186 research outputs found

    Anti-oxidative Activity of Probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus 0908 Towards 2-Amino-3-methyl-3H-imidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (IQ) And 2-Amino-1-methyl-6-phenyl-1H-imidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP)

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    Nowadays, humans are exposed to increasingly harmful xenobiotic substances which diffuse from the contaminated environment to food. Additionally, thermal processing of food, especially of meat, gives rise to pyrolytic products, such as heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAAs). HAAs may be linked to an increased cancer incidence in such organs as the colon, breast, stomach and liver. Carcinogenic mechanisms of HAAs include the initiation of tumours through reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, resulting in the formation of oxidised DNA bases, apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites, or DNA strand breaks (Brown et al., 2014). ROS may participate in HAA-induced tumour development. HAAs can cause significant oxidative damage to DNA, lipids and proteins in the human body. The Lactobacillus bacteria are regarded as beneficial for host health, and they are most often used as probiotics. The human colon microbiota and probiotics are important factors that may play a major role in preventing colorectal cancer. One of the mechanism is antioxidative activity, which involves the detoxification of ROS (Koller et al., 2008)

    Growth and survival of probiotic lactic acid bacteria in the presence of heterocyclic aromatic amines

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    Heterocyclic aromatic amines (HCAs) ingested with heat-processed meat can contribute to colon cancer development. Those compounds interact with human intestinal microbiota. Under the research study, the effect was analyzed of IQ, MeIQx, or PhIP amines (each of them at 5 and 25 μg/ml concentration rates) on the growth (24 h cultivation in MRS broth) and survival (incubation for max. 120 h in a phosphate buffer) of four probiotic strains of Lactobacillus. It was found that no concentration level of the HCAs analyzed impacted the growth of bacteria. A higher concentration level of IQ (25 μg/ml) decreased the survival of Lb. casei 0900 after a 24 h period of incubation. MeIQx and PhIP also decreased the survival of Lb. paracasei 0919 after a 24 h period of incubation. Totally, the count of living cells decreased from 109 cfu/ml to 108 cfu/ml. Three strains were absolutely resistant to PhIP during a 120 h period of incubation. The results obtained prove that the probiotic bacteria studied maintain their high viability in the presence of the amines tested and, probably, they can bind together with them in human colon and, then, the aggregated particles are removed from the human body.Heterocykliczne aminy aromatyczne (HCA) spożywane wraz z termicznie przetworzonym mięsem mogą przyczyniać się do rozwoju raka jelita grubego. W pracy badano wpływ amin IQ, MeIQx oraz PhIP (każda w stężeniu 5 i 25 μg/ml) na wzrost (24-godzinna hodowla w pożywce MRS) i przeżywalność (do 120 h inkubacji w buforze fosforanowym) czterech szczepów probiotycznych z rodzaju Lactobacillus. Zaobserwowano, że żadne z badanych stężeń HCA nie wpływało na wzrost bakterii. Wyższe stężenie IQ (25 μg/ml) obniżało żywotność szczepu Lb. casei 0900 od 24 h inkubacji. Aminy MeIQx i PhIP obniżały żywotność Lb. paracasei 0919 również od 24 h inkubacji. Generalnie liczba żywych komórek obniżyła się z 109 jtk/ml do 108 jtk/ml. Trzy szczepy były całkowicie oporne na obecność PhIP podczas 120 h inkubacji. Uzyskane rezultaty wskazują, że badane szczepy probiotyczne zachowują wysoką żywotność w obecności testowanych amin i prawdopodobnie mogą wiązać się z nimi w jelicie grubym, po czym te zagregowane cząstki usuwane są z organizmu

