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) cause the most common sexually transmitted infection in women. HPV may lead to clinical manifestation as condyloma acuminata. The type of HPV are divided into two categories: low risk and high risk. Objective: To determine the type of HPV in female condyloma acuminata patient. Material and methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in Dermatology Venereology Outpatient Clinic Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya from February, 2007 to May, 2007. A total of 13 female patients with condyloma acuminata were includ in this study. Nucleic acids amplification assays (Polymerase Chain Reaction) used to detect the HPV infection. Results: Condyloma acuminata mostly caused by HPV-11 (30,76%) and HPV-6 (23,07%). Only 1 patient in this study caused by HPV 18. 38% of condyloma acuminata in this study caused by multiple infection of HPV. Conclusion: Molecular assay are gold standard to identification of HPV in the condyloma acuminata patient

    Profil Ekspresi p16ink4a dan Tipe Human papillomavirus (HPV) pada Pasien Kondilomata Akuminata Wanita

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    Latar Belakang: Kondilomata akuminata (KA) merupakan penyakit infeksi menular seksual yang disebabkan oleh Human papillomavirus (HPV) dengan gejala berupa pertumbuhan tunggal atau multipel pada daerah anogenital. HPV risiko tinggi mempunyai kemampuan untuk berkembang menjadi keganasan, sedangkan HPV risiko rendah sangat jarang menimbulkan keganasan. Pemeriksaan p16ink4a digunakan untuk mendeteksi HPV yang berpotensi kearah keganasan. Deteksi genotipe HPV dengan menggunakan PCR memiliki sensitivitas yang sangat tinggi. Tujuan: Mengevaluasi profil ekspresi p16INK4a  pada lesi KA pada wanita dengan infeksi HPV tipe risiko rendah, risiko tinggi, dan infeksi multipel HPV. Metode: Penelitian deskriptif, observasional, cross sectional dengan melakukan pemeriksaan p16INK4a  dan genotyping HPV dengan teknik PCR lesi KA pada wanita. Hasil: Satu pasien dengan HPV risiko rendah (HPV 6 dan 11) memiliki gambaran p16ink4a negatif,  4 pasien memiliki gambaran p16ink4a sporadis, dan 2 pasien memiliki gambaran p16ink4a fokal, 1 pasien dengan HPV 18 memiliki gambaran p16ink4a difus, 1 pasien dengan infeksi multipel HPV 6,81,82,89 memiliki gambaran p16ink4a fokal, 4 pasien dengan infeksi multipel HPV memiliki gambaran p16ink4a difus. Simpulan: Terdapat 5  pasien dengan gambaran  p16INK4a  yang difus.  p16ink4a yang difus menunjukkan bahwa pada pasien tersebut memiliki kemampuan untuk berkembang menjadi keganasan

    The Genotype of Human Papilloma Virus on Male Patients with Anogenital Warts

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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. HPV high risk (HPVHR) were HPV16,18 related with invasive penile carcinomas, and HPV low risk (HPVLR) were HPV6,11 related to anogenital warts. Male infection is usually asymptomatic that it would be explain increasing the incidence of HPV associated cancers. Identification HPV genotype is very important for predicting the development of the diseases, to be benign or malignant cancer. The objective of this study was to identify the genotype of HPV that infect men with anogential warts. This research used 12 biopsy specimens from men patient with anogenital warts at Outpatient clinic of Department Dermatology and Venereology, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital period 2016-2017. The specimens were diagnozed by pathologist and HPV gentoyping was done to detect 40 HPV genotype including HPVHR and HPVLR. The result showed that 58% (7/12) were positive for HPVLR and 42% (5/12) were positive for HPV LR/HR. The genotype HPV that infected men patient with anogenital warts is HPVLR (HPV6,11) and HPVHR (HPV18,51,52,82) with single infection of HPVLR or mutiple infection HPVLR/LR or HPVLR/HR. The infection of HPVHR would be develops to be malignant transformation. It suggested that HPV genotype needs to be checked the for the anogenital warts cases for predicting the development of the diseases


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    Background: Condyloma acuminata is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). High-risk HPV has the ability to develop into malignancy, whereas low-risk HPV is very rarely cause malignancy. The p16ink4a examination is used to detect potentially malignant HPV. Detection of HPV genotype by using PCR has a very high sensitivity. Purpose: This study is to determine the expression of p16INK4a in condyloma acuminata lesions with low risk HPV infection, high risk HPV infection, and multiple HPV infection infections Methods: This is cross sectional study conducted at Sexual Transmitted Infection Division of Outpatient Clinic, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya. 13 patients with condyloma acuminata were examined genotyping by PCR and p16INK4a by immunohistochemistry. Sample was taken from the lession of condyloma acuminta by biopsy. Results: There were 5 patients with diffuse p16ink4a. The results of diffuse p16ink4a indicate that in these patients have the ability to develop into malignancy. Conclusions: Further study (cohort prospective) in condyloma acuminata patients with diffuse p16 features to determine the probability of malignancy in patient

