73 research outputs found

    On the synthesis of the pilot optimal control model

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    The study continues some work of the authors, this time performing a synthesis of optimal control model of the human pilot in systems with input delay, by removing the Padé or Hess approximations characterizing the pilot structural central nervous block and their introduction as a pure delay block. On the one hand, the method ensures a better accuracy of synthesis and on the other hand is advantageous with respect to general results to date for time delay systems since: a) the optimal control law is given explicitly and b) the Riccati equations for the gain matrices do not contain any time advanced or delayed arguments. The approach is stimulated by recent works of M. Basin and his collaborators


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    The paper is based on diachronic analysis of historical maps from different periods, in order to capture more accurately the evolution of the forest landscape in the subcarpathian sector of Bistriţa Valley. In order to achieve the final purpose, were used large scale cartographic materials covering a period of over two centuries (1788 – 2006), which were processed and interpreted into GIS environment. The results showed a continuous reduction of forest area, which in the first period occupied nearly half of the total study area. The main causes of these changes are of anthropogenic order, gradually replacing forests with pastures, agricultural land or built-up perimeter. During the whole period under review stands some small areas where afforestation works were made but insignificant in relation to the deforested areas

    The analysis of agricultural landscape change using GIS techniques: case study: Podoleni, Romania

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    The increasingly tensions rising between society’s need for resources and space on the one hand, and the capacity of the land to support these needs on the other hand lead to unprecedented changes in landscape configuration, and hence, to the environment. This paper analyzes changes in the agricultural landscape of Podoleni, Neamt County, Romania, in spatio - temporal terms, as a result of the modernization of the ground processing techniques, types of crops, and the degree of fragmentation of land parcels. The study was conducted using Geographical Information Systems techniques, the main materials used in the analysis are topographic maps from different representative periods, and the 2006 orthophotomaps. Application of GIS techniques at a detailed scale (1:5000) allows an efficient management of land use for local authorities. The results highlight the optimal management of agricultural land so as to maintain a balance between their basic function (food needs) and preservation of nature (landscape, environment)

    Landfills as anthropogenic landforms in urban environment from Neamt county

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    Landfills are the most common and easiest methods to dispose the municipal waste in Romania and still prevails in current waste management options. This type of critical infrastructure was designed to dispose urban waste generated over years or even decades and ultimately led to create new landforms in urban landscape. On the other hand, these sites are major sources of complex pollution unfulfilling EU regulations, being scheduled to be closed. This paper aims to analyze landfills as anthropogenic landforms by applying GIS techniques emphasizing them in a geographical context and not only in situ. The location of these sites usually on alluvial plains of rivers leading to positive landforms that may change hydrogeomorphology dynamics or to be exposed to the floods. The other side, their location in hilly or mountainous regions increase vulnerability to other geomorphological process (gully erosion, landslide). Also, the extension of human settlements and land use is influenced by the presence of such a site either it is closed. The implications of these landforms are varied and must be linked to geographical realities from around. Thus, the mapping of these anthropogenic landforms contribute to a better understanding of the systemic interactions from local environment. This approach may be an important tool for EIA studies, in the process of rehabilitation, post-monitoring and reintegration of these landfills

    Vulnerability of mountain rivers to waste dumping from Neamt County, Romania

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    Lack of waste management facilities from mountain region often lead to uncontrolled disposal of waste on river banks polluting the local environment and damaging the tourism potential. Geographical conditions influences the distribution of human settlements which are located along the rivers and its tributaries. This paper aims to estimate the amounts of household waste generated and uncollected disposed into mountain rivers, taking into account several factors such as:proximity of rivers to the human settlements, the morphology of villages, length of river that crosses the locality(built up areas), local population, the access to waste collection services and waste management infrastructure. Vulnerability of rivers to illegal dumping is performed using GIS techniques, highlighting the localities pressure on rivers in close proximity. For this purpose, it developed a calculation model for estimation the amounts of waste (kg) that are dumped on a river section (m) that crosses a locality (village) or it is in close proximity. This estimation is based on the “principle of proximity and minimum effort” it can be applied in any mountainous region that are lacking or partially access to waste collection services. It is an assessment tool of mountain rivers vulnerability to waste dumping,taking into account the geographical and demographic conditions of the study area. Also the current dysfunctions are analyzed based on field observations

    Intelligent control of HVAC systems. Part I: Modeling and synthesis

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    This is the first part of a work on intelligent type control of Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) systems. The study is performed from the perspective of giving a unitary control method to ensure high energy efficiency and air quality improving. To illustrate the proposed HVAC control technique, in this first part it is considered as benchmark problem a single thermal space HVAC system. The construction of the mathematical model is performed only with a view to obtain a framework of HVAC intelligent control validation by numerical simulations. The latter will be reported in a second part of the study

    The analysis of agricultural landscape change using GIS techniques. Case study: Podoleni, Romania

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    The increasingly tensions rising between society’s need for resources and space on the one hand, and the capacity of the land to support these needs on the other hand lead to unprecedented changes in landscape configuration, and hence, to the environment. This paper analyzes changes in the agricultural landscape of Podoleni, Neamt County, Romania, in spatio -temporal terms, as a result of the modernization of the ground processing techniques, types of crops, and the degree of fragmentation of land parcels. The study was conducted using Geographical Information Systems techniques, the main materials used in the analysis are topographic maps from different representative periods, and the 2006 ortho-photomaps. Application of GIS techniques at a detailed scale (1:5000) allows an efficient management of land use for local authorities. The results highlight the optimal management of agricultural land so as to maintain a balance between their basic function (food needs) and preservation of nature (landscape, environment)

    Cancerul medular al glandei tiroide

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    Calcitonina poate fi considerată un marker fezabil în diagnosticul cancerului medular înainte de a fi clinic palpabil. Reacţia de polimerizare a lanţurilor este un test genetic de bază pentru identifi carea mutaţiilor protooncogenei RET. Hiperplazia celulelor C iniţiază lanţul schimbărilor histologice şi poate fi identifi cată imunohistochimic cu folosirea anticorpilor către calcitonită. Factorul genetic, fi ind primordial în etiologia cancerului medular, ne obligă să identifi cămgrupa de risc printre rudele de gradul I ale pacienţilor cu cancer medular

    Anthropogenic landform modeling using GIS techniques case study: Vrancea region

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    Anthropogenic landforms are the result of significant changes in the Earth's crust due to technological development of human society, guided by its economic, social and cultural needs. anthropogenic landforms of the studied area was analyzed using GIS techniques at the general scale, conducting the entire study area maps, and detailed modeling of representative samples in detail. Representing the anthropogenic landforms on the digital elevation model can be very important in studying natural hazards, such as hydrological modeling on flood plains, which could influence the direction of the flood wave. The digital elevation model (DEM) made by traditional methods can not represent the anthropogenic landforms, leading sometimes to a misinterpretation of reality on the ground