15 research outputs found

    Ultrasonograficzna ocena objętości nadnerczy płodu. Rola nadnerczy w patogenezie porodu przedwczesnego

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    Preterm labor remains to be one of the most important challenges of contemporary perinatology and constitutes the main reason of perinatal mortality and prematurity of neonates. Studies on preterm labor have confirmed the mutual interactions of several different hormonal systems while the activation of hypothalamic- pituitary- adrenal axis seems to have the greatest influence. It has been also suggested that size and mass of fetal adrenal glands may be associated with the risk of preterm labor. Several authors have shown that the evaluation of fetal adrenal gland volume may be a useful marker of fetal growth during pregnancy. Technological advancements enabled the development of three-dimensional ultrasound evaluation (3D) of the fetal adrenal glands, facilitating a more precise evaluation of their volume. Also, it seems to have higher sensitivity and specificity than two-dimensional ultrasonography (2D). Studies have confirmed a direct relationship between fetal adrenal gland size and the onset of preterm labor within at least 1 week since the ultrasound exam. They have also suggested that in a physiological pregnancy the relation between fetal zone and the whole organ remains constant throughout the pregnancy. Disruption of these proportions and fetal zone enlargement are considered to be a marker of labor cascade and preterm labor, with significantly higher sensitivity and specificity than ultrasound evaluation of the cervical length and assessment of the fetal fibronectin concentration.Poród przedwczesny jest obecnie jednym z najważniejszych wyzwań współczesnego położnictwa stanowiącym główną przyczynę umieralności okołoporodowej i związanego z nim wcześniactwa noworodków. Dotychczasowe badania nad porodem przedwczesnym potwierdziły wzajemne oddziaływanie wielu różnych układów hormonalnych, z czego jedną z najważniejszych ról odgrywa aktywacja osi podwzgórze- przysadka- nadnercze. Wysnuto również hipotezę, że wielkość oraz masa nadnerczy u płodu mogą mieć związek z ryzykiem porodu przedwczesnego. Wyniki badań sugerują, że pomiar objętości nadnerczy może być użytecznym markerem wzrastania płodu w czasie ciąży. Postęp współczesnej techniki umożliwił rozwój trójwymiarowej (3D) oceny ultrasonograficznej nadnerczy płodu, która posłużyła do dokładnej oceny ich objętości i wykazuje się większą czułością i swoistością w porównaniu z metodą 2D. Badania potwierdzają bezpośredni związek między wielkością nadnerczy a wystąpieniem porodu przedwczesnego w ciągu co najmniej 1 tygodnia od oceny ultrasonograficznej. Badania te sugerują również, że w ciąży fizjologicznej stosunek obszaru płodowego nadnerczy w stosunku do całego narządu pozostaje taki sam przez cały okres ciąży. Zaburzenie tych proporcji i powiększenie części centralnej (FZE, fetal zone enlargement) okazuje się być markerem rozpoczynającej się kaskady porodowej i samego porodu przedwczesnego o swoistości i czułości istotnie statystycznie większej niż oceniana ultrasonograficznie długość szyjki macicy oraz stężenie fibronektyny płodowej

