31 research outputs found

    Web-based material requisition system in the supply chain of construction businesses

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    In the construction project delivery process, the supply chain of construction businesses can only be efficient and effective based on the prompt availability of building materials. Whereas, the process of requisition for the materials on the construction site, if not handled appropriately, can adversely affect construction performance. Therefore, the study was aimed at developing a web-based material requisition system (W-BMRS) that will make the supply chain on construction sites seamless and more effective. A use case and an activity block diagram provided an understanding of the users and functionalities of the material requisition platform. In addition, using a different user interface and a database system including a programming language to connect them, the study developed a web-based material requisition system for construction firms using the model view controller (MVC) model. The MVC model comprised of using MySQL, HTML, and PHP. The W-BMRS was tested by sending materials requisition through the supply chain of a construction firm. The results were presented via screenshots of the web-based platform. In conclusion, any construction firm can register on the platform and make use of the web-based materials requisition system to maximize productivity and optimize the use of ICT in their materials’ supply chain process

    Effects of Enterprise Skills Training for Women Processing Cassava (Gari) in Asa Local Government Area of Kwara State

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    This study was designed to estimate the effect of training among the rural women processing Gari in Asa Local Government Area of Kwara state, Nigeria.  Primary data was used and purposive sampling procedure was adopted for the population of women involved at any stage of Gari processing activities.  A total of 232 respondents were interviewed the data collected were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential analytical techniques.  Findings revealed that these women specialized in various activities of Gari making process that is about 49.1% specialized in frying while 10.8% were engaged in peeling grinding and Jacking of peeled cassava and about 22.8% of them were involved in marketing of the finished products.  It was also discovered that statistical significance difference exist between those women who had opportunity to be trained compare with those that has not been exposed to any form of  training, in terms of increased income generation and employment creation. In conclusion, We recommend that policy Makers need to ensure that agriculture and Enterprise Training be made prominent in Government interventions. Keywords: Enterprise Training, Gari, Cassava DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/13-14-04 Publication date:July 31st 202

    Immersive Technology Implementation in the Construction Industry : Modeling Paths of Risk

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    Abstract: The purposes of this paper are to identify risk factors impacting the successful implementation of immersive reality technology (ImT) in the construction industry, analyze these risk factors (impact and probability), assess the relationships among different categories of risk factors, and provide recommendations to improve ImT implementation. A literature review, a pilot test based on expert interviews, and a questionnaire survey were used. First, the risk factors of ImT applications were identified by consulting the relevant literature on virtual reality, mixed reality, and augmented reality; these were subsequently grouped into five categories—technology, op-eration, individual/worker, investment, and external. Next, a questionnaire survey was designed and distributed to relevant construction practitioners in South Africa (usable response = 175). Twenty-one ImT implementation risk factors were identified, and risk criticality scores ranged from 2.02 to 3.18. High investment cost, the need for extensive worker training, and the possible introduction of new risks for workers were rated as significant risks. The present study con-firmed three statistically significant hypothesized risk paths—namely, those between external issues and individual/worker’s concerns, between external issues and investment limitations, and between individual/worker’s concerns and technology concerns. The present study contrib-utes to the literature regarding the adoption of construction technology by providing a list of critical risk factors that could be used to develop models and tools for assessing ImT adoption and guide practitioners involved in integrating ImTs

    Traumatic Tympanic Membrane perforation: An aetiological profile

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Traumatic perforation of the tympanic membrane may be due to direct or indirect source. The aim of the study is to profile the various aetiologies of traumatic tympanic membrane perforation in Ilorin, north central Nigeria.</p> <p>A retrospective review of 64 patients seen at the University of Ilorin Teaching hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria over a ten year period (January 1998 to Dec 2007) with history of traumatic tympanic membrane perforation from various causes, these also included multiply injured patients with bleeding from middle ear as part of their presentations. The data retrieved included the biodata, the clinical presentations, source of injury, the clinical findings and the treatment outcome. The data were entered into an SPSS version 11 computer soft ware and analyzed descriptively.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Sixty four (64) ears were analysed, Age range 6 months to 50 yrs, mean age of 29.2 yrs 7.9% of them were ≤5 years, 29.7% between 21-34 years, and 37.7% were 35 years and above. The male to female ratio was 2.5:1.0. Commonest aetiology was from slaps, then road traffic injury (RTI) in 35.9% and 23.5%, Majority of the slap injury were from fights (30.5%), security agents, senior students and cultists at schools (17.4% each). Sudden hearing loss was a typical presentation (95.3%), majority of the patient defaulted from follow up once the symptoms of bleeding and pain subsided. Only 7.8% had neomembrane formation on follow up</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Traumatic perforation of the tympanic membrane is an uncommon injury that is under-reported, there is the need to educate on alternative punitive measure among students and security agents, unskilled removal of foreign body, early identification, evaluation and referral of patients reduces the attendant morbidity.</p

