17 research outputs found

    On the maximum of a subcritical branching process in a random environment

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    AbstractLet {ξn} be a subcritical branching process in random environment with independent identically distributed generating functions fn(s). It is shown that if there exists a positive number æ such that E(f0′(1))æ=1 then, for x→+∞,Psupnξn>x∼Kx−æ,where K is a positive constant

    Limit theorems for weakly subcritical branching processes in random environment

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    For a branching process in random environment it is assumed that the offspring distribution of the individuals varies in a random fashion, independently from one generation to the other. Interestingly there is the possibility that the process may at the same time be subcritical and, conditioned on nonextinction, 'supercritical'. This so-called weakly subcritical case is considered in this paper. We study the asymptotic survival probability and the size of the population conditioned on non-extinction. Also a functional limit theorem is proven, which makes the conditional supercriticality manifest. A main tool is a new type of functional limit theorems for conditional random walks.Comment: 35 page

    The relation of serum anti-(GalNAc beta) and -para — forssman disaccharide IgG levels to the progression and histological grading of gastrointestinal cancer

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    Earlier we found two unusual IgG-antibody specificities to GalNAc? and GalNAcβ1-3GalNAcβ (Para — Forssman disaccharide, PFdi) carbohydrate ligands in human serum. The aim of the study was to evaluate whether elevated antibody levels are related to the progression of gastrointestinal cancer and the histopathological grading. Methods: Specific IgG levels were tested in 159 patients with gastric cancer, 88 patients with colorectal cancer and 96 blood donors by the ELISA using synthetic polyacrylamide (PAA) conjugates, GalNAcβ-PAA and PFdi-PAA. Biochemical and haematological analyses were performed using automatic equipment. Results: The anti-PFdi IgG levels were significantly higher in patients with gastric and colorectal cancer than in donors: in stages II–IV, P = 0.0002 – 0.04 (U-test). The elevated anti-PFdi IgG level was associated with the advanced gastric cancer: in stages II, III, IV vs stage I (P = 0.004 – 0.06) and in case of the tumor size T2 + T3 vs T1 (stages I, II; P = 0.03). Differences in anti-GalNAcβ IgG level were insignificant. No relation between antibody levels and the regional and distant metastases of gastric or colorectal cancer was found. The lower anti-GalNAcβ IgG level was associated with lower-differentiated carcinomas (P = 0.01 – 0.04). Prolonged postoperative changes in the levels of both antibodies during the follow-up were established. An elevation of both antibody levels in patients with gastrointestinal cancer was revealed after a surgical removal of G3-tumors (P = 0.003 – 0.01). The anti-PFdi IgG levels correlated with the levels of the C-reactive protein: r = 0.50, P = 0.003. The anti-GalNAcβ IgG levels correlated with the percentage of peripheral blood monocytes: r = 0.42, P = 0.002. Conclusion: The association of the anti-PFdi IgG level with cancer progression suggests the implication of antibodies in the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal cancer. Further studies are required to identify natural targets of antibodies, their relation to other diseases, prognostic significance in cancer.В сыворотке крови человека ранее выявлены IgG-антитела к углеводородным лигандам GalNAcβ и GalNAcβ1-3GalNAcβ (дисахарид Пара — Форсманна, PFdi). Цель исследования — выяснение связи повышенного уровня антител с прогрессией и гистологическими особенностями опухолей желудочно-кишечного тракта. Методы: обследовали 159 больных раком желудка, 88 — раком кишечника и 96 здоровых людей — доноров крови. Уровень специфических IgG-антител определяли методом ИФА с использованием синтетических конъюгатов полиакриламида (ПАА), GalNAcβ-ПАА и PFdi-ПАА. Уделение биохимических и гематологических показателей проводили с использованием автоматических анализаторов. Результаты: уровень анти-PFdi IgG у пациентов со злокачественными новообразованиями в стадиях II–IV (P = 0,0002 – 0,04) достоверно выше, чем у доноров. Повышенный уро вень анти-PFdi IgG ассоциировался с прогрессией рака желудка (в стадиях II–IV по сравнению со стадией I P = 0,004 – 0,06) и увеличением размера опухоли (T2 + T3 по сравнению с T1, стадии I, II; P = 0.03). Различия в уровнях анти- β IgG незначительные. Не выявлено взаимосвязи между уровнем антител и метастазированием опухолей желудка и кишечника. Более низкий уровень анти- β IgG определяли у больных с менее дифференцированными опухолями (P = 0,01 – 0,04). В период послеоперационного наблюдения отмечали изменения уровня обоих типов антител. После хирургического удаления опухолей органов желудочно-кишечного тракта (стадия дифференцировки G3) повышался уровень как анти-PFdi IgG, так и анти- βIgG (P = 0,003 – 0,01). Уровень анти-PFdi IgG коррелировал с уровнем С-реактивного белка (r = 0,50, P = 0,003), а уровень анти-GalNAcβ IgG — с относительным количеством моноцитов в периферической крови (r = 0,42, P = 0,002). Выводы: установлена зависимость уровня анти-PFdi IgG от опухолевой прогрессии, что подтверждает их участие в патогенезе злокачественных новообразований органов желудочно-кишечного тракта. Необходимы дальнейшие исследования по определению природных мишеней для антител, роли в развитии других заболеваний и прогностическом значении при онкологической патологии

