631 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Syntactical Ability of Second Language Children Age 5-6 Years Old in Taman Kanak-kanak (Tk) Para Bintang Kota Jambi

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    The purpose of this research is to identify syntactical ability of second language children age 5-6 years old. The subject of the research is learners of Kindergarten Para Bingtang Kota Jambi. This research is qualitative by using descriptive method. The result of the analysis shows that children age 5-6 years old in Para Bintang Kota Jambi have an ability to produce single sentence and complex sentence. Furthermore, they are also capable of using affirmative sentence, interrogative sentence, imperative sentence, and exclamation sentence. The ability of second language of children is still influenced by mother tongue which shows code mixing and code switching in their utterances. The children will choose to use second language which is Indonesian language in their interaction with teacher. Meanwhile, the children will use mother tongue which is Malay language in communicating with fiends of the same age. The children age 5-6 have an ability to produce sentences from second language and use it based on the context of their communication. Keywords: Language Acquisition, Syntactical Ability, Mother Tongue, Second Language

    Leluhur Orang Nias dalam Cerita-cerita Lisan Nias

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    This article aims to describe the origins of Nias peopleancestor based on anonymous stories (called hoho in Nias term)which were inter-generational inherited in Nias society. Generally,Nias people recognised three kinds of hoho that were always andcorrectly related to the creatures assumed as their ancestor: onombela, nadaoya, and lani ewöna. These anonymous stories have beenbecoming a buffer for the existence of Nias Culture which weremanifested on the custom ceremonies practice by Nias people untilnowadays such as mangani binu and stone jumping. In the otherhand, this article also tries to identify and describe the functionsof those rituals toward the daily life of Nias people. According tothe culture theory by van Peursen, this article proposes that therituals have three kinds functions for Nias society. First, it couldbe a means for human to deal with the supra-natural power.Second, it could be a current guarantee that humans' effort in theirhistorical life will be a never ending process and repeatablesuccess. Third, it was related to the taboo that was existed in certaincommunity which is in fact, able to maintain the harmony ofhuman life

    Metode Kognitif Dan Behavioral Untuk Mengelola Stres Dan Rasa Sakit Akibat Cedera Pada Atlet Bola Basket

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    Cedera pada atlet seringkali terjadi dengan tingkat keparahan yang berbeda-beda. Demikian pula rasa sakit yang ditimbulkan. Selain mengalami nyeri dan pengobatan medis, aspek psikologis juga secara khas terlihat seperti munculnya rasa cemas, takut, nyeri yang tidak bisa dijelaskan munculnya, hingga hilangnya rasa percaya diri atlet itu sendiri. Performa mereka akan terganggu, bahkan dalam beberapa kondisi karir mereka bisa saja terhenti. Praktisi kesehatan mengungkapkan bahwa rasa sakit tidak hanya dapat dikendalikan dengan metode biochemical atau obat-obatan (drugs), melainkan dengan memodifikasi aspek motivasi dan proses kognisi (Sarafino, 2008). Ini merupakan cara pandang yang sedikit berbeda dan kompleks dimana para psikolog akan terlibat untuk melakukan teknik yang dilakukan untuk membantu klien mampu mengatasi rasa sakit dan rasa tidak nyaman terhadap stressor dengan lebih efektif. Di sisi lain, diharapkan penggunaan metode ini mampu mengurangi penggunaan obat atau zat kimia lain oleh subjek untuk mengatasi rasa sakit. Oleh karena itu, untuk meningkatkan kesiapan dan kesigapan atlet dalam mengatasi rasa sakit dan stress yang muncul selama bermain basket dan khususnya saat cidera perlu kiranya mengetahui bagaimana penggunaan metode behavioral dan kognitif ini dan pengaruhnya terhadap mereka. Penelitian ini bermaksud mengeksplorasi penggunaan metode behavioral dan kognitif untuk mengendalikan rasa sakit dan stress pada atlet bola basket pro

    Pengaruh Kompetensi, Empati, Komitmen Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Studi pada CV. Karya Alam Abadi (KAA) Sampang Cilacap Jawa Tengah

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    In general, the HR function is to manage, manage as maximally and effectively as possible the Company, in order to obtain maximum performance results. Human resources are the key to running or not a company. In addition, the Company one with another company has its own standards in assessing a job from employees. General assessment benchmarks are employee discipline, abilities, skills, family background, work experience, social and demographic levels. Thus, an employee in a company must have the knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, or personal characteristics that enable workers to achieve success in completing their work through achieving results or success in completing their tasks so that goals within the company can be achieved and provide satisfaction for consumers. In addition, employees at CV. Cilacap\u27s Eternal Nature Work also needs to have a spirit of patriotism in the community such as helping others who need help. If the above discusses the need for adjustments to the employee\u27s environment, also employees must have a commitment to their company, such as employees performing tasks assigned in accordance with the boundaries of the assignments given, as well as resolving company goals with employees. so that the relationship between the employee and his boss can be harmoniously established

    Institutional Strengthening Law in Planning and Development District Forest Peoples in Eastern Cape Jabung

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    Recognition of the existence of indigenous forest more or less nearly thirty-five years during the New Order government felt quite alarming, this is due to the absence of legislation that recognizes the legal status of indigenous forest. However, with the enactment of Law No. 41 Year 1999 on Forestry, will realize the formal judicial recognition of the existence of indigenous forest in fact exist in the life of the community around the forest. The research was conducted in 3 (three) districts, namely: (1) District Moscow, (2) Sub Berbak, and (3) Sub Tanjung Jabung Geragai East. To determine the location of each district identification is carried out observations and assessments in coordination with the government of the District and Chairman of the Institute of Traditional District. While the object of study is the forest area in the district of Tanjung Jabung East. Based on the results it can be known that the public perception of indigenous forests are communal meaning of the commons. Forests according to the aspirations of the community is alive and Mareka heritage for generations. Therefore, the community around the forest said, relations with the community forest can not be separated. It can be seen from the above sense indigenous forests there are basically two categories, namely: (i) forest Rimbo Gano and (ii) spikes Rimbo forest or jungle or forest ever touched that never touched. For it is the role of traditional institutions should be considered, although seluko​​-seluko ​​custom has given the limitations in the protection of forests. The role of customary institutions have an important role to maintain and preserve the forest so keanekaragaman biodiversity and ecosystem

    The impact of computer based interactive instruction (CBII) in improving the teaching-learning process in introductory college physics

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    Institutes are incorporating computer-assisted instruction (CAI) into their c1assrooms in an effort to enhance learning. The implementation of computers into the classroom is parallel with education\u27s role of keeping abreast with societal demands. The number of microcomputers in schools has increased tremendously. Computer Based Interactive Instruction (CBBI) software is available for the language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, etc. The traditional instruction, supplemented with CAI, seems to be more effective than traditional instruction alone. Although there is a large quantity of research regarding specific aspects of learning through computers, there seems to be a lack of information regarding the impact of computers upon student success. The goal of this study is to determine how much of CAI is implemented in higher education in the USA. Instructors from 38 states were surveyed to compare between the institutes that use Computer Based Interactive Instruction and the ones that do not and are still applying traditional delivery method. Based on the analysis of the data gathered during this study, it is concluded that the majority of instructors are now using computers in one form or another. This study has determined that the computer is a major component in the teaching of introductory physics, and therefore, may be a suitable substitute for the traditional delivery system. Computers as an instructional delivery system are an alternative that may result in a higher level of student learning for many higher education courses