2 research outputs found

    Fatty acid composition of maize silages from different hybrids

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    Received: 2016-12-13 | Accepted: 2016-12-18 | Available online: 2017-12-31http://dx.doi.org/10.15414/afz.2017.20.04.95-98The aim of this research was to determine the fatty acid content in maize silages of different hybrids.  Grain hybrid with FAO number 420 and silage hybrid with stay-green maturation with FAO number 450 were evaluated. Maize hybrids were grown under the same agro-ecological conditions, and harvested on growing degree days 1277 (FAO 420) and 1297 (FAO 450).  Whole-plant maize was chopped to 10 mm by harvester with kernel processor and immediately ensiled in plastic barrels (volume 50 dm3). Maize matter was ensiled without silage additives. For fatty acids analyses samples of maize silages were taken after 8 week of ensiling. Content of fatty acids was quantified by gas chromatography. Examined maize of both hybrids had the highest linoleic acid content, followed by oleic acid and third highest content of palmitic acid. The results confirmed differences in fatty acid content in maize silages of different hybrids. In silages of grain hybrid was detected significantly higher content of palmitic acid and cis-11-eicosenoic acid and significantly lower content of oleic acid in compared with silage of silage hybrid. This ultimately resulted in a higher polyunsaturated fatty acids content (P < 0.05) in maize silage from grain hybrid and lower monounsaturated fatty acids content (P < 0.05) in maize silage from stay green hybrid. Keywords: fatty acid, maize, hybrid, silageReferences Alezones, J. et al. (2010) Caracterización del perfil de ácidos grasos en granos de híbridosde maíz blanco cultivados en Venezuela. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutricion, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 397–404.Alves, S.P. et al. (2011) Effect of ensiling and silage additives on fatty acid composition of ryegrass and corn experimental silages. 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    Apparent in vivo nutrient digestibility of maize silages in horses

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    The aim of the experiment was to analyzed coefficients of digestibility of the maize silage nutrients in horse feeding. Horses of Slovak warmblood breed engaged in the research were 2.5 ± 0.5 years old. Horses in boxes without bedding to avoid eating it and excrement contamination were stabled. Horses individually with ad libitum access to water were housed. The boxes with trough for corn silage were equiped. The corn silage contained 362.3 g of dry matter, 74.1 g of crude protein, 27.1 g of crude fat and 948.2 g of organic matter in kg of dry matter. The feed twice a day, in the morning and in the evening was given. The feed intake and leftovers were weighed every day. Excrements immediately after excreting to avoid urine contamination into plastic containers were collected and weighed. The content of nutrients in the feed intake and in the excrements were analysed. In analysed samples the gravimetric dry matter amount by drying at 103 ± 2 °C, crude protein content by Kjeldahl method, fat content by extraction method according to Soxhlett – Henkel, ash content by burning the sample at 530 ± 20 °C in muffle furnace and organic matter content by calculation were determined. Coefficients of apparent digestibility in percent from taken in and excreted nutrients were calculated. In maize silage for horse feeding an average coefficient of digestibility of dry matter 61.94%, of crude protein 56.03%, of crude fat 72.34% and of organic matter 65.19% was found