    Does Aid translate into Bilateral Trade? Findings for Recipient Countries

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    This paper uses the gravity model of trade to investigate the link between foreign aid and exports in recipient countries. Most of the theoretical work emphasizes the negative impact of aid on recipient countries' exports primarily due to exchange rate appreciation, disregarding possible positive effects of aid in overcoming supply bottlenecks and promoting bilateral trade relations. Our empirical findings -all based on endogeneity-proof techniques (such as Dynamic OLS or more refined techniques) - depend very strongly on whether bilateral trade relations and autocorrelation of the disturbances are controlled for. When not controlling for these phenomena, the impact of aid is quite substantial (especially in Asia, Latin America & Caribbean) but when sound estimation techniques are applied the net impact of aid on recipient countries' exports becomes insignificant in the full 130-country sample and the subsamples: Sub-Saharan Africa & MENA, Asia and Latin America & the Caribbean. However, this rather disappointing finding is in line with the small macroeconomic impact of aid found in earlier studies. --International trade,foreign aid,recipient exports,bilateral trade relations

    Foreign Aid and Recipient Countries` Exports: Does Aid Promote Bilateral Trade?

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    This paper uses the gravity model of trade to investigate the link between foreign aid and exports in recipient countries. Most of the theoretical work emphasizes the negative impact of aid on recipient countries’ exports primarily due to exchange rate appreciation, disregarding possible positive effects of aid in promoting bilateral trade relations. The empirical findings, in contrast, indicate that the net impact of aid on recipient countries’ exports is positive -even though the macroeconomic impact of aid is rather small- and that the average return for recipients’ exports is about 1.50 US$ for every aid dollar spent. We argue that “bilateral aid” seems to promote good bilateral trade relations, mutual trust and familiarity and that those factors reinforce bilateral trade, including recipient country exports. The paper also estimates the effect of different types of aid (bilateral aid versus multilateral aid flowing to a specific recipient) and studies aid’s contribution to an expansion of exports in different regions of the world. It is found that aid is strongly export-enhancing in Asia and Latin America, but not in Africa.International trade; foreign aid; recipient exports; bilateral trade relations

    Migration and Asylum Flows to Germany: New Insights Into the Motives

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    This study analyzes the determinants of both total migration and asylum migration to Germany. For the analysis, a comprehensive empirical model is set up that includes climate change, economic opportunities, such as per capita income differentials, links to Germany, home country characteristics (population growth, poverty, consumer confidence, unemployment), the political and institutional situation in the sending countries (measured by internal and external conflict, ethnic and religious tensions, government stability, law and order, military in politics), and a control for migration opportunities to alternative destinations. Panel data techniques (Poisson pseudo-maximum likelihood) for the estimation of the parameters of interest are employed using a panel of 115 (134) origin countries for asylum migration (total migration) over the period of 1996-2017 or 2001-2017, depending on data availability. The analysis reveals that political, socioeconomic, and economic factors determine both total migration and asylum migration. Economic factors are also determinants of asylum applications, as asylum seekers most often come for several reasons. Poverty plays a distinct role in total migration and asylum migration. An alleviation of poverty in origin countries is associated with less overall migration to Germany but with more asylum migration. Increases in average temperature also impact asylum migration in the expected direction, thus, increasing forced migration. The most interesting findings are revealed when considering country groupings (main migration countries, major asylum countries, countries whose asylum applicants enjoy high, intermediate, or low recognition rates)

    Wybrane determinanty jakości życia pacjentów ze zmianami zwyrodnieniowymi kręgosłupa

