14 research outputs found

    Fraction Learners: Assessing Understanding through Language Acquisition

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    This study applies the Mathematics Acquisition Framework (MAF) (Bossé, Ringler, Bayaga, Fountain, & Young, 2018) to investigate fifth- through seventh-grade students’ comprehension of fractions and decimals and examines how students build understanding of mathematical principles and concepts regarding fractions and decimals. Based on case studies and discourse analysis, the results revealed students in different stages of the MAF with some students employing informal/social language in their mathematical communication and others using formal/academic language. Additionally, mathematically erroneous student communication was more positively interpreted through the lens of the MAF, which interpreted student errors, misunderstandings, and miscommunications as natural components to learning

    Trace and heavy metals analysis of Phyllanthus amarus and Phyllanthus fraternus in Ghana

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    Ethno-pharmacological uses and information about Phyllanthus species have prompted this work. The aim was to investigate the presence and levels of aluminum (Al), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn) lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), chromium (Cr) and nickel (Ni) in Phyllanthus amarus (PA) and Phyllanthus fraternus (PF) in Ghana. Three different extracts (hot aqueous, hot ethanol and cold ethanol) were prepared from dried powdered samples of these plants. These extracts, including the dried samples of the plants were analyzed for the presence and levels of Al, Mg, Fe, Mn, Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Cr, and Ni using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS). The levels of Ni (0.43±0.24 ppm), Cr (0.35±0.04 ppm) and Cd (0.18±0.10 ppm) in both plant species were found to be very low in the dried samples plants and below the FAO/WHO maximum limits for vegetables, but were below the detectable limits of our AAS in the extract. Pb was not detected in the dried plant samples and in the extracts of the PA and PF; hence the plants may not pose serious health threat to consumers. PA and PF contain appreciable amounts of trace metals though they were all below the FAO/WHO maximum permissible limits in vegetables. The level of Fe in PA and PF (145.11±11.69 ppm and 179.94±14.60 ppm respectively) was found be to relatively high compared to the other elements analyzed. This finding makes the two plants suitable candidates for use in formulating effective remedies against iron deficiency diseases besides conferring some nutritive value to the patients.Keywords: Ethno-pharmacological, phytoextration, concentration, medicinal valu

    Dvifaktorinė dispersinė analizė pajamų surinkimo skirtumams tirti

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    The Ghanaian informal sector is characterized by underemployment, bad working conditions, uncertain workrelationships and low earnings. This sector employs 80% of the workforce. Consequently, establishing an efficient tax systemthat can raise sufficient revenue to finance essential expenditures without recourse to government borrowing has been achallenge. Using time series data extracted from a revenue mobilization unit in Ghana, this paper examines the inequalities infour revenue mobilization instruments, namely self-employed tax, company tax, Pay As You Earn (PAYE) tax andmiscellaneous taxes. The study uses the theory of two-way ANOVA as the main approach for exploring the differences. Weassessed the adequacy of our theoretical approach using numerical methods. Revenues generated from the mobilizationinstruments differed significantly with exception of self-employed tax and company tax. Generally, revenue from company,self-employed and miscellaneous taxes were low, compared to Pay As You Earn (PAYE) tax. This study draws attention tothe importance of enhancing the informal sector in order to improve revenue from self-employed tax.Ganos neformalusis sektorius pasižymi nepakankamu užimtumu, blogomis darbo sąlygomis, neužtikrintais darbo santykiais ir mažu uždarbiu. Šiame sektoriuje užimta apie 80 % darbo jėgos. Todėl efektyvios mokesčių sistemos sukūrimas, kuri galėtų surinkti pakankamai biudžeto pajamų pagrindinėms išlaidoms finansuoti išvengiant valstybės skolinimosi, yra didelis iššūkis. Naudojant Ganos biudžeto įplaukų surinkimo laiko eilutės duomenis, šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjami keturių mokesčių surinkimo instrumentų skirtumai, būtent sau dirbančiųjų mokesčiai, įmonių mokesčiai, pajamų mokesčiai ir kiti mokesčiai. Straipsnyje taikoma dvifaktorinė dispersinė analizė kaip pagrindinis metodas mokesčių skirtumams tirti. Teorinio modelio tinkamumas tiriamas skaitiniais metodais. Skirtingų surinkimo instrumentų surinktos įplaukos labai skiriasi, išskyrus sau dirbančiųjų mokesčius ir įmonių mokesčius. Įmonių, sau dirbančių ir kiti mokesčiai buvo maži, palyginti su pajamų mokesčiais. Šiuo tyrimu atkreipiamas dėmesys į poreikį stiprinti neformalųjį sektorių, siekiant pagerinti sau dirbančiųjų mokesčių surinkimą