    Genotyping of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) in female condyloma acuminata patient in Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya

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    Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) cause the most common sexually transmitted infection in women. HPV may lead to clinical manifestation as condyloma acuminata. The type of HPV are divided into two categories: low risk and high risk. Objective: To determine the type of HPV in female condyloma acuminata patient. Material and methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in Dermatology Venereology Outpatient Clinic Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya from February, 2007 to May, 2007. A total of 13 female patients with condyloma acuminata were includ in this study. Nucleic acids amplification assays (Polymerase Chain Reaction) used to detect the HPV infection. Results: Condyloma acuminata mostly caused by HPV-11 (30,76%) and HPV-6 (23,07%). Only 1 patient in this study caused by HPV 18. 38% of condyloma acuminata in this study caused by multiple infection of HPV. Conclusion: Molecular assay are gold standard to identification of HPV in the condyloma acuminata patient

    Genotyping of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) in female condyloma acuminata patient in Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya

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    Abstract READ ONLINE Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) cause the most common sexually transmitted infection in women. HPV may lead to clinical manifestation as condyloma acuminata. The type of HPV are divided into two categories: low risk and high risk. Objective: To determine the type of HPV in female condyloma acuminata patient. Material and methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in Dermatology Venereology Outpatient Clinic Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya from February, 2007 to May, 2007. A total of 13 female patients with condyloma acuminata were includ in this study. Nucleic acids amplification assays (Polymerase Chain Reaction) used to detect the HPV infection. Results: Condyloma acuminata mostly caused by HPV-11 (30,76%) and HPV-6 (23,07%). Only 1 patient in this study caused by HPV 18. 38% of condyloma acuminata in this study caused by multiple infection of HPV. Conclusion: Molecular assay are gold standard to identification of HPV in the condyloma acuminata patient

    The Genotype Of Human Papilloma Virus Of Male Patients With Anogenital Warts

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    Abstract Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. HPV high risk (HPVHR) were HPV16,18 related with invasive penile carcinomas, and HPV low risk (HPVLR) were HPV6,11 related to anogenital warts. Male infection is usually asymptomatic that it would be explain increasing the incidence of HPV associated cancers. Identification HPV genotype is very important for predicting the development of the diseases, to be benign or malignant cancer. The objective of this study was to identify the genotype of HPV that infect men with anogential warts. This research used 12 biopsy specimens from men patient with anogenital warts at Outpatient clinic of Department Dermatology and Venereology, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital period 2016-2017. The specimens were diagnozed by pathologist and HPV gentoyping was done to detect 40 HPV genotype including HPVHR and HPVLR. The result showed that 58% (7/12) were positive for HPVLR and 42% (5/12) were positive for HPV LR/HR. The genotype HPV that infected men patient with anogenital warts is HPVLR (HPV6,11) and HPVHR (HPV18,51,52,82) with single infection of HPVLR or mutiple infection HPVLR/LR or HPVLR/HR. The infection of HPVHR would be develops to be malignant transformation. It suggested that HPV genotype needs to be checked the for the anogenital warts cases for predicting the development of the diseases


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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. HPV high risk (HPVHR) were HPV16,18 related with invasive penile carcinomas, and HPV low risk (HPVLR) were HPV6,11 related to anogenital warts. Male infection is usually asymptomatic that it would be explain increasing the incidence of HPV associated cancers. Identification HPV genotype is very important for predicting the development of the diseases, to be benign or malignant cancer. The objective of this study was to identify the genotype of HPV that infect men with anogential warts. This research used 12 biopsy specimens from men patient with anogenital warts at Outpatient clinic of Department Dermatology and Venereology, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital period 2016-2017. The specimens were diagnozed by pathologist and HPV gentoyping was done to detect 40 HPV genotype including HPVHR and HPVLR. The result showed that 58% (7/12) were positive for HPVLR and 42% (5/12) were positive for HPV LR/HR. The genotype HPV that infected men patient with anogenital warts is HPVLR (HPV6,11) and HPVHR (HPV18,51,52,82) with single infection of HPVLR or mutiple infection HPVLR/LR or HPVLR/HR. The infection of HPVHR would be develops to be malignant transformation. It suggested that HPV genotype needs to be checked the for the anogenital warts cases for predicting the development of the diseases