585 research outputs found

    M-Commerce Implementation in Nigeria: Trends and Issues

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    Nigeria was described as the fastest growing telecoms nation in Africa and the third in the World. The country had experienced a phenomenal growth from a teledensity of 0.49 in 2000 to 25.22 in 2007. This trend has brought about a monumental development in the major sectors of the economy, such as banking, telecoms and commerce in general. This paper presents the level of adoption of ICT in the banking sector and investigates the prospects of m-Commerce in Nigeria based on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis. Findings revealed that all banks in Nigeria offer e-Banking services and about 52% of the offer some forms of m-Banking services. The banks and the telecoms operators have enormous potentials and opportunities for m-Commerce but the level of patronage, quality of cell phones, lack of basic infrastructure and security issues pose a major threat to its wide scale implementation

    A Framework for e-Commerce Implementation: Nigeria a Case Study

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    The advent of the Internet has transformed the business environment in no small measure and has influenced the ways and manner businesses are transacted. This platform has brought about enhanced electronic and mobile business transactions. However, the advent of e-Commerce, m-Commerce or i-Commerce has placed a premium on the participating organisations or nations in terms of provision of the basic infrastructure for a secure, seamless and trusted business environment through the electronic media. This paper presents an exploratory study of the prospects of e-Commerce implementation and the factors inhibiting its growth. A set of questionnaire was designed, administered and analysed based on political, economic, social and technological (PEST) analysis. The PEST analysis is to help review the current practices with a view to developing a framework for Nigeria and other developing nations in Africa. Findings revealed that the Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) is the most widely used medium of e-Payment in Nigeria, which is not very suitable for e-Commerce implementation. Similarly, the Internet penetration is still abysmally low and is one of the major threats to e-Commerce implementation. However, the nascent democracy enjoyed in Nigeria is faced with some teething problems, but it promised with time, relative political stability, direct foreign investment, improved economical atmosphere, improved social services and technological development more than ever witnessed in the country. Therefore, a viable framework for Nigeria and Africa would be such that involves the private and public partnership (PPP). This consortium is expected to provide the platform for access to the Internet and popularize the use of e-Payment among other things

    Knowledge Discovery in Online Repositories: A Text Mining Approach

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    Before the advent of the Internet, the newspapers were the prominent instrument of mobilization for independence and political struggles. Since independence in Nigeria, the political class has adopted newspapers as a medium of Political Competition and Communication. Consequently, most political information exists in unstructured form and hence the need to tap into it using text mining algorithm. This paper implements a text mining algorithm on some unstructured data format in some newspapers. The algorithm involves the following natural language processing techniques: tokenization, text filtering and refinement. As a follow-up to the natural language techniques, association rule mining technique of data mining is used to extract knowledge using the Modified Generating Association Rules based on Weighting scheme (GARW). The main contributions of the technique are that it integrates information retrieval scheme (Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency) (for keyword/feature selection that automatically selects the most discriminative keywords for use in association rules generation) with Data Mining technique for association rules discovery. The program is applied to Pre-Election information gotten from the website of the Nigerian Guardian newspaper. The extracted association rules contained important features and described the informative news included in the documents collection when related to the concluded 2007 presidential election. The system presented useful information that could help sanitize the polity as well as protect the nascent democracy

    In-Vitro Adsorption of Fluoroquinolones on Some Pharmaceutical Adsorbents

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    Purpose: Drug overdose and poisoning are common clinical problems and could occur with the fluoroquinolones – a new series of synthetic antimicrobial agents. It therefore becomes important to study the adsorption of the fluoroquinolones on pharmaceutical adsorbents which could serve as possible antidotes for the emergency treatment of fluoroquinolone overdose or poisoning when they occur. Method: The rate and extent of adsorption of the fluoroquinolones on some pharmaceutical adsorbents, namely activated charcoal, kaolin and bentonite were investigated spectrophotometrically Results: The fluoroquinolones adsorbed on activated charcoal rapidly and attained equilibrium within fifteen minutes. The fluoroquinolones however adsorbed on kaolin and bentonite less rapidly and attained equilibrium within two hours. Activated charcoal and bentonite had high adsorption capacities for the fluoroquinolones while kaolin had low adsorption capacities for them. Conclusion: Because of the rapid rate of adsorption and high binding capacities exhibited by activated charcoal for the fluoroquinolones, it could be an effective antidote for the fluoroquinolones in cases of overdose or poisoning. Activated charcoal has shown a superior behaviour to both bentonite and kaolin in the adsorption of the fluoroquinolones. Keywords: Adsorption, bentonite, fluoroquinolones, kaolin, pharmaceutical adsorbents > Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol. 5 (1) 2006: pp. 533-53

