9,097 research outputs found

    Geospatial modeling of forest landscape assessment: A case study from Ikere forest reserve

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    This study set out to assess the dynamic characteristics of the Ikere forest reserve landscape between 1985 and 2017 using remote sensing data and spatial metrics. Landscape of the study area maintained complex patterns of spatial heterogeneity over the years. Forest cover loss to other land cover types results in new large non-forest area at increasing rate. As at the year 2017, the changes in land cover types were not yet at equilibrium, thus the need to determine the future forest cover extent using a three-way markov Chain model. The decrease in number of patches of forest land (NumP) with increase in its mean patch size (MPS) shows that the forest is becoming a single unit probably due to clearing of existing patches of forest trees. The decrease in class diversity and evenness (SDI and SEI) of the general landscape over the years strengthens this assertion. The findings of this study would be very helpful to government and other stakeholders responsible for ensuring sustainable forest and general environment. Keyword: Landscape, Spatial metrics, sustainable forest and Environment

    Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF ) receptor expression correlates with histologic grade and stage of colorectal cancer

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    Background: Colorectal carcinoma (CRC) is the seventh-most common malignancy and is the main cause of death in Iraq. The incidence of this cancer has increased sharply after the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Aim: To estimate immunohistochemical expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in CRC in relation to other parameters, such as grade and stage of tumour. Methods: Formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded blocks from 52 patients (27 male and 25 female) with CRC were included in this study. A group of 22 patients with non-cancerous colonic tissues were included as a control group. Avidin-biotin complex method was employed for immunohistochemical detection of VEGF. Results: VEGF immuno-expression was positive in 51.9% of CRC, while it was 18.2% in the normal colonic tissue (p<0.05). VEGF immunostaining was positively correlated with grade of colonic malignancy (p<0.05). Conclusion: These findings provide further evidence for the role of VEGF in the carcinogenesis of CRC. However, VEGF could not be well correlated with stage of tumour and hence may be a poor prognostic parameter of state of malignancy of colonic carcinoma.Keywords: colorectal carcinoma; VEGF; immunohistochemistr

    Signatures of Star-planet interactions

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    Planets interact with their host stars through gravity, radiation and magnetic fields, and for those giant planets that orbit their stars within \sim10 stellar radii (\sim0.1 AU for a sun-like star), star-planet interactions (SPI) are observable with a wide variety of photometric, spectroscopic and spectropolarimetric studies. At such close distances, the planet orbits within the sub-alfv\'enic radius of the star in which the transfer of energy and angular momentum between the two bodies is particularly efficient. The magnetic interactions appear as enhanced stellar activity modulated by the planet as it orbits the star rather than only by stellar rotation. These SPI effects are informative for the study of the internal dynamics and atmospheric evolution of exoplanets. The nature of magnetic SPI is modeled to be strongly affected by both the stellar and planetary magnetic fields, possibly influencing the magnetic activity of both, as well as affecting the irradiation and even the migration of the planet and rotational evolution of the star. As phase-resolved observational techniques are applied to a large statistical sample of hot Jupiter systems, extensions to other tightly orbiting stellar systems, such as smaller planets close to M dwarfs become possible. In these systems, star-planet separations of tens of stellar radii begin to coincide with the radiative habitable zone where planetary magnetic fields are likely a necessary condition for surface habitability.Comment: Accepted for publication in the handbook of exoplanet

    Neuromusculoskeletal disorders in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus: Outcome of a twelve-week Therapeutic exercise programme

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    Usual line of management of diabetes patients is drug and diet with theirphysical needs usually receiving minimal attention. Among the physical needs, requiring attention is their neuromusculoskeletal disorders. This study was designed to investigate the effect of a twelve-week therapeuticexercise on neuromusculoskeletal disorders ofType 2 Diabetes (T2D) patients. Forty-three participants from the Diabetes Specialty Clinic ofAminu KanoTeaching Hospital, Kano completed the study. Selected neuromusculoskeletal disorders including pain, dermatological foot grades,disorders of ranges of motion and strength of selected joints and muscles were assessed before and after a period of twelve weeks of therapeutic exercises. Participants were followed up for another twelve weekswithout therapeutic exercises. Baseline assessment revealed poor neuromusculoskeletal status. Significant improvements (P0.05). T2D patients presented with neuromusculoskeletal disorders at baseline. Therapeutic exercises however assisted in the improvement of these disorders but relapsed when exercises were suspended. Engagement in therapeutic exercises enhanced neuromusculoskeletal health, while withdrawal from the exercise contributed to a decline. T2D patients should be encouraged to participate in therapeutic exercises in order to promote their health and function

    Analgesia in patients with or without single-shot lamina thoracic paravertebral block following breast cancer surgery in a Nigerian hospital

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    Background: In this pilot study, we evaluated the postoperative analgesic effect of the new lamina thoracic paravertebral block using a single-shot technique for major breast cancer surgery.Methods: A retrospective observational design was used to compare data involving 16 consecutive ASA 1 and 2 female patients who had unilateral modified radical mastectomy with axillary clearance under general anaesthesia with paravertebral block and 15 others without block between 13/03/2014 to 12/05/2015. We compared the time to the first request for analgesic, total analgesic (opioid and non-opioid) consumption (in mg) and postoperative pain scores over 72 h between the two groups.Results: One patient was excluded from the cohort due to block failure. The median time to first request for analgesic was 43 h (25.2-73.0 h) in the block group versus 2 h (1.0-2.5 h), p=0001. The pain scores was significantly lower at all measurement points among the block patients compared with the no-block group until 24 h postoperatively. No patient in the block group required analgesic within 24 h after surgery. The total consumption of pentazocine was nil (block group) vs. 154.0±74.2 (range 90-300) mg, p=0.0000001.Conclusions: Single-shot lamina paravertebral block provided prolonged postoperative analgesia and reduced opioid and non-opioid consumption

