18 research outputs found

    Stability of Erd\H{o}s-Ko-Rado Theorems in Circle Geometries

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    Circle geometries are incidence structures that capture the geometry of circles on spheres, cones and hyperboloids in 3-dimensional space. In a previous paper, the author characterised the largest intersecting families in finite ovoidal circle geometries, except for M\"obius planes of odd order. In this paper we show that also in these M\"obius planes, if the order is greater than 3, the largest intersecting families are the sets of circles through a fixed point. We show the same result in the only known family of finite non-ovoidal circle geometries. Using the same techniques, we show a stability result on large intersecting families in all ovoidal circle geometries. More specifically, we prove that an intersecting family F\mathcal F in one of the known finite circle geometries of order qq, with F12q2+22q+8|\mathcal F| \geq \frac 1 {\sqrt2} q^2 + 2 \sqrt 2 q + 8, must consist of circles through a common point, or through a common nucleus in case of a Laguerre plane of even order.Comment: 18 page

    Small weight codewords of projective geometric codes II

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    The pp-ary linear code Ck(n,q)\mathcal C_{k}(n,q) is defined as the row space of the incidence matrix AA of kk-spaces and points of PG(n,q)\text{PG}(n,q). It is known that if qq is square, a codeword of weight qkq+O(qk1)q^k\sqrt{q}+\mathcal O \left( q^{k-1} \right) exists that cannot be written as a linear combination of at most q\sqrt{q} rows of AA. Over the past few decades, researchers have put a lot of effort towards proving that any codeword of smaller weight does meet this property. We show that if q32 q \geqslant 32 is a composite prime power, every codeword of Ck(n,q)\mathcal C_k(n,q) up to weight O(qkq)\mathcal O \left( {q^k\sqrt{q}} \right) is a linear combination of at most q\sqrt{q} rows of AA. We also generalise this result to the codes Cj,k(n,q)\mathcal C_{j,k}(n,q) , which are defined as the pp-ary row span of the incidence matrix of kk-spaces and jj-spaces, j<kj < k.Comment: 22 page

    On additive MDS codes with linear projections

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    We support some evidence that a long additive MDS code over a finite field must be equivalent to a linear code. More precisely, let CC be an Fq\mathbb F_q-linear (n,qhk,nk+1)qh(n,q^{hk},n-k+1)_{q^h} MDS code over Fqh\mathbb F_{q^h}. If k=3k=3, h{2,3}h \in \{2,3\}, n>max{qh1,hq1}+3n > \max \{q^{h-1},h q -1\} + 3, and CC has three coordinates from which its projections are equivalent to linear codes, we prove that CC itself is equivalent to a linear code. If k>3k>3, n>q+kn > q+k, and there are two disjoint subsets of coordinates whose combined size is at most k2k-2 from which the projections of CC are equivalent to linear codes, we prove that CC is equivalent to a code which is linear over a larger field than Fq\mathbb F_q.Comment: 15 page

    On the minimum size of linear sets

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    Recently, a lower bound was established on the size of linear sets in projective spaces, that intersect a hyperplane in a canonical subgeometry. There are several constructions showing that this bound is tight. In this paper, we generalize this bound to linear sets meeting some subspace π\pi in a canonical subgeometry. We obtain a tight lower bound on the size of any Fq\mathbb F_q-linear set spanning PG(d,qn)\text{PG}(d,q^n) in case that nqn \leq q and nn is prime. We also give constructions of linear sets attaining equality in the former bound, both in the case that π\pi is a hyperplane, and in the case that π\pi is a lower dimensional subspace.Comment: 24 pages; the updated version contains a consequences of the recent paper by Csajb\'ok, Marino and Pepe (arXiv:2306.07488), providing a tight lower bound in some case

    Association schemes and orthogonality graphs on anisotropic points of polar spaces