    The Nigerian e-Government Strategies (NeGST): A Strategic Approach to Poverty Eradication in Nigeria

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    Nigeria has made frantic efforts towards achieving the millennium development goals (MDGs) as spelt out in the United Nations’ Agenda for the world. A critical assessment of the e-Government strategies in Nigeria is important being responsible for 20% of the population of the entire African continent. This paper presents a review of the e-Government strategies in Nigeria; the human capital development initiatives; the information and communications technology (ICT) diffusion and e-Inclusion. The global and continental ranking of the country is presented as well as recommendations to accelerate developments towards achieving the MDGs. Findings revealed that there are ongoing efforts in Nigeria to address the issue of poverty. The various initiatives of government include: the National/State Economic Empowerment Strategies (NEEDS/SEEDS), the Vision 2020, the National e-Government Strategy (NeGST) and a well-formulated National IT policy to mention a few. The little hindrance encountered in the research is that the available data was only up to the year 2005 and 2006 in some cases. However, based on the human capital development indices such as: economic empowerment and poverty reduction, education, health, employment generation, etc, it was observed that the adult literacy level of 64.2% is satisfactory and better results are expected before 2015. The life expectancy level is constant (54 years) from 2002 to 2007, which is the one of the lowest in Africa. On school enrolment, the major problem is access and poverty. It was observed that only 25% of primary school leavers made it to the secondary school level, while about 14% of the students at this level made it to the tertiary level. Similarly, the average percentage of female enrolment in schools is 45%. The health facilities are under-funded and are grossly inadequate both in quality and quantity. There is an average of 1,700 persons per hospital bed and the ratio of physicians to the populace is about 1:6000. This calls for a state of emergency in this sector. One major sector of the economy that is experiencing a boost is the ICT and Telecoms. The sector had brought about a teledensity growth of 0.73 to 37.05 from 2001 to 2007. Consequently, Nigeria has been named the fastest growing Telecoms nation in Africa and the third in the world, with a number of direct and indirect jobs created. Similarly, the rate of Internet diffusion is encouraging bearing in mind that the level was almost nonexistent in 1999. It is obvious that Nigeria would be able to bridge the divide by 2015. Generally, there are some meaningful developments in the country arising from the various poverty eradication schemes but the resultant effect has not imparted positively on unemployment. This is the opinion of the populace and hence the need for government to restrategize, otherwise, fulfilling MDGs by 2015 may not be realistic

    An Empirical Analysis of Mobile Phone Users for Competitive Business Intelligence

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    With the current globalization drive, most firms rely on Competitive Intelligence to help position them strategically through effective decision-making based on Customer Relationship Management {CRM}, marketing activities and competitors' vulnerability. It is of interest therefore to make decisions based on accurate inferences. Association rules have been widely used in data mining to find patterns in data that reveal combinations that occur at the same time which are called rules. The rules are sometimes too numerous to be used in decision making, hence, the interestingness of the rules are used to select the subset to act upon. This paper aims at evaluating the interestingness of rules gotten from applying association rule mining algorithm to data received from questionnaires of mobiles phone users in Nigeria. A patterr. is interesting if it is easily understood by humans, potentially useful and novel. The evaluation of the rule is done objectively using statistical independence and correlation analysis. This research has helped to reduce the uncertainty and inaccuracy of rules f~om which decisions are based towards the competitive advantage of an organization. Findings from the research revealed the areas of strength and weakness of mobile phone manufacturers and this understanding is used to provide competitive business decisions. which will in turn contribute to the profit of the organizatio

    Improving Customer Relationship Management through Integrated Mining of Heterogeneous Data

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    The volume of information available on the Internet and corporate intranets continues to increase along with the corresponding increase in the data (structured and unstructured) stored by many organizations. In customer relationship management, information is the raw material for decision making. For this to be effective, there is need to discover knowledge from the seamless integration of structured and unstructured data for completeness and comprehensiveness which is the main focus of this paper. In the integration process, the structured component is selected based on the resulting keywords from the unstructured text preprocessing process, and association rules is generated based on the modified GARW (Generating Association Rules Based on Weighting Scheme) Algorithm. The main contribution of this technique is that the unstructured component of the integration is based on Information retrieval technique which is based on content similarity of XML (Extensible Markup Language) document. This similarity is based on the combination of syntactic and semantic relevance. Experiments carried out revealed that the extracted association rules contain important features which form a worthy platform for making effective decisions as regards customer relationship management. The performance of the integration approach is also compared with a similar approach which uses just syntactic relevance in its information extraction process to reveal a significant reduction in the large itemsets and execution time. This leads to reduction in rules generated to more interesting ones due to the semantic clustering of XML documents introduced into the improved integrated mining technique