    Assessment of aboveground, belowground, and total biomass carbon storage potential of

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    This article reports on a study conducted to assess the carbon storage potential of Bambusa vulgaris, the predominant bamboo species in Ghana. The study aimed to fill a knowledge gap on the potential of bamboo to sequester carbon for climate change mitigation in Ghana. Unlike previous studies that only focused on aboveground biomass, this study assessed belowground, litter, and coarse wood carbon pools. Allometric parameters and models were used to measure the aboveground biomass, while other carbon pools were directly measured. The results showed that the aboveground biomass of B. vulgaris had a carbon stock of 42.85 ± 9.32 Mg C ha−1, which was 73% of the total biomass carbon stock. The carbon stocks of belowground, coarse wood and litter were 8.57, 3.02, and 4.25 Mg C ha−1, respectively. The study also found that B. vulgaris had a high carbon dioxide sequestration potential of 215.39 Mg CO2e ha−1 compared to 147–275 Mg CO2e ha−1 for trees in general. The findings suggest that B. vulgaris could contribute to Ghana's transition to a low-carbon economy through carbon stock monitoring, reporting, and policy development to minimise the impact of climate change. Moreover, the inclusion of relevant carbon pools, including coarse wood and litter, in forest carbon estimates should be encouraged to provide a comprehensive understanding of the plant carbon cycle

    Advancing Robotics Experience (semester?), IPRO 316

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    The introduction of the robotics IPRO program in its few years has already served the IIT community some rather practical and innovative concepts of robotics. Through an impressive and beneficial advancement, the program has successfully carried on to the spring 2005 semester. The goals of the program remain simply a quest to advance the art of robotics in the IIT community. The stage has been aptly set by previous IPROS for higher and more substantial progression on this cause. The goals of the IPRO Spring 2005 team will be to create four prototypes of not merely user friendly robots but a sophisticated utilitarian bunch that would gain enough attention in support of the ultimate cause of the introduction of a robotics course. The Peppy, Roomba, Darpa and the Pyro are the four prototypes set for construction this semester.Deliverables for IPRO 316: Advancing Robotics Experience for the Spring 2005 semeste

    Advancing Robotics Experience (semester?), IPRO 316: IIT Robotics Initiative IPRO 316 Abstract Sp05

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    The introduction of the robotics IPRO program in its few years has already served the IIT community some rather practical and innovative concepts of robotics. Through an impressive and beneficial advancement, the program has successfully carried on to the spring 2005 semester. The goals of the program remain simply a quest to advance the art of robotics in the IIT community. The stage has been aptly set by previous IPROS for higher and more substantial progression on this cause. The goals of the IPRO Spring 2005 team will be to create four prototypes of not merely user friendly robots but a sophisticated utilitarian bunch that would gain enough attention in support of the ultimate cause of the introduction of a robotics course. The Peppy, Roomba, Darpa and the Pyro are the four prototypes set for construction this semester.Deliverables for IPRO 316: Advancing Robotics Experience for the Spring 2005 semeste

    Advancing Robotics Experience (semester?), IPRO 316: IIT Robotics Initiative IPRO 316 Poster 2 Sp05

