166 research outputs found

    The Third Skvortsov Readings

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    On December 17, 2021, MGIMO University held the International Scientific Conference dedicated to the memory of Lev Ivanovich Skvortsov, outstanding linguist, lexicographer, Doctor of Philology, professor, author of many dictionaries and books on the culture of Russian spoken language. In the opening speech, his son Yaroslav Skvortsov, the Dean of the Faculty of International Journalism of MGIMO University, organizer and the permanent host of the Readings noted that the topic Do we speak Russian Correctly? Dynamics of Language Norms is also the title of Lev I. Skvortsov’s book, published 40 years ago and still topical. The Russian language still faces an influx of borrowed words, idioms and is prone to stylistic transformations induced by the media. Linguists, language teachers, journalists, and economists — all those interested in the conservation and development of the Russian language — came to the Suzdal Kremlin to discuss the current trends in language use and language teaching. The participants presented their ideas and research on various topics: Media variant of the language: from the usage to the norm (N. I. Klushina), Speech of YouTubers (E. V. Bykova), The concept of literacy in the Internet folklore (G. G. Slyshkin), Business slang in 2004 and today (Pogrebnyak E. V.) and others. By tradition, many departments of MGIMO University were presented at the conference. Editor-in-Chief of the Journal Concept: Philosophy, Religion, Culture, MGIMO Professor, Head of the Department of World Literature and Culture, writer Yury Pavlovich Simonov (Viazemsky) delivered a guest of honor speech. He remembered the deeds and ideals of Lev Ivanovich and urged everybody to find inspiration in the beauty of Russian nature that can only be described in the beautiful Russian language. This idea resonated with the director of Vladimir-Suzdal Reserve Museum S. E. Rybakov: Suzdal is the center of Russianness and is the right place to discuss its language. In the changing world, L. I. Skvortsov’s work reminds us of the importance of inspecting and rethinking norms that are to be adequate rather than rigid

    The economic prognosis of the new analog of insulin glargine usage in diabetes mellitus type 2

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    Modelling has been performed for evaluation of economic perspectives of new insulin glargine 300 IU/ml usage for diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) control based on literature analysis of non-direct comparison with insulin detemir. Evaluation of the reimbursement’s reasonability for insulin glargine 300 IU/ml in clinical practice was the aim of this analysis. Utility cost of insulin glargine 300 IU/ml is higher than insulin detemir for 1 IU on 25,2% (according to Governmental Reestr of maximal manufacturers’ prices). Meanwhile efficacy of insulin glargine on control of DM2 is higher than insulin detemir (61,7% and 42,5% accordingly, Odds Ratio 2,18, 95%CI 1,41-3,34; p=0,01). Besides that, insulin glargine had less amount of hypoglycemic events, less necessity for out-patients visits and hospitalizations. Calculated “cost-effective ratio” (CER), which has included annual insulins’ cost, potential expenditures for severe hypo treatment, cost of medical aid for out-patients and in-patients has been more preferable for insulin glargine (CER for insulin glargine 46 252,40 RUR, for insulin detemir 76 681,01 RUR). Conclusion: Modelling has confirmed the economic rationality of insulin glargine 300 IU/ml usage for effective DM2 control in governmental reimbursement system because budget expenditures will not increase (expert’s conclusion). Prospective comparable trials in the future are important for economic evaluation

    Basal insulin analogues in the diabetes mellitus type 2 control — economic aspects

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    Economic aspects of insulin analogues — glargine and detemir — in the control of diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM 2) has been prepared in according to needs of the Russian health care system. It has been done that for equal control of DM 2 insulin glargine should be administered in less doses than insulin glargine based on randomized clinical trials results. Results of Russian observational studies of real practice do not show diff erence in doses of both. In the same time glargine has a better effi cacy and safety than detemir based on amount of patients with DM 2 reached targeted levels of control and hypoglycemic events. Clinicaleconomic analysis as well as sensitive analysis did not fi nd any economic advantages of detemir compare with glargine having higher cost for pack. Needed doses diff erentiation of glargine and detemir for equal results of DM 2 control should be taken into account for reimbursement