    Effects of active form of EGFR on disease-free survival in ovarian cancer women

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    BackgroundStandard procedure in cases of ovarian cancer includes surgical treatment and complementary chemotherapy based on taxanes and platinum compounds. The results of such a procedure in advanced forms of cancer are still unsatisfactory. More accurate determination of the duration of remission with cancer patients is possible through the identification of prognostic factors. Currently adopted and extensively used prognostic factors include, among others, the age of the patient at the moment of the disease being diagnosed, the degree of clinical advancement, the size of the tumour remaining after surgery, the histological type of the neoplasm, and the volume of fluid in the peritoneal cavity. Among neoplasm markers the greatest importance is attributed to the CA 125 antigen, but continued efforts are being made in the search for new, more specific and sensitive markers.AimThe objective of the study presented herein was estimation of the prognostic significance of the active form of EGFR in the serum of women with ovarian cancer in relation to their disease-free survival time.Materials/MethodsThe study was performed on 100 women treated for ovarian cancer in the course of four years. The concentration of the active form of EGFR was determined in the blood serum, prior to treatment, using commercial immunoenzymatic sets. Disease-free survival was defined as the time elapsed from the completion of complementary first-line chemotherapy till the appearance of clinical and/or biochemical (CA 125>30 U/ml) symptoms of relapse of the neoplastic disease.ResultsThe concentration of the active form of EGFR fell within the range of 0.093–0.475 fmol/ml and did not show statistical significance with relation to disease-free time: the duration of the remission period was similar in patients with low as well as with high concentration of the active form of that receptor.ConclusionsExamination of concentration of the active form of EGFR in blood serum prior to surgery does not display prognostic significance for prediction of the length of the period of remission or of disease-free survival

    Diagnostic potential of microRNAs Mi 517 and Mi 526 as biomarkers in the detection of hypertension and preeclampsia in the first trimester

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    Objectives: MicroRNAs have been observed to play a major role in various physiological processes, for instance, programmed cell death, cell division, pregnancy development, and proliferation. With the help of profiling of microRNAs in the serum of pregnant women, it is possible to link alterations in their concentration to the emergence of gestational problems. The aim of the study was to evaluate the diagnostic potential of MicroRNAs Mi 517 and Mi 526 as biomarkers in the detection of hypertension and preeclampsia.  Material and methods: The study considered 53 patients who are in their first trimester of a singleton pregnancy. Participants have been divided into two study groups, one group with normal pregnancy and another group having the risk of developing preeclampsia or who developed hypertension or preeclampsia during follow-up constitute the study group. In order to collect data associated with circulating miRNAs in serum, blood samples have been collected from the participants of the study.   Results: Based on the univariate regression model, increased expression of Mi 517 and 526 and parity status (primapara/multipara) has been obtained. The multivariate logistic analysis shows that independent risk factors for hypertension or preeclampsia are the presence of an R527 and being a primipara. Conclusions: The study's findings have revealed that R517s and R526s act as major indicative biomarkers in the first trimester for the detection of hypertension and preeclampsia. The circulating C19MC MicroRNA was examined as a potential early indicator of preeclampsia and hypertension in pregnant individuals

    Expression of microRNA (miR126*, miR155, miR21, miR29a) in breast milk cell fraction in women with hypertension: a comparative analysis with women without hypertension

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    Objectives: The ideal option of food for a newborn's nourishment has traditionally been human breast milk (HBM). Previous studies have demonstrated a connection between the length of exclusively breastfeeding and its preventive effects on several conditions in neonates. Considering the significance of HBM, the study aimed at detecting the expression of microRNA (miR126*, miR155, miR21, and miR29a) in the breast milk cell fraction of women with hypertension. This was a cohort study of 35 postpartum women. Material and methods: Five ml of milk was collected into a sterile container from patients in the morning on the second and third days after the labor. The collected milk has been centrifuged, total cellular RNA has been isolated from cell fraction from the collected milk, isolated RNA has been subject to qualitative and quantitative analysis, next reverse transcription has been conducted, followed by that, evaluation of the expression of the selected microRNA has been conducted using the synthesized cDNA. Finally, the tested microRNA’s relative expression level has been calculated. Results: Among patients with hypertension, the analysis of cell fraction of breast milk reported lower mean expression of miR126*, miR155, miR21, and miR29a as compared to patients without hypertension. Strong and very strong positive correlation between the expression of miR126* and miR155, miR126* and miR21, miR155 and miR21, miR 155 and miR29a, and miR 21 and miR29a have been noted. Conclusions: Comparing patients with and without hypertension, it has been noted that patients with hypertension had lower mean expression of miR126*, miR155, miR21, and miR29a

    Influence of perinatal factors on gene expression of IAPs family and main factors of pluripotency: OCT4 and SOX2 in human breast milk stem cells : a preliminary report

