2 research outputs found

    UCLARIS – urban thermo-hygrometric gridded dataset for Iasi city, Romania

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    <h4>This dataset contains 6 daily gridded climate variables derived from the measurements made during 10 years at 11 screen-level monitoring points for air temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH), distributed over the city of IaÈ™i, a medium-sized city in north-eastern Romania. Additionally, T and RH data from 3 air quality monitoring points of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) [1], and from the single National Meteorological Administration (NMA) official weather station of Iasi were used. The monitoring points cover the entire urban area of Iasi, sampling the most important local climate zones inside the city. The data were firstly quality controlled and homogenized using the CLIMATOL package [2], and afterwards the spatial distribution was obtained through residual kriging  method with the digital elevation model (DEM) as predictor [3]. </h4><p><strong>Climate variables: </strong>Maximum air temperature – <strong>Tmax</strong>; Mean air temperature – <strong>Tavg</strong>; Minimum air temperature - <strong>Tmin</strong>; Maximum relative humidity - <strong>RHmax</strong>; Mean relative humidity - <strong>RHavg</strong>; Minimum relative humidity – <strong>RHmin</strong>.<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Spatial extent:</strong> from 27.44167 to 27.84167 °E and 47.05833 to 47.25833 °N</p><p><strong>Temporal resolution</strong>: daily </p><p><strong>Temporal coverage</strong>: 2013/01/01 – 2022/12/31</p><p><strong>Spatial resolution</strong>: 0.008°</p><p><strong>File format: </strong>netCDF, CF-1.4-compliant format using netCDF4 compression</p><p><strong>Coordinate system: </strong>WGS 84 (EPSG: 4326)</p><p><strong>Other Institutions: </strong>National Meteorological Administration of Romania, Environmental Protection Agency of Romania</p><p><strong>Acknowledgement:</strong> This work was supported by a grant of the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, CNCS - UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2021-0882, within PNCDI III.</p><p><strong>References:</strong></p><p>[1] https://www.calitateaer.ro/</p><p>[2] Guijaro, J., 2023. Package "Climatol", CRAN, https://climatol.eu/</p><p>[3] European Digital Elevation Model (https://www.eea.europa.eu/en/datahub/datahubitem-view/d08852bc-7b5f-4835-a776-08362e2fbf4b)</p><p> </p&gt

    Analysis of Sub-Daily Precipitation for the PannEx Region

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    The PannEx is a GEWEX-initiated, community driven research network in the Pannonian Basin. One of the main scientific issues to address in PannEx is the investigation of precipitation extremes. Meteorological Services in the PannEx area collected the hourly precipitation data and commonly used a computer program, which was developed in the INTENSE project, to produce a set of global hydro-climatic indices. Calculations are carried out on data aggregated 1-, 3- and 6-h intervals. Selected indices are analyzed in this paper to assess the general climatology of the short-term precipitation in the Pannonian basin. The following indices are illustrated on maps and graphs: the annual mean and maxima of 1-h, 3-h and 6-h sums, the count of 3-hr periods greater than 20 mm thresholds, the maximum length of wet hours, the timing of wettest hour and the 1-h precipitation intensity. The seasonal trends of the 1-h precipitation intensity were tested from 1998 to 2019. Analysis of sub-daily precipitation has been limited by the availability of data on a global or a regional scale. The international effort made in this work through collaboration in the PannEx initiative contributes to enlarging the data availability for regional and global analysis of sub-daily precipitation extremes