114 research outputs found

    Prolyl Oligopeptidase, Inositol Phosphate Signalling and Lithium Sensitivity

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    Inhibition of prolyl oligopeptidase (PO) elevates inositol phosphate (IP) signalling and reduces cell sensitivity to lithium (Li+). This review discusses recent evidence that shows PO acts via the multiple inositol polyphosphate phosphatase (MIPP) to regulate gene expression. As a consequence, PO inhibition causes both a transient, rapid increase in I(1,4,5)P3 and a long-term elevation of IP signalling. This pathway is evolutionary conserved, being present in both the social amoeba Dictyostelium and human cell systems, and has potential implications for mental health

    Pharmacological intervention to restore connectivity deficits of neuronal networks derived from ASD patient iPSC with a TSC2 mutation

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    Background Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a rare genetic multisystemic disorder resulting from autosomal dominant mutations in the TSC1 or TSC2 genes. It is characterised by hyperactivation of the mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) pathway and has severe neurodevelopmental and neurological components including autism, intellectual disability and epilepsy. In human and rodent models, loss of the TSC proteins causes neuronal hyperexcitability and synaptic dysfunction, although the consequences of these changes for the developing central nervous system are currently unclear. Methods Here we apply multi-electrode array-based assays to study the effects of TSC2 loss on neuronal network activity using autism spectrum disorder (ASD) patient-derived iPSCs. We examine both temporal synchronisation of neuronal bursting and spatial connectivity between electrodes across the network. Results We find that ASD patient-derived neurons with a functional loss of TSC2, in addition to possessing neuronal hyperactivity, develop a dysfunctional neuronal network with reduced synchronisation of neuronal bursting and lower spatial connectivity. These deficits of network function are associated with elevated expression of genes for inhibitory GABA signalling and glutamate signalling, indicating a potential abnormality of synaptic inhibitory–excitatory signalling. mTORC1 activity functions within a homeostatic triad of protein kinases, mTOR, AMP-dependent protein Kinase 1 (AMPK) and Unc-51 like Autophagy Activating Kinase 1 (ULK1) that orchestrate the interplay of anabolic cell growth and catabolic autophagy while balancing energy and nutrient homeostasis. The mTOR inhibitor rapamycin suppresses neuronal hyperactivity, but does not increase synchronised network activity, whereas activation of AMPK restores some aspects of network activity. In contrast, the ULK1 activator, LYN-1604, increases the network behaviour, shortens the network burst lengths and reduces the number of uncorrelated spikes. Limitations Although a robust and consistent phenotype is observed across multiple independent iPSC cultures, the results are based on one patient. There may be more subtle differences between patients with different TSC2 mutations or differences of polygenic background within their genomes. This may affect the severity of the network deficit or the pharmacological response between TSC2 patients. Conclusions Our observations suggest that there is a reduction in the network connectivity of the in vitro neuronal network associated with ASD patients with TSC2 mutation, which may arise via an excitatory/inhibitory imbalance due to increased GABA-signalling at inhibitory synapses. This abnormality can be effectively suppressed via activation of ULK1

    Observation of coherent delocalized phonon-like modes in DNA under physiological conditions

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    Underdamped terahertz-frequency delocalized phonon-like modes have long been suggested to play a role in the biological function of DNA. Such phonon modes involve the collective motion of many atoms and are prerequisite to understanding the molecular nature of macroscopic conformational changes and related biochemical phenomena. Initial predictions were based on simple theoretical models of DNA. However, such models do not take into account strong interactions with the surrounding water, which is likely to cause phonon modes to be heavily damped and localized. Here we apply state-of-the-art femtosecond optical Kerr effect spectroscopy, which is currently the only technique capable of taking low-frequency (GHz to THz) vibrational spectra in solution. We are able to demonstrate that phonon modes involving the hydrogen bond network between the strands exist in DNA at physiologically relevant conditions. In addition, the dynamics of the solvating water molecules is slowed down by about a factor of 20 compared with the bulk

    Metal·locarborans i biologia molecular: la sorprenent interacció de dos mons aparentment independents

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    La capacitat d'autoassemblatge dels metal·locarborans ha estat molt investigada recentment. La seva habilitat per formar membranes monocapa ens induí a l'estudi de la interacció d'aquestes membranes sintètiques amb membranes biològiques. Aquest treball evidencia que l'anió cobaltabisdicarballur, [3,3'-Co(C2B9H11)2]− (COSAN), i el seu derivat diiodat, [3,3'-Co(8-I-C2B9H10)2]− (I2-COSAN), poden interaccionar amb membranes biològiques i creuar-les, de manera que s'acumulen a l'interior de cèl·lules vives. En aplicar aquests compostos a diferents tipus de cèl·lules en cultiu, s'indueix una inhibició completa, però alhora reversible, de la proliferació cel·lular, amb una recuperació total de l'activitat de divisió cel·lular un cop extret el metal·locarborà del medi.Metallacarborane’s self-assembly has been recently widely investigated. Its ability to form monolayer membranes led us to study the interaction of these synthetic membranes with biological membranes. This work evidences that the cobaltibisdicarbollide anion, [3,3’-Co(C2B9H11)2]− (COSAN), and its di-iodinated derivative, [3,3’-Co(8-I-C2B9H10)2]− (I2-COSAN), can interact with biological membranes and cross them, accumulating inside living cells. When applying these compounds to different cells in culture, complete but reversible cell proliferation suppression is induced, with a total recovery of the cell division activity after removal of the metallacarborane from the media