    Simultaneous penetrating injury in both eyes (a case report)

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    This clinical report is aimed to present the tactics of complex treatment in case of the concomitant trauma of the anterior eye segment caused by penetrating injury of the eyeball. The patient applied to us with the simultaneous injury of both eyes with the beak of the bird. Four days later after the injuring we observed in the primary examination the following status of both eyes: penetrating corneal scar across the optical zone, corneal suture, exudate in the aqueous humor, hypopion in the right eye; traumatic cataract, in the right eye with lens subluxation, rupture of lens capsule and efflux of the lens material into the anterior chamber; partial aniridia and iridodilysis, on the left eye – swelling cataract. Due to the inflammation, in order to prepare for the surgical intervention the patient was treated with antiinflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal and fibrinolytic agents. The surgeon had to reverse inflammatory reaction, to choose the most appropriate tactic considering the corneal edema, a low visualization, concomitant injury of structures of the anterior eye segment, failure by the accurate IOL calculation. Seven days after the beginning of the treatment the positive dynamics was observed and we performed phacoemulsification of the cataract in the left eye with IOL implantation as well as repair of iridodialysis. Then, in the absence of inflammatory reaction five days later the similar surgical treatment was performed in the right eye.Results of the control examination in the early postoperative period were following: uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) of the right eye was 0.002, of the left one – 0.3, intraocular pressure of both eyes was normal.We assume that the presented surgical tactics in case of the simultaneous penetrating injury of both eyes is like the delayed primary surgical debridement. Taking into consideration the application of less-invasive techniques, a wide availability of phacoemulsification, in the presence of technical possibilities and competent ophthalmic surgeons the similar combined surgical treatment should be recommended as soon as possible after the injuring for these patients

    Cost-minimization analysis of application acetylsalicylic acid in cardiac elderly patients

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    Objective: To conduct a comparative pharmacoeconomic analysis of Cardiomagnyl and Trombo ACC during antiplatelet therapy of cardiac patients. Methodology: Clinical studies have demonstrated equal efficacy of drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid so this analysis model is a «cost-minimization» and consists of a single line therapy, providing short-term economic evaluation (12 months therapy). Results: Antiplatelet therapy with Cardiomagnyl in cardiac elderly patients reduce the cost of the annual rate of pharmacotherapy for 220 rubles in the calculation of per patient compared with therapy Trombo ACC by reducing the cost of correction the side effects. Expenses for correction of side effects when using Cardiomagnyl less on 737 rubles per patient than with Thrombo ACC

    Pharmacoeconomic evaluation of pramipexole extended release monotherapy in early Parkinson’s disease

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    Objective. Health economic expertise of pramipexole extended release monotherapy at early stages of Parkinson’s disease. Methods. An economic model was developed based on clinical studies to derive comparative information on the effectiveness, utility and direct medical costs of antiparkinsonian treatment strategies over a year period. Cost-effectiveness, cost-utility and budget impact of comparative therapies were assessed. Results. Mirapex® extended release (ER) has the lowest cost-effectiveness ratio (31 499 rub. per a patient a year responded to antiparkinsonian therapy) and the lowest cost-utility ratio (2 562 rub. for decrease of degree of abnormalities of daily activities and motive abnormalities per a point of UPDRS scale). Budget impact analysis demonstrated that pramipexole ER monotherapy resulted in cost saving of 6 499 rub. (20 %) compared to Pronoran®, 26 918 rub. (51%) compared to Requip Modutab® and 24 966 rub. (49%) compared to Azilect® per a year of therapy. Mirapex® ER was the dominant strategy demonstrating higher effectiveness at lower costs in Parkinson’s disease treatment

    Cost minimization analysis of using «Ethanol wipes «МК Aseptic»»