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    The introduction of the robotics IPRO program in its few years has already served the IIT community some rather practical and innovative concepts of robotics. Through an impressive and beneficial advancement, the program has successfully carried on to the spring 2005 semester. The goals of the program remain simply a quest to advance the art of robotics in the IIT community. The stage has been aptly set by previous IPROS for higher and more substantial progression on this cause. The goals of the IPRO Spring 2005 team will be to create four prototypes of not merely user friendly robots but a sophisticated utilitarian bunch that would gain enough attention in support of the ultimate cause of the introduction of a robotics course. The Peppy, Roomba, Darpa and the Pyro are the four prototypes set for construction this semester.Deliverables for IPRO 316: Advancing Robotics Experience for the Spring 2005 semeste

    Advancing Robotics Experience (semester?), IPRO 316: IIT Robotics Initiative IPRO 316 Final Report Sp05

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    The introduction of the robotics IPRO program in its few years has already served the IIT community some rather practical and innovative concepts of robotics. Through an impressive and beneficial advancement, the program has successfully carried on to the spring 2005 semester. The goals of the program remain simply a quest to advance the art of robotics in the IIT community. The stage has been aptly set by previous IPROS for higher and more substantial progression on this cause. The goals of the IPRO Spring 2005 team will be to create four prototypes of not merely user friendly robots but a sophisticated utilitarian bunch that would gain enough attention in support of the ultimate cause of the introduction of a robotics course. The Peppy, Roomba, Darpa and the Pyro are the four prototypes set for construction this semester.Deliverables for IPRO 316: Advancing Robotics Experience for the Spring 2005 semeste

    Polycythemia vera disease profile in an African population—experience from a tertiary facility in Ghana

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    Objectives: The study describes the clinical and laboratory profile of the patients with polycythemia vera at Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital in Kumasi, Ghana. Methods and design: This was a retrospective hospital-based cohort study conducted from September 2020 to August 2022. Hematology clinic entry book was used to identify the patient’s unique hospital code. Using these unique codes, retrospective data were collected using an Excel spreadsheet from the Hospital Lightwave health information management system (LHIMS) database. Results: A total of 20 participants were recruited over the period of 2 years. The overall mean age was 51.53 ± 16.39 years. The hematological profile of the male participants revealed a mean hemoglobin of 18.25 ± 1.373 g/dl, mean hematocrit of 52 ± 3.47%, and a mean platelet of 345.5 ± 180.82. Comparatively, the mean hemoglobin, hematocrit, and platelet for the female participants were higher with figures of 19.26 ± 1.43 g/dl, 53 ± 3.61%, and 816 ± 935.32, respectively. Headache, tiredness, numbness, splenomegaly, and abnormal labs were the most common reasons why participants sought medical attention. Majority (60%) of the study participants had Janus Kinase 2 mutation. New-onset hypertension was identified in 45% of the study participants during follow-up. Thromboembolism was seen in 10% of the study population. Conclusion: Polycythemia vera is an uncommon disease in Ghana mostly found in older males above 50 years. It is important to recognize it early to initiate therapy aimed at preventing common complications such as hypertension and thromboembolism. Polycythemia vera should be considered a differential diagnosis for patients with secondary hypertension

    Advancing Robotics Experience (semester?), IPRO 316: IIT Robotics Initiative IPRO 316 Poster 1 Sp05

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    The introduction of the robotics IPRO program in its few years has already served the IIT community some rather practical and innovative concepts of robotics. Through an impressive and beneficial advancement, the program has successfully carried on to the spring 2005 semester. The goals of the program remain simply a quest to advance the art of robotics in the IIT community. The stage has been aptly set by previous IPROS for higher and more substantial progression on this cause. The goals of the IPRO Spring 2005 team will be to create four prototypes of not merely user friendly robots but a sophisticated utilitarian bunch that would gain enough attention in support of the ultimate cause of the introduction of a robotics course. The Peppy, Roomba, Darpa and the Pyro are the four prototypes set for construction this semester.Deliverables for IPRO 316: Advancing Robotics Experience for the Spring 2005 semeste