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    Due to their therapeutic potential, mesenchymal stem cells are the subject of intensive research on the use of their potential in the treatment of, among others, neurodegenerative diseases or immunological diseases. They are among the newest in the field of medicine. The presented study aimed to evaluate the expression of eight genes from the IAP family and the gene regulating IAP—XAF1—in stem cells derived from human milk, using the qPCR method. The relationships between the expression of genes under study and clinical data, such as maternal age, maternal BMI, week of pregnancy in which the delivery took place, bodyweight of the newborn, the number of pregnancies and deliveries, and the time elapsed since delivery, were also analyzed. The research was carried out on samples of human milk collected from 42 patients hospitalized in The Clinic of Obstetrics and Perinatology of the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 4, in Lublin. The conducted research confirmed the expression of the following genes in the tested material: NAIP, BIRC2, BIRC3, BIRC5, BIRC6, BIRC8, XIAP, XAF1, OCT4 and SOX2. Moreover, several dependencies of the expression of individual genes on the maternal BMI (BIRC5, XAF1 and NAIP), the time since childbirth (BIRC5, BIRC6, XAF1 and NAIP), the number of pregnancies and deliveries (BIRC2, BIRC5, BIRC6 and XAF1), the manner of delivery (XAF1 and OCT4), preterm labor (BIRC6 and NAIP) were demonstrated. Additionally, we found positive relationships between gene expression of BIRC7, BIRC8 and XAF1 and the main factors of pluripotency: SOX2 and OCT4. This work is the first to investigate the expression of genes from the IAPs family in mother’s milk stem cells

    Does Lactobacillus Exert a Protective Effect on the Development of Cervical and Endometrial Cancer in Women?

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    Cervical cancer is a significant health problem with increasing occurrence and mortality. This infection-associated tumour is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV infection is cleared by the immune system within 6–18 months in most patients; however, persistent high-risk HPV (hrHPV) infections can lead to the development of cervical cancer. Virus persistence is promoted by immunodeficiency, Chlamydia trachomatis infection, smoking, and age, as well as the imbalance of cervicovaginal microbiota and inflammation. The abundance of bacteria in the vagina favours the maintenance of a dynamic balance; their coexistence influences health or disease states. The eubiotic vaginal microbiota of reproductive-aged women is composed mostly of various Lactobacillus species (spp.), which exert protective effects via the production of lactic acid, bacteriocins, polysaccharides, peptidoglycans, and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), lowering pH, raising the viscosity of cervicovaginal mucus, and hampering both the adhesion of cells to epithelial tissue and the entry of HPV. The depletion of beneficial microorganisms could increase the risk of sexually transmitted infections. Emerging therapies involve mucosal, intranasal vaccines, which trigger systemic and mucosal immune responses, thus protecting against HPV-induced tumours. The use of probiotics has also been suggested to affect various biological processes associated with tumourigenesis (inflammation, oxidative stress, apoptosis, proliferation, and metastasis)

    Increased Expression of BIRC2, BIRC3, and BIRC5 from the IAP Family in Mesenchymal Stem Cells of the Umbilical Cord Wharton’s Jelly (WJSC) in Younger Women Giving Birth Naturally

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    The knowledge of factors affecting the viability as well as proliferation and therapeutic potential of perinatal stem cells is of great importance for the decisions concerning their collection, multiplication, and storing. The aim of this work is to evaluate the expression of the BIRC2, BIRC3, and BIRC5 genes at the level of transcription in mesenchymal stem cells derived from the umbilical cord Wharton’s jelly. The study examined the relationship between the expression level of the studied genes and selected biophysical parameters of umbilical blood: pH, pCO2, pO2, and cHCO3. Moreover, the relationship between the pregnant age, the type of delivery (natural delivery or cesarean section), and the level of expression of the BIRC2, BIRC3, and BIRC5 genes was assessed. The research was carried out on mesenchymal stem cells derived from the umbilical cord Wharton’s jelly (WJSC) taken from 55 women immediately after delivery. Expression of the examined genes was assessed with the qPCR method using commercially available reagent kits. On the basis of the conducted research, it was demonstrated that WJSCs collected from younger women giving birth naturally, and in the acidic environment of the umbilical cord blood, are characterized by a higher expression of the BIRC2, BIRC3, and BIRC5 genes. It was shown that the expression of the BIRC2 and BIRC3 genes in Wharton’s jelly mesenchymal stem cells declines with the mother’s age. Our research suggests that stem cells collected from younger women giving birth naturally can be more resistant to apoptosis and show a more stem cell-like character, which can increase their therapeutic potential and clinical utility, but this conclusion needs to be approved in the next studies