    Increase in Adiposity of Type 2 Diabetes Patients following Withdrawal from Therapeutic Exercise

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    In order to achieve optimum health status, Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) patients are usually encouraged to undergo regular and consistent therapeutic exercises. This study investigated whether the gains of exercises on adiposity variables of T2D patients are maintained within a few weeks of withdrawal from exercise and whether it was significantly related to the age of the patient and the duration of diagnosis of T2D. Forty-three T2D patients aged between 30 and 64 years were recruited for this study. They were placed on a combination of endurance and strengthening exercises for 12 weeks. The participants were thereafter observed for another 12 weeks without exercises. The adiposity variables measured in both phases of the study include: body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist-hip-ratio (WHR) and percent-body-fat (PBF). Significant improvements (P less than 0.05) for all the variables were achieved after 12 weeks of therapeutic exercises. The variables, however, showed significant relapses (P less than 0.05) within six weeks of withdrawal of exercise and these were significantly related (P less than 0.05) to both the age of the patient and the duration of diagnosis. The endurance and strengthening exercises improved the adiposity variables of theT2D patients, but the gains began to decline within six weeks of withdrawal from the exercises. The increase in adiposity was more as the age and duration of diagnosis of the patients increased. KEY WORDS: weight maintenance, body composition, diabetes mellitu

    Psychosocial stress among patients with type 2 diabetes: habitual physical activity as a promising moderator

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    Psychosocial stress is a disabling condition and is common among people with diabetes mellitus in view of the complexity of the disorder. It is however not clear if the psychosocial stress has any link with habitual physical activity, which is an important component in the care of people with diabetes. This study was conducted to investigate the likely connection between habitual physical activity and psychosocial stress among people with type 2 diabetes. A total of 193 adults with type 2 diabetes took part in this study. Psychosocial stress was assessed using the Revised Questionnaire on Stress in patients with Diabetes (QSD-R) while physical activity was assessed using the Baecke Habitual Physical Activity Questionnaire. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics at p < .05. The mean age of the participants was 58.76 ± 14.27 years with mean duration of diagnosis being 6.41 ± 4. 51 years. With a mean score of 2.8, work activity was the main source of physical activity for the patients with the least activity index of 1.2 coming from sports participation. Hypoglycaemia and self-medication/diet were the most important sources of stress to the patients and the overall psychosocial stress was related to habitual physical activity (r = - .73, p = .002). Significantly, patients with higher physical activity index presented with lower psychosocial stress. Apart from the well-known improvement in glycaemic control, type 2 diabetes patients that participate more in physical activity may be able to reduce their psychosocial stress.Keywords: Type 2 diabetes, psychosocial stress, habitual physical activit

    Evaluation des lignées endogames de maïs (Zea mays L.) pour le développement des hybrides adaptés aux zones de basse et moyenne altitudes du Cameroun

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    Un croisement diallèle a été utilisé pour évaluer 11 lignées endogames de maïs (Zea mays L.) de basse et moyenne altitudes dans le développement des hybrides. Les 55 hybrides issus de ce croissement et 3 variétés composites ont été évalués en 2004 sur trois sites dans un dispositif simple comprenant 2 répétitions. Les objectifs étaient d’identifier les hybrides les plus productifs, d’étudier les effets de gènes des lignées et d’évaluer les aptitudes à la combinaison. L’analyse de la variance combinée sur les trois sites a montré que les différents hybrides ont présenté le même comportement et classement relatif d’un site à l’autre pour le rendement. Cinq hybrides à savoir Cam Inb gp117 x ATP-S4-25W, 91109x ATP-S4-25W, 88094 x cml 254, 88094 x Exp24 et 87036 x cml 254 se sont mieux comportés que le meilleur hybride de l’IRAD (87036 x Exp24). Les lignées de basse altitude ont montré les meilleures performances en croisements dans les deux zones. L’effet de la dominance n’a pas été significatif tout comme l’aptitude spécifique à la combinaison sur les trois sites. Cependant, l’aptitude générale à la combinaison a été significative et en générale positive. Les caractères sont donc contrôlés par les gènes à effets additifs.Mots clés : Aptitude à la combinaison, dominance, effet des gène

    Habitual Physical Activity, Peripheral Neuropathy, Foot Deformities and Lower Limb Function: Characterizing Prevalence and Interlinks in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Background: Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) may have diverse foot problems, but how these problems are linked with physical activity is not clear. This study investigated the prevalence of foot problems among patients with T2DM and investigated how the problems were related to physical activity.Methods: Habitual physical activity, peripheral neuropathy, lower limb functions and foot deformities of 246 T2DM patients were respectively assessed with the Baecke Physical Activity Questionnaire, Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument, Lower Limb Function Scale, and a self-designed foot deformity audit form.Results: Habitual physical activity index (3.2 ± 0.83) was highest in work-related activities; 69 (26.1 %) patients presented with peripheral neuropathy and 52 (19. 7%) had the lowest limb function. Pes planus was the most prevalent foot deformity (20.1%). Significant differences existed in physical activity indices across deformity groups (p < 0.05) and total activity index was related to neuropathic and lower limb function scores (p < 0.05).Conclusion: A higher work-related but reduced participation in sports and leisure time physical activity among the patients was observed. Habitual physical activity was lowest in patients with a forefoot deformity, higher neuropathic scores and lesser lower limb function scores. Patients with T2DM in these categories may be a target for special physical activity intervention programmes.Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Foot Complications, Physical Activit