    Magnetohydrodynamic Oscillations in the Solar Corona and Earth’s Magnetosphere: Towards Consolidated Understanding

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    Functional limit theorems for strongly subcritical branching processes in random environment

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    For a strongly subcritical branching process (Zn)n[greater-or-equal, slanted]0 in random environment the non-extinction probability at generation n decays at the same exponential rate as the expected generation size and given non-extinction at n the conditional distribution of Zn has a weak limit. Here we prove conditional functional limit theorems for the generation size process (Zk)0[less-than-or-equals, slant]k[less-than-or-equals, slant]n as well as for the random environment. We show that given the population survives up to generation n the environmental sequence still evolves in an i.i.d. fashion and that the conditioned generation size process converges in distribution to a positive recurrent Markov chain.Branching process Random environment Random walk Change of measure Positive recurrent Markov chain Functional limit theorem

    Creation direction of large-calibre sniper rifle

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    Пропонується новий напрямок створення конструктивної схеми великокаліберних снайперських гвинтівок для озброєння правоохоронних органів та військових формувань України з використанням патронів (пострілів) калібру 14,5 мм–30,0 мм.Предлагается новое направление создания конструктивной схемы крупнокалиберных снайперских винтовок для вооружения правохранительных органов и военных формирований Украины с использованием патронов (выстрелов) калибра 14,5 мм–30,0 мм.Legitimate need of law enforcement and military units in the kinetic non-lethal weapons, weapon systems covered mismatch of law enforcement and military forces of Ukraine and the imperfection of the practical requirements of scientific and methodological apparatus justify tactical and technical requirements for non-lethal kinetic weapons

    Limits of Human Societies

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    Whatever the future of mankind might be, certain things will probably never change. People will like to live and to be protected by the society in which they live. They will care for the future of their children. They will need food and resources and will thus have to think about production, distribution and consumption of resources. Also, as before, they will usually prefer a higher standard of living to a lower one.If we agree on these assuptions, is it then possible to predict limiting society forms for possible developments of human societies? Bruss and Duerinckx (Ann. Appl. Probab. to appear, 2014) proved that the answer is yes if human societies are modeled by sequences of so-called resource dependent branching processes. Among other results, they show how the survival criteria of the societies forming an envelope of possible societies can be explicitly computed.One objective of this paper is to make these results accessible in easier terms to a broader audience. Secondly, we offer new interpretations of the results and also look at specific examples showing real-world conclusions. For the latter, two recent decisions of the German grand-coalition government, widely discussed in the media, are chosen. We try to shed light on them in view of some of our results.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe