303 research outputs found
Mondelinge geschiedenis in België en de (de-)constructie van collectieve herinnering
Wouters Nico, Aerts Koen. Mondelinge geschiedenis in Belgie en de (de-)constructie van collectieve herinnering. In: Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, tome 92, fasc. 2, 2014. Histoire médiévale, moderne et contemporaine Middeleeuwse, moderne en hedendaagse geschiedenis. pp. 503-511
'There's something rotten in the state of Belgium': de liquidatie van de repressie en het Europese verdrag tot bescherming van de rechten van de mens en de fundamentele vrijheden: de zaak-De Becker (1956-1962)
De dynamiek van de herinnering: Nederland en de Tweede Wereldoorlog in een internationale context
A Belgian view (of the debate) on dat nooit meer: de nasleep van de Tweede Wereldoorlog in Nederland
While the booming field of memory studies is characterised by a lack of a uniform and consistent methodology, Dot nooit meer [Never Again] seems to reject any theoretical analysis whatsoever. The author, Chris van der Heijden, relies on the journalistic motto 'show, don't tell'. Such a vision provides both the strength and the weakness of the argument. On the one hand he manages to dig up a wealth of empirical information; on the other hand, the evidence of his thesis is solely dependent on the selection of sources by the author. This book therefore is not only a challenge for Dutch war historiography, but also indirectly an urgent call for self-reflection on the international research on collective memories. To what extent is its associative and anecdotal argument a relevant interpretation of how Dutch society remembered and rewrote the past World War II? To what extent can we develop an epistemologically justified and adequate methodology that allows the analysis of the genesis of a collective memory
Genade voor ter dood veroordeelden tijdens de zuiveringen na de Tweede Wereldoorlog in België: een vorstelijk prerogatief?
Mondelinge geschiedenis en geheugenstudie: slotbedenkingen
Wouters Nico, Aerts Koen. Mondelinge geschiedenis en geheugenstudie: slotbedenkingen. In: Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, tome 92, fasc. 2, 2014. Histoire médiévale, moderne et contemporaine Middeleeuwse, moderne en hedendaagse geschiedenis. pp. 689-698
La peine de mort dans la Belgique d’après-guerre (1944-1950). Un sacrifice symbolique ?
Au temps de la liquidation pénale de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, entre 1944 et 1950, la justice belge prononce environ 2 940 condamnations à la peine de mort. Pour les condamnés à mort, le droit de grâce était le dernier et seul espoir d’échapper à leur punition par le peloton d’exécution. Tandis que, depuis 1863, la quasi-totalité des condamnations à la peine de mort avait été presque automatiquement commuée, au sortir de la guerre, 242 personnes furent exécutées. Ce nombre est étonnamment proche du chiffre de 240 otages exécutés par les autorités allemandes pendant l’occupation. La ressemblance des chiffres donne l’impression d’un sacrifice symbolique et bien calculé. Néanmoins, en montrant comment la majorité des condamnés à mort a esquivé la sanction finale, cet article conclut que cet effectif de 242 est l’effet non intentionnel d’une politique de grâce soumise à des évolutions structurelles.During the judicial prosecutions that occurred in the wake of the Second World War, approximately 2940 death sentences were pronounced in Belgium between 1944 and 1950. For those condemned to death, the right to leniency was the last and only hope to escape their punishment by firing squad. Even though since 1863, with some exceptions, all capital punishment sentences had been quasi-automatically commuted, this time 242 executions were carried out. This figure is remarkable, especially compared with the figure of the 240 hostages executed by the German authorities during the occupation. The total number and the resemblance of the figures give the impression of a well-calculated and symbolic offering. However, by showing how the majority of those condemned to death eluded the ultimate punishment, this article demonstrates that the figure of 242 is the unintended effect of a structurally evolving policy of clemenc
De Kroon ontbloot: genadeverlening bij de doodstraf tijdens de zuiveringen na de Tweede Wereldoorlog
Potential tree species extinction, colonization and recruitment in Afromontane forest relicts
Tree species regeneration determines future forest structure and composition, but is often severely hampered in small forest relicts. To study succession, long-term field observations or simulation models are used but data, knowledge or resources to run such models are often scarce in tropical areas. We propose and implement a species accounting equation, which includes the co-occurring events extinction, colonization and recruitment and which can be solved by using data from a single inventory. We solved this species accounting equation for the 12 remaining Afromontane cloud forest relicts in Taita Hills, Kenya by comparing the tree species present among the seedling, sapling and mature tree layer in 82 plots. A simultaneous ordination of the seedling, sapling and mature tree layer data revealed that potential species extinctions, colonizations and recruitments may induce future species shifts. On landscape level, the potential extinction debt amounted to 9% (7 species) of the regional species pool. On forest relict level, the smallest relicts harbored an important proportion of the tree species diversity in the regeneration layer. The average potential recruitment credit, defined as species only present as seedling or sapling, was 3 and 6 species for large and small forest relicts, while the average potential extinction debt was 12 and 4 species, respectively. In total, both large and small relicts are expected to lose approximately 20% of their current local tree species pool. The species accounting equations provide a time and resource effective tool and give an improved understanding of the conservation status and possible future succession dynamics of forest relicts, which can be particularly useful in a context of participatory monitoring
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