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    Introduction. Degenerative spinal disease is considered one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in Poland and worldwide. Sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity, and spinal overload contribute to this state of affairs. The chronic nature of the disease, along with pain and functional limitations of the musculoskeletal system, impact the quality of life. Aim. To determine the level of life quality and factors influencing the quality of life in patients with degenerative spinal changes. Material and Methods. The study involved 107 individuals aged between 55 and 65 years. Standardized research tools were utilized, including the Acceptance of Illness Scale (AIS), Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), Neck Disability Index (NDI), Activities of Daily Living scale (ADL), and the World Health Organization Quality of Life-Bref (WHOQoL-BREF) questionnaire. Results. The level of illness acceptance in the study population was 26.52 points (SD=6.61). All respondents experienced pain symptoms, with an average pain intensity of 7.02 (SD=1.13). The average self-assessed quality of life among the participants was 3.5 points (SD=0.76), while the average self-assessed health rating was 2.54 points (SD=0.7). Spinal disability affected all patients in the lumbar region, whereas no disability was reported in the cervical region by 27.10% of the respondents. Conclusions. Patients with degenerative spinal changes have a relatively good quality of life and a moderate level of illness acceptance. Age, marital status, occupational activity, body mass, pain intensity, and degree of disability all influence the quality of life. (JNNN 2023;12(1):44–52)Wstęp. Choroba zwyrodnieniowa kręgosłupa uważana jest za jedną z najbardziej rozpowszechnionych chorób przewlekłych występujących w Polsce i świecie. Wpływ na taki stan rzeczy mają uwarunkowania cywilizacyjne siedzący tryb życia, mała ilość ruchu przeciążenia kręgosłupa. Przewlekły charakter choroby, dolegliwości bólowe i ograniczenia funkcjonalne narządu ruchu rzutują na jakość życia. Cel. Określenie poziomu życia i czynników wpływających na jakość życia u chorych ze zmianami zwyrodnieniowymi kręgosłupa. Materiał i metody. W badaniu uczestniczyło 107 osób w wieku 55 do 65 lat. W badaniach wykorzystano standaryzowane narzędzia badawcze: skale akceptacji choroby (AIS), kwestionariusz Oswestry (ODI), szyjny indeks niepełnosprawności (NDI), skalę podstawowych czynności życia codziennego (ADL) oraz ogólny kwestionariusz do oceny jakości życia WHOQoL-BREF. Wyniki. Poziom akceptacji choroby dla badanej populacji wynosił 26,52 pkt (SD=6,61). Dolegliwości bólowe odczuwali wszyscy respondenci. Średnie nasilenie bólu wynosiło 7,02 (SD=1,13). Średnia ocena jakości życia dokonana przez ankietowanych wynosi 3,5 punktu (SD=0,76). Średnia ocena własnego zdrowia dokonana przez ankietowanych wynosi 2,54 punktu (SD=0,7). Wszystkich pacjentów dotyka niepełnosprawność kręgosłupa lędźwiowego w porównaniu z szyjnym gdzie brak niepełnosprawności deklarowało 27,10%. Wnioski. Pacjenci ze zmianami zwyrodnieniowymi kręgosłupa mają dość dobrą jakość życia i w średnim stopniu akceptacją chorobę. Na jakość życia mają wpływ, wiek, stan cywilny, aktywność zawodowa, masa ciała, natężenie bólu oraz stopień niepełnosprawności. (PNN 2023;12(1):44–52

    The role of the gut microbiota in pathogenesis and treatment of depression

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    Introduction and purpose Depression is the most common mental disorder, but the exact mechanisms underlying the pathophysiology of depression remain unknown. Abundant research evidence suggests that changes in the gut microbiota play a key role in the pathophysiology of depression through the brain-gut-microbiota axis. The aim of this study was to present the current state of knowledge on the role of gut microbiota in pathogenesis and treatment of depression and discuss its potential as a therapeutic target for depression A brief description of the state of knowledge The digestive tract and the processes which are set in it as well as the inhabitting microorganisms have a significant impact on our mental health and mood. The scientific research repeatidly confirm a strict relationship between the digestive and nervous systems. A microbiome-based approach is becoming increasingly prevalent in the understanding and treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders, especially depression. Antidepressants which are today the first-line therapy in the treatment of this disease are based inter alia on the antimicrobial and immunomodulatory mechanism of action. Conclusion  Immune cells which are settled in the intestines affect not only our physical health but also the mental one. Due to the relationship between depression and the gut microbiota, we have many treatment options that involve direct modification of the composition of the microbiome which include prebiotics, probiotics (psychobiotics) and faecal microbiome transplantation

