31 research outputs found

    Dispersal in the Ordovician: Speciation patterns and paleobiogeographic analyses of brachiopods and trilobites

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    The Middle to Late Ordovician was a time of profound biotic diversification, paleoecological change, and major climate shifts. Yet studies examining speciation mechanisms and drivers of dispersal are lacking. In this study, we use Bayesian phylogenetics and maximum likelihood analyses in the R package BioGeoBEARS to reanalyze ten published data matrices of brachiopods and trilobites and produce time-calibrated species-level phylogenetic hypotheses with estimated biogeographic histories. Recovered speciation and biogeographic patterns were examined within four time slices to test for changes in speciation type across major tectonic and paleoclimatic events. Statistical model comparison showed that biogeographic models that incorporate long-distance founder-event speciation best fit the data for most clades, which indicates that this speciation type, along with vicariance and traditional dispersal, were important for Paleozoic benthic invertebrates. Speciation by dispersal was common throughout the study interval, but notably elevated during times of climate change. Vicariance events occurred synchronously among brachiopod and trilobite lineages, indicating that tectonic, climate, and ocean processes affected benthic and planktotrophic larvae similarly. Middle Ordovician inter-oceanic dispersal in trilobite lineages was influenced by surface currents along with volcanic island arcs acting as “stepping stones” between areas, indicating most trilobite species may have had a planktic protaspid stage. These factors also influenced brachiopod dispersal across oceanic basins among Laurentia, Avalonia, and Baltica. These results indicate that gyre spin-up and intensification of surface currents were important dispersal mechanisms during this time. Within Laurentia, surface currents, hurricane tracks, and upwelling zones controlled dispersal among basins. Increased speciation during the Middle Ordovician provides support for climatic facilitators for diversification during the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event. Similarly, increased speciation in Laurentian brachiopod lineages during the Hirnantian indicates that some taxa experienced speciation in relation to major climate changes. Overall, this study demonstrates the substantial power and potential for likelihood-based methods for elucidating biotic patterns during the history of life.This study was supported by NSF (EF-1206750, EAR-0922067 to A.L.S.) and the Dry Dredgers Paleontological Research Award, the Paleontological Society Arthur J. Boucot Award, and an Ohio University Graduate Alumni Research Grant to A.R.L. N.J.M. was supported by Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) DE150101773, funded by the Australian Research Council, and by The Australian National University. He was also supported by the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS), an Institute sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture through NSF Awards #EFJ0832858 and DBI-1300426, with additional support from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. In addition, a NIMBioS short-term visitor award allowed A.R.L. to visit NIMBioS to begin collaboration with N.J.M. This is a contribution to the International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) Projects 591- The Early to Middle Paleozoic Revolution and 653- The Onset of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event

    Diversification and speciation among Laurentian brachiopods during the GOBE: insights from basinal and regional analyses

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    Full understanding of diversity dynamics during the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (GOBE) requires analyses that investigate regional and species-level data and patterns. In this study, we combine bedding-plane scale data on brachiopod species counts and shell size col­lected from the Simpson Group of Oklahoma, USA, with species-level phylogenetic biogeography for three articulated brachiopod lineages that occurred throughout Laurentia. From these data, we ascertain that the primary influences of brachiopod shell size and diversity in the Simpson Group reflect global drivers, notably temporal position and paleotemperature. Similarly, the primary speciation pattern observed within Hesperorthis, Mimella, and Oepikina is the oscillation in speciation mode between dispersal and vicariance, which reflect the connection and disconnection of geographic areas, respectively. Processes that facilitate cyclical connectivity are global to regional in scale such as oceanographic changes, glacial cycles, or tectonic pulses. Therefore, both regional and continental scale analyses reinforce the importance of global factors in driving diversification during the GOBE

    Estimating Dispersal and Evolutionary Dynamics in Diploporan Blastozoans (Echinodermata) Across the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event

