78 research outputs found

    Force Field Simulation Based Laser Scan Alignment

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    Differences in Diffusion Tensor Imaging White Matter Integrity Related to Verbal Fluency Between Young and Old Adults

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    Throughout adulthood, the brain undergoes an array of structural and functional changes during the typical aging process. These changes involve decreased brain volume, reduced synaptic density, and alterations in white matter (WM). Although there have been some previous neuroimaging studies that have measured the ability of adult language production and its correlations to brain function, structural gray matter volume, and functional differences between young and old adults, the structural role of WM in adult language production in individuals across the life span remains to be thoroughly elucidated. This study selected 38 young adults and 35 old adults for diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and performed the Controlled Oral Word Association Test to assess verbal fluency (VF). Tract-Based Spatial Statistics were employed to evaluate the voxel-based group differences of diffusion metrics for the values of fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity (AD), radial diffusivity (RD), and local diffusion homogeneity (LDH) in 12 WM regions of interest associated with language production. To investigate group differences on each DTI metric, an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) controlling for sex and education level was performed, and the statistical threshold was considered at p < 0.00083 (0.05/60 labels) after Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons. Significant differences in DTI metrics identified in the ANCOVA were used to perform correlation analyses with VF scores. Compared to the old adults, the young adults had significantly (1) increased FA values on the bilateral anterior corona radiata (ACR); (2) decreased MD values on the right ACR, but increased MD on the left uncinate fasciculus (UF); and (3) decreased RD on the bilateral ACR. There were no significant differences between the groups for AD or LDH. Moreover, the old adults had only a significant correlation between the VF score and the MD on the left UF. There were no significant correlations between VF score and DTI metrics in the young adults. This study adds to the growing body of research that WM areas involved in language production are sensitive to aging

    Predicting Motor Outcomes in Stroke Patients Using Diffusion Spectrum MRI Microstructural Measures

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    Improved understanding of neuroimaging signal changes and their relation to patient outcomes after ischemic stroke is needed to improve ability to predict motor improvement and make therapy recommendations. The posterior limb of the internal capsule (PLIC) is a hub of afferent and efferent motor signaling and this work proposes new, image-based methods for prognosis based on interhemispheric differences in the PLIC. In this work, nine acute supratentorial ischemic stroke patients with motor impairment received a baseline, 203-direction diffusion brain MRI and a clinical assessment 3–12 days post-stroke and were compared to nine age-matched healthy controls. Asymmetries based on the mean and Kullback-Leibler divergence in the ipsilesional and contralesional PLIC were calculated for diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI) measures from the baseline MRI. Predictions of upper extremity Fugl-Meyer (FM) scores at 5-weeks follow-up from baseline measures of PLIC asymmetry in diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI) models were evaluated. For the stroke participants, the baseline asymmetry measures in the PLIC for the orientation dispersion index of the neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI) model were highly correlated with upper extremity FM outcomes (r2 = 0.83). Use of DSI and the NODDI orientation dispersion index parameter shows promise of being more predictive of stroke recovery and to help better understand white matter changes in stroke, beyond DTI measures. The new finding that baseline interhemispheric differences in the PLIC calculated from the orientation dispersion index of the NODDI model are highly correlated with upper extremity functional outcomes may lead to improved image-based motor-outcome prediction after middle cerebral artery ischemic stroke

    Vision Backbone Enhancement via Multi-Stage Cross-Scale Attention

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and vision transformers (ViTs) have achieved remarkable success in various vision tasks. However, many architectures do not consider interactions between feature maps from different stages and scales, which may limit their performance. In this work, we propose a simple add-on attention module to overcome these limitations via multi-stage and cross-scale interactions. Specifically, the proposed Multi-Stage Cross-Scale Attention (MSCSA) module takes feature maps from different stages to enable multi-stage interactions and achieves cross-scale interactions by computing self-attention at different scales based on the multi-stage feature maps. Our experiments on several downstream tasks show that MSCSA provides a significant performance boost with modest additional FLOPs and runtime

    Purpose in life as a resilience factor for brain health: diffusion MRI findings from the Midlife in the U.S. study

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    IntroductionA greater sense of purpose in life is associated with several health benefits relevant for active aging, but the mechanisms remain unclear. We evaluated if purpose in life was associated with indices of brain health.MethodsWe examined data from the Midlife in the United States (MIDUS) Neuroscience Project. Diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging data (n=138; mean age 65.2 years, age range 48-95; 80 females; 37 black, indigenous, and people of color) were used to estimate microstructural indices of brain health such as axonal density, and axonal orientation. The seven-item purpose in life scale was used. Permutation analysis of linear models was used to examine associations between purpose in life scores and the diffusion metrics in white matter and in the bilateral hippocampus, adjusting for age, sex, education, and race.Results and discussionGreater sense of purpose in life was associated with brain microstructural features consistent with better brain health. Positive associations were found in both white matter and the right hippocampus, where multiple convergent associations were detected. The hippocampus is a brain structure involved in learning and memory that is vulnerable to stress but retains the capacity to grow and adapt through old age. Our findings suggest pathways through which an enhanced sense of purpose in life may contribute to better brain health and promote healthy aging. Since purpose in life is known to decline with age, interventions and policy changes that facilitate a greater sense of purpose may extend and improve the brain health of individuals and thus improve public health

    Greater white matter degeneration and lower structural connectivity in non-amnestic vs. amnestic Alzheimer’s disease

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    IntroductionMultimodal evidence indicates Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by early white matter (WM) changes that precede overt cognitive impairment. WM changes have overwhelmingly been investigated in typical, amnestic mild cognitive impairment and AD; fewer studies have addressed WM change in atypical, non-amnestic syndromes. We hypothesized each non-amnestic AD syndrome would exhibit WM differences from amnestic and other non-amnestic syndromes.Materials and methodsParticipants included 45 cognitively normal (CN) individuals; 41 amnestic AD patients; and 67 patients with non-amnestic AD syndromes including logopenic-variant primary progressive aphasia (lvPPA, n = 32), posterior cortical atrophy (PCA, n = 17), behavioral variant AD (bvAD, n = 10), and corticobasal syndrome (CBS, n = 8). All had T1-weighted MRI and 30-direction diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI). We performed whole-brain deterministic tractography between 148 cortical and subcortical regions; connection strength was quantified by tractwise mean generalized fractional anisotropy. Regression models assessed effects of group and phenotype as well as associations with grey matter volume. Topological analyses assessed differences in persistent homology (numbers of graph components and cycles). Additionally, we tested associations of topological metrics with global cognition, disease duration, and DWI microstructural metrics.ResultsBoth amnestic and non-amnestic patients exhibited lower WM connection strength than CN participants in corpus callosum, cingulum, and inferior and superior longitudinal fasciculi. Overall, non-amnestic patients had more WM disease than amnestic patients. LvPPA patients had left-lateralized WM degeneration; PCA patients had reductions in connections to bilateral posterior parietal, occipital, and temporal areas. Topological analysis showed the non-amnestic but not the amnestic group had more connected components than controls, indicating persistently lower connectivity. Longer disease duration and cognitive impairment were associated with more connected components and fewer cycles in individuals’ brain graphs.DiscussionWe have previously reported syndromic differences in GM degeneration and tau accumulation between AD syndromes; here we find corresponding differences in WM tracts connecting syndrome-specific epicenters. Determining the reasons for selective WM degeneration in non-amnestic AD is a research priority that will require integration of knowledge from neuroimaging, biomarker, autopsy, and functional genetic studies. Furthermore, longitudinal studies to determine the chronology of WM vs. GM degeneration will be key to assessing evidence for WM-mediated tau spread
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