17 research outputs found

    Relationship between summer weather and breeding numbers (no.of nests) 3 years later.

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    <p>Shown are three common eider colonies in Iceland 1977–2007 (A, B) and 1961–2007 (C). Graphs on the left-hand side have Summer-PC2 on the X-axis whereas graphs on the right-hand side have Summer PC1 on the X-axis (see explanations on top of each column of graphs). Note the differing scales on y- and x axis.</p

    Frequency distribution of common eider population synchrony.

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    <p>Synchrony was measured by pair-wise cross-correlation coefficients of breeding numbers with lag = 0, among 16 colonies (120 correlations) in Iceland 1977–2007. Low synchrony was inferred because of 120 pair-wise correlations, 88 (73%) had a cross-correlation coefficient <0.3, which were not significant at the α = 0.05 level. The mean correlation coefficient was 0.213; with the highest correlation coefficient = 0.666.</p

    Common eider colonies, location, series length (years), relevant weather stations and covariance structures used to estimate correlations between breeding numbers and local weather conditions, for common eider <i>Somateria mollissima</i> breeding in Iceland.

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    <p>t = temperature (°C), p = atmospheric pressure (ppt), r = precipitation (mm), f = wind speed (m/s).</p><p>Weather parameter f was unavailable until 1949. Numbers in far left column refer to locations in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0067093#pone-0067093-g001" target="_blank">Figure 1</a>. Colony FV-NK is Fuglavík-Norðurkot.</p

    IBP microsat data

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    Excel file containing microsatellite data of females and the ducklings in their nest

    Influence of breeding colony (i.e., Bjørnøya, Iceland and Shetland) and wintering area (i.e., Africa, America and Europe) on reproductive phenology traits of breeding female great skuas (<i>Stercorarius skua</i>).

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    <p>The F- and p-values were calculated using type III general linear models (GLM). Numbers in bold indicate significant p-values (p<0.05). Values (means ± standard errors) are reported for the 3 different breeding colonies. For each row reporting significant differences between colonies, lowercase letters (a–c) indicate a significant difference in means (Tukey's HSD <i>post hoc</i> tests).</p

    Individual feather corticosterone concentrations in winter grown primary feathers of great skuas (<i>Stercorarius skua</i>) breeding in three different colonies: Bjørnøya (black triangles), Iceland (white circles) and Shetland (black stars) in relation to their wintering quarters: Africa, Europe and America.

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    <p>Individual feather corticosterone concentrations in winter grown primary feathers of great skuas (<i>Stercorarius skua</i>) breeding in three different colonies: Bjørnøya (black triangles), Iceland (white circles) and Shetland (black stars) in relation to their wintering quarters: Africa, Europe and America.</p