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    In this paper, we study association schemes on the anisotropic points of classical polar spaces. Our main result concerns non-degenerate elliptic and hyperbolic quadrics in PG(n,q)(n,q) with qq odd. We define relations on the anisotropic points of such a quadric that depend on the type of line spanned by the points and whether or not they are of the same "quadratic type". This yields an imprimitive 55-class association scheme. We calculate the matrices of eigenvalues and dual eigenvalues of this scheme. We also use this result, together with similar results from the literature concerning other classical polar spaces, to exactly calculate the spectrum of orthogonality graphs on the anisotropic points of non-degenerate quadrics in odd characteristic and of non-degenerate Hermitian varieties. As a byproduct, we obtain a 33-class association scheme on the anisotropic points of non-degenerate Hermitian varieties, where the relation containing two points depends on the type of line spanned by these points, and whether or not they are orthogonal.Comment: 29 pages. Update: an extra reference was adde

    Additive MDS codes

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    We prove that an additive code over a finite field which has a few projections which are equivalent to a linear code is itself equivalent to a linear code, providing the code is not too short.Postprint (published version

    The minimum weight of the code of intersecting lines in PG(3,q){\rm PG}(3,q)

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    We characterise the minimum weight codewords of the pp-ary linear code of intersecting lines in PG(3,q){\rm PG}(3,q), q=phq=p^h, q19q\geq19, pp prime, h1h\geq 1. If qq is even, the minimum weight equals q3+q2+q+1q^3+q^2+q+1. If qq is odd, the minimum weight equals q3+2q2+q+1q^3+2q^2+q+1. For qq even, we also characterise the codewords of second smallest weight.Comment: 12 page

    Blocking subspaces with points and hyperplanes

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    In this paper, we characterise the smallest sets BB consisting of points and hyperplanes in PG(n,q)\text{PG}(n,q), such that each kk-space is incident with at least one element of BB. If k>n12k > \frac {n-1} 2, then the smallest construction consists only of points. Dually, if k<n12k < \frac{n-1}2, the smallest example consists only of hyperplanes. However, if k=n12k = \frac{n-1}2, then there exist sets containing both points and hyperplanes, which are smaller than any blocking set containing only points or only hyperplanes.Comment: 7 pages. UPDATE: After publication of this paper, we found out that in case k=n12k = \frac{n-1}2, the correct lower bound and a classification of the smallest examples was already established by Blokhuis, Brouwer, and Sz\H{o}nyi [A. Blokhuis, A. E. Brouwer, T. Sz\H{o}nyi. On the chromatic number of qq-Kneser graphs. Des. Codes Crytpogr. 65:187-197, 2012

    On mm-ovoids of Q+(7,q)Q^+(7,q) with qq odd

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    In this paper, we provide a construction of (q+1)(q+1)-ovoids of the hyperbolic quadric Q+(7,q)Q^+(7,q), qq an odd prime power, by glueing (q+1)/2(q+1)/2-ovoids of the elliptic quadric Q(5,q)Q^-(5,q). This is possible by controlling some intersection properties of (putative) mm-ovoids of elliptic quadrics. It yields eventually (q+1)(q+1)-ovoids of Q+(7,q)Q^+(7,q) not coming from a 11-system. Secondly, we also construct mm-ovoids for m{2,4,6,8,10}m \in \{ 2,4,6,8,10\} in Q+(7,3)Q^+(7,3). Therefore we first investigate how to construct spreads of \pg(3,q) that have as many secants to an elliptic quadric as possible

    Small weight code words arising from the incidence of points and hyperplanes in PG(n,q\boldsymbol{n,q})

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    Let Cn1(n,q)C_{n-1}(n,q) be the code arising from the incidence of points and hyperplanes in the Desarguesian projective space PG(n,qn,q). Recently, Polverino and Zullo proved that within this code, all non-zero code words of weight at most 2qn12q^{n-1} are scalar multiples of either the incidence vector of one hyperplane, or the difference of the incidence vectors of two distinct hyperplanes. We improve this result, proving that when q>17q>17 and q{25,27,29,31,32,49,121}q\notin\{25,27,29,31,32,49,121\}, all code words of weight at most (4q8q332)qn2(4q-\sqrt{8q}-\frac{33}{2})q^{n-2} are linear combinations of incidence vectors of hyperplanes through a fixed (n3)(n-3)-space. Depending on the omitted value for qq, we can lower the bound on the weight of cc to obtain the same results