    A framework for an Integrated Mining of Heterogeneous data in decision support systems

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    The volume of information available on the Internet and corporate intranets continues to increase along with the corresponding increase in the data (structured and unstructured) stored by many organizations. Over the past years, data mining techniques have been used to explore large volume of data (structured) in order to discover knowledge, often in form of a decision support system. For effective decision making, there is need to discover knowledge from both structured and unstructured data for completeness and comprehensiveness. The aim of this paper is to present a framework to discover this kind of knowledge and to present a report on the work-in-progress on an on going research work. The proposed framework is composed of three basic phases: extraction and integration, data mining and finally the relevance of such a system to the business decision support system. In the first phase, both the structured and unstructured data are combined to form an XML database (combined data warehouse (CDW)). Efficiency is enhanced by clustering of unstructured data (documents) using SOM (Self Organized Maps) clustering algorithm, extracting keyphrases based on training and TF/IDF (Term Frequency/Inverse Document Frequency) by using the KEA (Keyphrases Extraction Algorithm) toolkit. In the second phase, association rule mining technique is applied to discover knowledge from the combined data warehouse. The final phase reflects the changes that such a system will bring about to the marketing decision support system. The paper also describes a developed system which evaluates the association rules mined from structured data that forms the first phase of the research work. The proposed system is expected to improve the quality of decisions, and this will be evaluated by using standard metrics for evaluating the interestingness of association rule which is based on statistical independence and correlation analysis

    E-Political Marketing Tools in Modern Democracies: The Nigerian Perspective

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    Despite an increasing presence of political consultants, all indications are that elections- promotional activities are relatively static in some countries. These election promotional activities in some nations include professionally produced television advertising; media relations experts who wage spin control; and planned events such as leader tours and television debates. Nowadays, campaigns are conducted by telephones instead of foot soldiers or door to door canvassing. Perhaps the most visible modernization in recent years has been parties' mediocre websites that provide daily campaign updates and which is sometimes mirrored by candidates' amateurish online presence. But, to what extent is American style of political marketing creeping into other countries' electioneering campaigns (Nigeria inclusive). This is the crux of this study. The study surveyed 400 political marketers from the two dominant political parties in Nigeria to identify thee-political marketing tools currently used to reach their electorates on one hand, and factors affecting the choice of the tools on the other. The result shows that there are two categories of e-political marketing tools in use. These are Internet marketing tools and mobile marketing tools. In the same vein, the factors that influence the choice of the tools are impact, convenience, expose reach, cost, time, and frequency. Based on these findings, political managers are advised to take advantage of the tools which are in tandem with global best practices in modern democracie

    VIRTUAL LEARNING IN NIGERIAN UNIVERSITIES: A Panacea for Enhanced Academic Standards

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    Currently, local area network (LAN) is commonplace in the Nigerian tertiary institutions and can be a good platform for distributing and disseminating instructional materials. Thus, this paper proposes to improve the quality of academics through online provision of learning resources based on Free and Open Source Software (FOSS); wired and wireless access to contents; and availability of the system 24/7. The system is based on third party software or FOSS called phpBB and Windows 2003 Server Active Directory Services. Both are installed and configured on an intranet. It has a discussion forum which is accessed through Hypertext Transfer Protocol using a web browser; and directory services for files/folders upload and download based on a set of privilege levels in Discretionary Access Control List (DACL) as a way of improving security. The system leads to the development of a virtual campus in Covenant University. Also, it has helped improve the quality of teaching by making lecture notes availably on the intranet, lecturer/student interaction, accessibility to teaching materials and reduce student’s idle time. The system helps in no small measure to correct the problems plaguing the educational sector such as examination malpractice, decline standards of education and cultism, as students are gainfully engaged in academic and social activities. The creation of a virtual campus would enhance the level of e-participation, and e-readiness of the graduate for the employment market. In particular, it bridges the divide between the developed and the developing nations
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