14 research outputs found

    Diacamma ants adjust liquid foraging strategies in response to biophysical constraints

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    Ant foragers provide food to the rest of the colony, often requiring transport over long distances. Foraging for liquid is challenging because it is difficult to transport and share. Many social insects store liquids inside the crop to transport them to the nest, and then regurgitate to distribute to nest-mates through a behaviour called trophallaxis. Some ants instead transport fluids with a riskier behaviour called pseudotrophallaxis—holding a drop of liquid between the mandibles through surface tension. Ants share this droplet with nest-mates without ingestion or regurgitation. We hypothesised that ants optimize their liquid-collection approach depending on viscosity. Using an ant that employs both trophallaxis and pseudotrophallaxis, we investigated the conditions where each liquid-collection behaviour is favoured by measuring biophysical properties, collection time and reaction to food quality for typical and viscosity-altered sucrose solutions. We found that ants collected more liquid per unit time by mandibular grabbing than by drinking. At high viscosities ants switched liquid collection method to mandibular grabbing in response to viscosity and not to sweetness. Our results demonstrate that ants change transport and sharing methods according to viscosity–a natural proxy for sugar concentration–thus increasing the mass of sugar returned to the nest per trip

    Friction and Adhesion in the Hair Bundle's Glycocalyx

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    Ant colony development and transfer of juvenile hormone by trophallaxis

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    Trabalho de projeto do mestrado em Economia (Economia Financeira), apresentado à Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, sob a orientação de António Portugal Duarte.A hipótese Export-led-Growth defende que a promoção das exportações é fundamental para o reforço do crescimento económico. Contudo, nenhum consenso foi alcançado sobre a causalidade entre as duas variáveis. Este trabalho tem como objetivo reexaminar a hipótese Export-led-Growth em Portugal para o período 1970-2012, aplicando técnicas econométricas usuais para o estudo de séries temporais, como a análise de estacionaridade e cointegração das variáveis, bem como a estimação de um modelo de vetores de correção dos erros. O estudo revela a existência de uma relação de equilíbrio de longo- prazo entre as exportações e o PIB, e valida a hipótese Export-led-Growth para o caso Português. Com o objetivo de obter resultados mais detalhados, procurou-se ainda avaliar o impacto das exportações de produtos da indústria transformadora e não-transformadora no crescimento económico, utilizando dois modelos de vetores auto-regressivos bivariados. A estimação dos modelos revela um impacto positivo das exportações de produtos da indústria transformadora no PIB e um efeito “limitador” das exportações de produtos não transformados

    Oral transfer of chemical cues, growth proteins and hormones in social insects.

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    Social insects frequently engage in oral fluid exchange - trophallaxis - between adults, and between adults and larvae. Although trophallaxis is widely considered a food-sharing mechanism, we hypothesized that endogenous components of this fluid might underlie a novel means of chemical communication between colony members. Through protein and small-molecule mass spectrometry and RNA sequencing, we found that trophallactic fluid in the ant Camponotus floridanus contains a set of specific digestion- and non-digestion related proteins, as well as hydrocarbons, microRNAs, and a key developmental regulator, juvenile hormone. When C. floridanus workers' food was supplemented with this hormone, the larvae they reared via trophallaxis were twice as likely to complete metamorphosis and became larger workers. Comparison of trophallactic fluid proteins across social insect species revealed that many are regulators of growth, development and behavioral maturation. These results suggest that trophallaxis plays previously unsuspected roles in communication and enables communal control of colony phenotypes

    A general modeling and visualization tool for comparing different members of a group: application to studying tau-mediated regulation of microtubule dynamics

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Innumerable biological investigations require comparing collections of molecules, cells or organisms to one another with respect to one or more of their properties. Almost all of these comparisons are performed manually, which can be susceptible to inadvertent bias as well as miss subtle effects. The development and application of computer-assisted analytical and interpretive tools could help address these issues and thereby dramatically improve these investigations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have developed novel computer-assisted analytical and interpretive tools and applied them to recent studies examining the ability of 3-repeat and 4-repeat tau to regulate the dynamic behavior of microtubules in vitro. More specifically, we have developed an automated and objective method to define growth, shortening and attenuation events from real time videos of dynamic microtubules, and demonstrated its validity by comparing it to manually assessed data. Additionally, we have used the same data to develop a general strategy of building different models of interest, computing appropriate dissimilarity functions to compare them, and embedding them on a two-dimensional plot for visualization and easy comparison. Application of these methods to assess microtubule growth rates and growth rate distributions established the validity of the embedding procedure and revealed non-linearity in the relationship between the tau:tubulin molar ratio and growth rate distribution.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This work addresses the need of the biological community for rigorously quantitative and generally applicable computational tools for comparative studies. The two-dimensional embedding method retains the inherent structure of the data, and yet markedly simplifies comparison between models and parameters of different samples. Most notably, even in cases where numerous parameters exist by which to compare the different samples, our embedding procedure provides a generally applicable computational strategy to detect subtle relationships between different molecules or conditions that might otherwise escape manual analyses.</p

    Targeted treatment of injured nestmates with antimicrobial compounds in an ant society

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    Abstract Infected wounds pose a major mortality risk in animals. Injuries are common in the ant Megaponera analis, which raids pugnacious prey. Here we show that M. analis can determine when wounds are infected and treat them accordingly. By applying a variety of antimicrobial compounds and proteins secreted from the metapleural gland to infected wounds, workers reduce the mortality of infected individuals by 90%. Chemical analyses showed that wound infection is associated with specific changes in the cuticular hydrocarbon profile, thereby likely allowing nestmates to diagnose the infection state of injured individuals and apply the appropriate antimicrobial treatment. This study demonstrates that M. analis ant societies use antimicrobial compounds produced in the metapleural glands to treat infected wounds and reduce nestmate mortality