    The Socio-Economics of Women Inclusion in Green Construction

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    The female population represents one of the greatest untapped resources for economic growth and revitalization in most sectors. The purpose of the study was to examine the socio-economics of women’s inclusion in green construction. The study utilized the use of questionnaires which were distributed to female professionals in the Nigerian construction industry. A total of 120 female construction professionals were used for this study. The data gathered was analysed using SPSS v17.0 with tests such as Frequencies, Percentages, Mean Score, ANOVA, and Factor Analysis. The result revealed a low level of participation by women in green construction. Women in construction exhibited moderate participation in Solar panel manufacturing, installation, and maintenance and in the enforcement of environmentally friendly practices on-site. The study revealed that the stressful nature of works, low interest from women, low career growth/progression and low investments in green works are significant barriers affecting women’s inclusion in green construction. In conclusion, the study identified three (3) socio-economic benefits of women’s inclusion in green construction. These are family/women related benefits, environment related benefits, and green energy market related benefits. The study suggested measures to increase women’s participation in green construction

    Fostering sustainable development: a corporate social responsibility approach.

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    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the sacrificing of profits in the social interest of the public for sustainable management in an economical, ecological and social manner. It is the use of assets responsibly to create a competitive advantage and promote sustainable development. It is a series of interventions by companies to ameliorate externalized impact or the avoidance of conflicts. This article argues that CSR could be used as a tool for the attainment of sustainable development in the global south. Our aim is that companies should understand the critical role that CSR could play and adopt a corporate strategy that would use CSR to advance and enhance the value of the organization, thereby positively to impact the society

    Epidemilogical Profile of Speech and Language Disorder in North Central Nigeria

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    Background: Speech-language pathologists/Otolaryngologists recognize high prevalence of speech and language disorder among children. The aim of the study is to find out the epidemiological profile of speech and language disorder in north central Nigeria. Method: A five year retrospective review of all referral to speech and language therapy unit ENT Department between January 2005 and December 2009. Information retrieved and analysed included bio-data, clinical presentation and diagnosis of the patients.Descriptive analysis of these data were done. Results: A total of 146 patients were seen out of which 89 (61%) were under five, 32 (21.9%) were between 5-10 years, 20 (13.7%) in the range of 11-20 yrs and 2 (1.4%) were between 21-34 yrs. None was observed in the elderly. Male preponderance was noted with male to female ratio of 1.9:1.0. The commonest diagnosis was deaf-mutism in 84 (57.5%) followed by delayed speech development in 31(21.2%) patients. The least diagnosis was aphasia in 2 (1.4%) patients. Conclusion: Speech and language disorder was commonest among the under five’s with non in the elderly, There was a higher prevalence amongst males and deaf-mutism was the commonest observed

    Traumatic Tympanic Membrane perforation: An aetiological profile

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    Background: Traumatic perforation of the tympanic membrane may be due to direct or indirect source. The aim of the study is to profile the various aetiologies of traumatic tympanic membrane perforation in Ilorin, north central Nigeria. A retrospective review of 64 patients seen at the University of Ilorin Teaching hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria over a ten year period (January 1998 to Dec 2007) with history of traumatic tympanic membrane perforation from various causes, these also included multiply injured patients with bleeding from middle ear as part of their presentations. The data retrieved included the biodata, the clinical presentations, source of injury, the clinical findings and the treatment outcome. The data were entered into an SPSS version 11 computer soft ware and analyzed descriptively. Findings: Sixty four (64) ears were analysed, Age range 6 months to 50 yrs, mean age of 29.2 yrs 7.9% of them were ≤5 years, 29.7% between 21-34 years, and 37.7% were 35 years and above. The male to female ratio was 2.5:1.0. Commonest aetiology was from slaps, then road traffic injury (RTI) in 35.9% and 23.5%, Majority of the slap injury were from fights (30.5%), security agents, senior students and cultists at schools (17.4% each). Sudden hearing loss was a typical presentation (95.3%), majority of the patient defaulted from follow up once the symptoms of bleeding and pain subsided. Only 7.8% had neomembrane formation on follow up Conclusion: Traumatic perforation of the tympanic membrane is an uncommon injury that is under-reported, there is the need to educate on alternative punitive measure among students and security agents, unskilled removal of foreign body, early identification, evaluation and referral of patients reduces the attendant morbidit