7 research outputs found

    Effects of environmental parameters and nutrients on phytoplankton communities around the shrimp farm complexes in Bushehr Province, in the Persian Gulf

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    The aim of this work was to be informed and aware of the red tide conditions before the entering of algal blooms in seawater supply canals of the shrimp farm and hatchery complexes in Bushehr Province. Field investigations and monthly samplings have been carried out to determine environmental parameters, nutrients, chlorophyll–a and phytoplankton in the southern part of the input water channels of Mond, Delvar and Heleh farmed shrimp complexes from April to December 2011. The identified phytoplankton belonged to three classes of Bacillariophyceae, Dinophyceae and Cyanophyceae. 12 genera belonging to Dinophyceae, 25 genera to Bacillariophyceae and two genera to Cyanophyceae were observed during the study. The highest average density of total phytoplankton was recorded at Heleh station at 18374 cells/lit. The maximum density of phytoplankton was at Delvar station in December. The highest density of Dinophyceae was observed in August. Alexandrium sp., Ornithocercus and Prorocentrum sp. were the predominant species of Dinophyceae class. Bacillariophyceae are thermo-tolerant and halo-tolerant while Dinophyceae and Cyanophyceae are thermo-intolerant and halo-intolerant. Bacillariophyceae are silica limited while Dinophyceae are phosphorus limited phytoplankton

    The effects of water quality on growth of the reared pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)

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    We investigated effects of water quality on growth of the Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) reared in Heleh region of Bushehr in the south of Iran. Physico-chemical parameters such as water temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, pH and clarity were investigated in three 0.5ha shrimp ponds. Nutrients (nitrate, nitrite, ammonia and total phosphate), magnesium and sulphate as water quality factors were also investigated. Using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), a significant correlation (P0.05) while the afternoon pH values had negative significant correlation with the growth factors (P0.05)

    Study of Spirulina platensis meal effectin diet for growth and survival of Litopenaeus vannamei Larvae

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    This survey was conducted to survey the substition effect of Arthrospira platensis and Chaetoceros muelleri as food for feeding Litopenaeus vannamei during zoea and mysis stage. Larvae were cultured in 30 L containers filled by 10 L at a density of 100 Larvae. During the experiment salinity was 30 ppt and the average of temperature , pH and DO were 31.4ºC ,8.03 and 5.3 mg/l respectively .Three diet treatment and three replicates consist of twomonospecific and 1 combination of two algae were designed. All treatments received Artemia naupli at 5/ml from M1 and micro bound diet at 6 mg/l/d. Survival and total length were measured in zoea and mysisstage.The result indicate that highest survival rate in Zoea (63.17±1 %) and mysis (45.3±1.2 %) was obtained in Chaetoceros (P0.05)but In mysis stage (4.44±0.09mm ) was obtained in combination of Chaetoceros muelleri and Arthrospira platensis ( P<0.05 ).The result of this survey indicated that combination of Chaetoceros and Arthrospira platensis is better for feeding Litopenaeus vannamei during zoea and mysis stage

    Identification of Bopyridae, Isopoda in green tiger prawn (Penaeus semisulcatus) and jinga shrimp (Metapenaes affinis) from coastal area of Buoshehr, Persian Gulf

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    This study was conducted at depth 5-20 meters from the coastal area of Bushehr during July to September, 2013. The aim of this study was identification of Bopyrid: Isopod in two shrimp species Penaeus semisulcatus and Metapenaes affinis and the effects of biological and environmental factors on its disturbance. In this study 814 kg of samples included of 735 kg of Green tiger shrimp (P. semisulcatus), 68 kg of jinga shrimp (M. affinis) and 20 kg other species were collected. The identified Bopyridae parasite was belonged to Epipenaeon ingens. The result showed that the abundance of bopyridae parasite in the Green tiger shrimp (P. semisulcatus) was 26%, which observed in the depth of 10 – 20 meters. No Bopyridae parasite was detected from jinga shrimp (M. affinis). The average weight and length of infected green tiger prwan specimens were 39.87±0.27 gr and 19.61±0.07 cm, respectively. The physiological state of infected shrimps indicated that, reduction of ovarian development and petasma in female and male, respectively. There was a significant relationship between water temperature and salinity increased with increasing of E. ingens abundance in P. semisulcatus in the studied area