    Nucleosome dynamics of human iPSC during neural differentiation

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    Nucleosome positioning is important for neurodevelopment, and genes mediating chromatin remodelling are strongly associated with human neurodevelopmental disorders. To investigate changes in nucleosome positioning during neural differentiation, we generate genome‐wide nucleosome maps from an undifferentiated human‐induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) line and after its differentiation to the neural progenitor cell (NPC) stage. We find that nearly 3% of nucleosomes are highly positioned in NPC, but significantly, there are eightfold fewer positioned nucleosomes in pluripotent cells, indicating increased positioning during cell differentiation. Positioned nucleosomes do not strongly correlate with active chromatin marks or gene transcription. Unexpectedly, we find a small population of nucleosomes that occupy similar positions in pluripotent and neural progenitor cells and are found at binding sites of the key gene regulators NRSF/REST and CTCF. Remarkably, the presence of these nucleosomes appears to be independent of the associated regulatory complexes. Together, these results present a scenario in human cells, where positioned nucleosomes are sparse and dynamic, but may act to alter gene expression at a distance via the structural conformation at sites of chromatin regulation

    Phosphorylation of the actin binding protein Drebrin at S647 and is regulated by neuronal activity and PTEN

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    Defects in actin dynamics affect activity-dependent modulation of synaptic transmission and neuronal plasticity, and can cause cognitive impairment. A salient candidate actin-binding protein linking synaptic dysfunction to cognitive deficits is Drebrin (DBN). However, the specific mode of how DBN is regulated at the central synapse is largely unknown. In this study we identify and characterize the interaction of the PTEN tumor suppressor with DBN. Our results demonstrate that PTEN binds DBN and that this interaction results in the dephosphorylation of a site present in the DBN C-terminus - serine 647. PTEN and pS647-DBN segregate into distinct and complimentary compartments in neurons, supporting the idea that PTEN negatively regulates DBN phosphorylation at this site. We further demonstrate that neuronal activity increases phosphorylation of DBN at S647 in hippocampal neurons in vitro and in ex vivo hippocampus slices exhibiting seizure activity, potentially by inducing rapid dissociation of the PTEN:DBN complex. Our results identify a novel mechanism by which PTEN is required to maintain DBN phosphorylation at dynamic range and signifies an unusual regulation of an actin-binding protein linked to cognitive decline and degenerative conditions at the CNS synapse

    L-type voltage-gated calcium channel regulation of in vitro human cortical neuronal networks

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    The combination of in vitro multi-electrode arrays (MEAs) and the neuronal differentiation of stem cells offers the capability to study human neuronal networks from patient or engineered human cell lines. Here, we use MEA-based assays to probe synaptic function and network interactions of hiPSC-derived neurons. Neuronal network behaviour first emerges at approximately 30 days of culture and is driven by glutamate neurotransmission. Over a further 30 days, inhibitory GABAergic signalling shapes network behaviour into a synchronous regular pattern of burst firing activity and low activity periods. Gene mutations in L-type voltage gated calcium channel subunit genes are strongly implicated as genetic risk factors for the development of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. We find that, although basal neuronal firing rate is unaffected, there is a dose-dependent effect of L-type voltage gated calcium channel inhibitors on synchronous firing patterns of our hiPSC-derived neural networks. This demonstrates that MEA assays have sufficient sensitivity to detect changes in patterns of neuronal interaction that may arise from hypo-function of psychiatric risk genes. Our study highlights the utility of in vitro MEA based platforms for the study of hiPSC neural network activity and their potential use in novel compound screening

    Regulation of nucleosome positioning by a CHD Type III chromatin remodeler and its relationship to developmental gene expression in Dictyostelium

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    Nucleosome placement and repositioning can direct transcription of individual genes; however, the precise interactions of these events are complex and largely unresolved at the whole-genome level. The Chromodomain-Helicase-DNA binding (CHD) Type III proteins are a subfamily of SWI2/SNF2 proteins that control nucleosome positioning and are associated with several complex human disorders, including CHARGE syndrome and autism. Type III CHDs are required for multicellular development of animals and Dictyostelium but are absent in plants and yeast. These CHDs can mediate nucleosome translocation in vitro, but their in vivo mechanism is unknown. Here, we use genome-wide analysis of nucleosome positioning and transcription profiling to investigate the in vivo relationship between nucleosome positioning and gene expression during development of wild-type (WT) Dictyostelium and mutant cells lacking ChdC, a Type III CHD protein ortholog. We demonstrate major nucleosome positional changes associated with developmental gene regulation in WT. Loss of chdC caused an increase of intragenic nucleosome spacing and misregulation of gene expression, affecting ∼50% of the genes that are repositioned during WT development. These analyses demonstrate active nucleosome repositioning during Dictyostelium multicellular development, establish an in vivo function of CHD Type III chromatin remodeling proteins in this process, and reveal the detailed relationship between nucleosome positioning and gene regulation, as cells transition between developmental states