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    Echinoderms make up a substantial component of Ordovician marine invertebrates, yet their speciation and dispersal history as inferred within a rigorous phylogenetic and statistical framework is lacking. We use biogeographic stochastic mapping (BSM; implemented in the R package BioGeoBEARS) to infer ancestral area relationships and the number and type of dispersal events through the Ordovician for diploporan blastozoans and related species. The BSM analysis was divided into three time slices to analyze how dispersal paths changed before and during the great Ordovician biodiversification event (GOBE) and within the Late Ordovician mass extinction intervals. The best-fit biogeographic model incorporated jump dispersal, indicating this was an important speciation strategy. Reconstructed areas within the phylogeny indicate the first diploporan blastozoans likely originated within Baltica or Gondwana. Dispersal, jump dispersal, and sympatry dominated the BSM inference through the Ordovician, while dispersal paths varied in time. Long-distance dispersal events in the Early Ordovician indicate distance was not a significant predictor of dispersal, whereas increased dispersal events between Baltica and Laurentia are apparent during the GOBE, indicating these areas were important to blastozoan speciation. During the Late Ordovician, there is an increase in dispersal events among all paleocontinents. The drivers of dispersal are attributed to oceanic and epicontinental currents. Speciation events plotted against geochemical data indicate that blastozoans may not have responded to climate cooling events and other geochemical perturbations, but additional data will continue to shed light on the drivers of early Paleozoic blastozoan speciation and dispersal patterns

    Morphological Dynamics and Response Following the Dispersal of Ordovician–Silurian Diploporan Echinoderms to Laurentia

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/172226/1/Contributions Vol 34 No 9.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/172226/2/Contributions Vol 34 No 9 LoRes.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/172226/3/Supp1_Characters_Sheffieldetal.docxhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/172226/4/Supp2_Coding_Sheffieldetal .xlsxDescription of Contributions Vol 34 No 9.pdf : Main ArticleDescription of Contributions Vol 34 No 9 LoRes.pdf : Low Resolution Version of Main ArticleDescription of Supp1_Characters_Sheffieldetal.docx : Supplemental Materials #1Description of Supp2_Coding_Sheffieldetal .xlsx : Supplemental Materials #

    Diachroneity Rules the Mid-Latitudes: A Test Case Using Late Neogene Planktic Foraminifera across the Western Pacific

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    Planktic foraminifera are commonly used for first-order age control in deep-sea sediments from low-latitude regions based on a robust tropical–subtropical zonation scheme. Although multiple Neogene planktic foraminiferal biostratigraphic zonations for mid-latitude regions exist, quantification of diachroneity for the species used as datums to test paleobiogeographic patterns of origination and dispersal is lacking. Here, we update the age models for seven southwest-Pacific deep-sea sites using calcareous nannofossil and bolboform biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy, and use 11 sites between 37.9° N and 40.6° S in the western Pacific to correlate existing planktic foraminiferal biozonations and quantify the diachroneity of species used as datums. For the first time, northwest and southwest Pacific biozones are correlated and compared to the global tropical planktic foraminiferal biozonation. We find a high degree of diachroneity in the western Pacific, within and between the northwest and southwest regions, and between the western Pacific and the tropical zonation. Importantly, some datums that are found to be diachronous between regions have reduced diachroneity within regions. Much work remains to refine regional planktic foraminiferal biozonations and more fully understand diachroneity between the tropics and mid-latitudes. This study indicates that diachroneity is the rule for Late Neogene planktic foraminifera, rather than the exception, in mid-latitude regions

    Absolute Paleolatitude of Northern Zealandia From the Middle Eocene to the Early Miocene

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    The absolute position during the Cenozoic of northern Zealandia, a continent that lies more than 90% submerged in the southwest Pacific Ocean, is inferred from global plate motion models, because local paleomagnetic constraints are virtually absent. We present new paleolatitude constraints using paleomagnetic data from International Ocean Discovery Program Site U1507 on northern Zealandia and Site U1511 drilled in the adjacent Tasman Sea Basin. After correcting for inclination shallowing, five paleolatitude estimates provide a trajectory of northern Zealandia past position from the middle Eocene to the early Miocene, spanning geomagnetic polarity chrons C21n to C5Er (∌48–18 Ma). The paleolatitude estimates support previous works on global absolute plate motion where northern Zealandia migrated 6° northward between the early Oligocene and early Miocene, but with lower absolute paleolatitudes, particularly in the Bartonian and Priabonian (C18n–C13r). True polar wander (solid Earth rotation with respect to the spin axis), which only can be resolved using paleomagnetic data, may explain the discrepancy. This new paleomagnetic information anchors past latitudes of Zealandia to Earth's spin axis, with implications not only for global geodynamics, but also for addressing paleoceanographic and paleoclimate problems, which generally require precise paleolatitude placement of proxy data