    A survey on the effects of the Cochlodinium sp. bloom on the survival of the Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp

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    Red tide event a product of micro algae abundance has elevated in last few years. Loss of aquatic life due to HAB, and its effect on human health, has caused tremendous damage in the world. In this research the effect of (1, 2, 3, 9, and 30) ×10^3 Cells ml^-1 densities of Cochlodinium polykrikoides on survival and histopathological effect on hepatopancreas and gills of Litopenaeus vannamei postlarvae (PLs) and juvenile stages has been investigated. Results showed 100% survival with (1, 2, and 3) ×10^3 Cells ml-1 densities but accumulative mortality in 9×10^3 Cells ml^-1 density were 1.33% and 2.22%, in PLs and juvenile stages respectively, and there is no significant difference between control and treatment groups. accumulative mortality in 3×10^4 Cells ml^-1 density was 4.44% and 17.8% in PLs and juveniles respectively which have significant different with control groups. According to histopathological investigation in this density the infiltration of blood cells in connective tissue of hepatopancreatic tubules and gills lamellae of PLs and juvenile stages were low but high in 3×10^4 Cells ml^-1. The intensity of infiltration in juvenile stages was higher than PLs, which indicate incensement of hepatopancreatic and gills blood cells in higher densities of this phytoplankton. The end result of the study indicates that in high densities of C. polykrikoides survival rate in PLs and juveniles decreased and according to histopathological study the most important possible factor in shrimp mortality when exposure to C. polykrikoides was settlement of phytoplankton on gills lamellae and preventing oxygen exchange of shrimp

    Supply and protected different population of Litopenaeus vannamei subadult zero foster (F_0) from difference provinces Iran

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    Nowadays, Litopenaeus vannamei are the most important species of farmed penaeidae shrimp in the world that is rapidly replacing native species in areas aquaculture. Due to demand increase for this species culture, shrimp displacement to different areas may be associated with some potential pathogens transferred to new areas farmed. Therefore, in this study were prepared bi-osecurity conditions for specific disease-free production of L. vannamei. Thereafter, three populations (Molokaei, High health and mix of Molokaei and High health) of the shrimp various reserves were detected base on origin and genetic indexes such as: observed heterozygosity, expected heterozygosity, allele frequency, coefficient inbreeding, genetic differentiation, genetic distance and genetic identity. On the other hand, epidemiological studies indicate non pathogens (viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic) recognition of different populations selected in the quarantine salon. The bioassay results showed that the average weight and length of the populations of High health and Mix significantly greater than was a population of Molokaei. The shrimp populations were stocked in fiberglass tank (five ton) and were kept separated in the quarantine salon. During maintenance shrimp of populations in the quarantine salon were evaluated living and non-living pathogens with PCR, microbiology and biochemical methods. There is not any pathogens detection from shrimp populations stocking in the quarantine salon, so the shrimps were carried over to pond for broodstock culture of specific pathogenic free

    Environmental impact assessment (EIA) on cultivation of the nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) with brackish water in Dashtestan

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    EIA is a worthy tool for identifying and assessing potential impacts and control them.it compatibles environmental aspects with sustainable development. In order to predict the effects of tilapia culture activities on regional we gathered physical, biological, and social information to quantify the activities effects on them. We addressed 42 impacts consist of 31 positive, and 11 negative. These affect half of social, 33% of physical, and 17 of biological elements. This equivalent with -42, +304, and+36 when puts in the charts.in order to have a good and comprehensive assessment of activities Leopold matrices was employed. Based on summarized values from this we have +380and -82 results +298. This means that this activity has a great positive result especially on socio-economic environment. These kinds of studies are highly recommended for other parts of the Bushehr province e.g Dashtestan county that most of their water resources are brackish and not suitable for agriculture