1 research outputs found

    Effect of Packaging Materials on Retention of Quality Characteristics of Dehydrated Green Leafy Vegetables during Storage

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of blanching, dehydration and packaging on nutrient composition of Amaranthus gangeticus and Spinach oleracea. There was a loss of sugars, Proteins, vitamin- c and carotenoids were noticed due to blanching. But the colour of green leafy vegetables (GLV) is retained due to blanching. Leafy vegetables were dehydrated in cabinet dryer at 60oC and packed in three packaging materials (Metalized polypropylene (MPP) 300 gauge, high density polyethylene (HDPE) 300 gauge, low density polyethylene (LDPE) 200 gauge) and stored at room temperature for 45 days to evaluate the best package for maximum retention of nutrients in leafy vegetables during storage. PP followed by HDPE was found to be good for retention of nutrients in dehydrated leafy vegetables during 45 days of storage. Irrespective of the losses of nutrients that take place during dehydrated packaging, GLV can be preserved by dehydration which is eco-friendly and easily adoptable