    The Effect of In Vitro Digestion on Polyphenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Properties of Sorghum (<i>Sorghum bicolor</i> (L.) Moench) and Sorghum-Enriched Pasta

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    The phenol content of sorghum is a unique feature among all cereal grains; hence this fact merits the special attention of scientists. It should be remembered that before polyphenols can be used in the body, they are modified within the digestive tract. In order to obtain more accurate data on the level and activity of tested ingredients after ingestion and digestion in the in vivo digestive tract, in vitro simulated digestion may be used. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the content of polyphenols, flavonoids, and individual phenolic acids, as well as the antiradical properties, of sorghum and sorghum-enriched pasta before and after in vitro simulated gastrointestinal digestion. We observed that the total content of polyphenols decreased after gastric digestion of sorghum, and slightly increased after duodenal digestion. Moreover, the flavonoid content decreased after the first stage of digestion, while antioxidant properties increased after the first stage of digestion and slightly decreased after the second stage. The digestion of polyphenolics in sorghum is completely different to that in pasta—both in varieties with, and without, the addition of sorghum. For pasta, the content of total polyphenols and flavonoids, and free radical scavenging properties, decrease after each stage of digestion

    Effect of the Production Parameters and In Vitro Digestion on the Content of Polyphenolic Compounds, Phenolic Acids, and Antiradical Properties of Innovative Snacks Enriched with Wild Garlic (<i>Allium ursinum</i> L.) Leaves

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    A new type of corn snack has been created containing additions of wild garlic (Allium ursinum L.). This medicinal and dietary plant has a long tradition of use in folk medicine. However, studies on wild garlic composition and activity are fairly recent and scarce. This research aimed to investigate the influence of the screw speed and A. ursinum amounts on the antiradical properties as well as the content of polyphenolic compounds and individual phenolic acids of innovative snacks enriched with wild garlic leaves. The highest radical scavenging activity and content of polyphenols and phenolic acids were found in the snacks enriched with 4% wild garlic produced using screw speed 120 rpm. The obtained findings demonstrated that snacks enriched with wild garlic are a rich source of polyphenolic compounds. Since the concentration of such compounds is affected by many factors, e.g., plant material, presence of other compounds, and digestion, the second aim of this study was to determine radical scavenging activity, the content of polyphenols, and individual phenolic acids of snacks after in vitro simulated gastrointestinal digestion. Using an in vitro two-stage model, authors noted a significant difference between the concentration of polyphenolic compounds and the polyphenol content of the plant material before digestion

    Occurrence, Role, and Challenges of MicroRNA in Human Breast Milk: A Scoping Review

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    MicroRNAs are non-coding segments of RNA involved in the epigenetic modulation of various biological processes. Their occurrence in biological fluids, such as blood, saliva, tears, and breast milk, has drawn attention to their potential influence on health and disease development. Hundreds of microRNAs have been isolated from breast milk, yet the evidence on their function remains inconsistent and inconclusive. The rationale for the current scoping review is to map the evidence on the occurrence, characterization techniques, and functional roles of microRNAs in breast milk. The review of the sources of this evidence highlights the need to address methodological challenges to achieve future advances in understanding microRNAs in breast milk, particularly their role in conditions such as neoplasms. Nonetheless, remarkable progress has been made in characterizing the microRNA profiles of human breast milk