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    It was conducted cost-minimization analysis (CMA) for use in a hospital medical product «Ethanol wipes «МК Aseptic»» in comparison with «routine» practice of making and using gauze (or cotton balls) and 70% ethanol or 70% isopropyl alcohol. CMA has shown that when calculating manufacturing «manual» method gauze moistened with 70% ethanol, the manufacturing cost will be 3.62 rub. /pcs., which is 2.5 once higher than the purchase price of products manufactured on an industrial scale. In calculating the production of «manual» method of cotton balls moistened with 70% ethanol, the cost of manufacturing was 2.79 rub. /pcs., which is 1.9 once higher than the purchase price of products manufactured on an industrial scale. The dominant technology was the «Ethanol wipes «МК Aseptic»»

    Perception of body shape and size without touch or proprioception: evidence from individuals with congenital and acquired neuropathy.

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    The degree to which mental representations of the body can be established and maintained without somatosensory input remains unclear. We contrast two "deafferented" adults, one who acquired large fibre sensory loss as an adult (IW) and another who was born without somatosensation (KS). We compared their responses to those of matched controls in three perceptual tasks: first accuracy of their mental image of their hands (assessed by testing recognition of correct hand length/width ratio in distorted photographs and by locating landmarks on the unseen hand); then accuracy of arm length judgements (assessed by judgement of reaching distance), and finally, we tested for an attentional bias towards peri-personal space (assessed by reaction times to visual target presentation). We hypothesised that IW would demonstrate responses consistent with him accessing conscious knowledge, whereas KS might show evidence of responses dependent on non-conscious mechanisms. In the first two experiments, both participants were able to give consistent responses about hand shape and arm length, but IW displayed a better awareness of hand shape than KS (and controls). KS demonstrated poorer spatial accuracy in reporting hand landmarks than both IW and controls, and appears to have less awareness of her hands. Reach distance was overestimated by both IW and KS, as it was for controls; the precision of their judgements was slightly lower than that of the controls. In the attentional task, IW showed no reaction time differences across conditions in the visual detection task, unlike controls, suggesting that he has no peri-personal bias of attention. In contrast, KS did show target location-dependent modulation of reaction times, when her hands were visible. We suggest that both IW and KS can access a conscious body image, although its accuracy may reflect their different experience of hand action. Acquired sensory loss has deprived IW of any subconscious body awareness, but the congenital absence of somatosensation may have led to its partial replacement by a form of visual proprioception in KS

    The role of somatosensation in automatic visuo-motor control: a comparison of congenital and acquired sensory loss.

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    Studies of chronically deafferented participants have illuminated how regaining some motor control after adult-onset loss of proprioceptive and touch input depends heavily on cognitive control. In this study we contrasted the performance of one such man, IW, with KS, a woman born without any somatosensory fibres. We postulated that her life-long absence of proprioception and touch might have allowed her to automate some simple visually-guided actions, something IW appears unable to achieve. We tested these two, and two age-matched control groups, on writing and drawing tasks performed with and without an audio-verbal echoing task that added a cognitive demand. In common with other studies of skilled action, the dual task was shown to affect visuo-motor performance in controls, with less well-controlled drawing and writing, evident as increases in path speed and reduction in curvature and trial duration. We found little evidence that IW was able to automate even the simplest drawing tasks and no evidence for automaticity in his writing. In contrast, KS showed a selective increase in speed of signature writing under the dual-task conditions, suggesting some ability to automate her most familiar writing. We also tested tracing of templates under mirror-reversed conditions, a task that imposes a powerful cognitive planning challenge. Both IW and KS showed evidence of a visuo-motor planning conflict, as did the controls, for shapes with sharp corners. Overall, IW was much faster than his controls to complete tracing shapes, consistent with an absence of visuo-proprioceptive conflict, whereas KS was slower than her controls, especially as the corners became sharper. She dramatically improved after a short period of practice while IW did not. We conclude that KS, who developed from birth without proprioception, may have some visually derived control of movement not under cognitive control, something not seen in IW. This allowed her to automate some writing and drawing actions, but impaired her initial attempts at mirror-tracing. In contrast, IW, who lost somatosensation as an adult, cannot automate these visually guided actions