    Benefits of Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) supplementation in obesity

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    Introduction and purpose: Ashwagandha (fam. Solanaceae) also known as Withania somnifera, is an herb commonly used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. It is sometimes called Indian ginseng or winter cherry and it is used for its extensive health benefits for millennia as a Rasayana. Ashwagadha supplementation is playing an increasing role not only as an adaptogen, but is beneficial in the context of health in individuals struggling with obesity. This is a growing field of research and the aim of this brief review is to provide an update on the positive effects of Ashwagandha supplementation on the health of those dealing with obesity.  Description of the state of knowledge: Ashwagandha has a wide range of positive effects, most common are sedative, anti-stress, immunomodulatory and anti-cancer effects. The literature also draws attention to other results such as binding insulin sensitivity, increasing endurance, effects on adipogenesis and lipogenesis. Ashwagandha lowers blood cortisol levels, inhibits fat accumulation and the expression of genes involved into excessive fat tissue accumulation.  Summary: Regular intake of Ashwagandha is associated with health benefits in people struggling with obesity. As an adaptogen with adipogenic potential, Ashwagandha has great potential to participate in future adjunctive obesity therapy and the prevention of other similar and obesity-related diseases, but further research is needed in this area

    Fractional microneedle radiofrequency - mechanism of action and assessment of safety, effectiveness in the treatment, and possible side effects based on a review of scientific literature

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    Introduction and purpose:  For all skin types, micro-needle radiofrequency (FMR) can be a safe and effective aesthetic medicine procedure for the treatment of various dermatological and aesthetic conditions. The aim of the study is to present the mechanism of action and assess safety, treatment efficacy, and possible side effects on the basis of a review of the scientific literature.  Description of the state of knowledge:  FMR uses micro-needles to penetrate the skin to a depth of up to 4.5 mm and deliver radiofrequency current in a fractional manner, producing the controlled fractions of micro-injuries in the dermis, inducing neocollagenesis, neoelastinogenesis, and angiogenesis. FMR has a wide range of positive effects such as skin rejuvenation, skin tightening, facial and body scar remodeling, and hair growth through transdermal collagen induction.  Summary:  Increasingly, patients are looking for minimally invasive methods of skin tightening and fat remodeling. In response, Aesthetic Medicine has proposed a combination of two techniques, micro-needling and radiofrequency. As more and more studies are showing the effectiveness and efficiency of this procedure, also emphasizing its safety, minimal risk of serious side effects, and ease of use, micro-needle radiofrequency is being proposed as an attractive answer to people's desires for a less invasive method of skin rejuvenation. However, further research in this area is needed to optimize the parameters of the treatment to achieve the best results

    Art therapy as a primary and adjunct therapy in interventions for people living with serious illnesses - a review of the literature

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    Introduction and purpose Art-therapy is a therapeutic method which uses art as a tool to achieve benefits in physical and mental health. This kind of psychotherapy uses artistic media as a basic form of communication. As an additional form of treatment, combined with medication, it helps not only to explore a patient’s difficulties and problems but also to overcome them. Art-therapy is playing an increasing role in the context of health in individuals struggling with different diseases, especially with the mental ones. This is a growing field of research and the aim of this brief review is to provide an update on the positive effects of art-therapy and to list health problems in which it would be significant to use this kind of therapy. Materials and methods A search was conducted using PubMed and GoogleScholar data bases. Articles were searched in English using the following key words: “art therapy”, “psychodrama”, “dance movement therapy”, “music therapy”, “creative art therapy”. Description of the state of knowledge Art-therapy has a wide range of benefits in chronically ill patients. Most common are the awareness of the emotions and behaviors and helping to deal with them, helping to deal with the process of treatment. The literature also draws attention to other results such as increasing self- esteem and improving the quality of life. Summary Art-therapy is associated with health benefits in people struggling with different health problems. Art-therapy has great potential to participate in future basic and adjunctive therapy but further research is needed in this area