22 research outputs found

    Influence of anti-Nogo-A antibody treatment on the reorganization of callosal connectivity of the premotor cortical areas following unilateral lesion of primary motor cortex (M1) in adult macaque monkeys

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    Following unilateral lesion of the primary motor cortex, the reorganization of callosal projections from the intact hemisphere to the ipsilesional premotor cortex (PM) was investigated in 7 adult macaque monkeys, in absence of treatment (control; n=4) or treated with function blocking antibodies against the neurite growth inhibitory protein Nogo-A (n=3). After functional recovery, though incomplete, the tracer biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) was injected in the ipsilesional PM. Retrogradely labelled neurons were plotted in the intact hemisphere and their number was normalized with respect to the volume of the core of BDA injection sites. (1) The callosal projections to PM in the controls originate mainly from homotypic PM areas and, but to a somewhat lesser extent, from the mesial cortex (cingulate and supplementary motor areas). (2) In the lesioned anti-Nogo-A antibody-treated monkeys, the normalized number of callosal retrogradely labelled neurons was up to several folds higher than in controls, especially in the homotypic PM areas. (3) Except one control with a small lesion and a limited, transient deficit, the anti-Nogo-A antibody-treated monkeys recovered to nearly baseline levels of performance (73-90%), in contrast to persistent deficits in the control monkeys. These results are consistent with a sprouting and/or sparing of callosal axons promoted by the anti-Nogo-A antibody treatment after lesion of the primary motor cortex, as compared to untreated monkey

    Short-term effects of unilateral lesion of the primary motor cortex (M1) on ipsilesional hand dexterity in adult macaque monkeys

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    Although the arrangement of the corticospinal projection in primates is consistent with a more prominent role of the ipsilateral motor cortex on proximal muscles, rather than on distal muscles involved in manual dexterity, the role played by the primary motor cortex on the control of manual dexterity for the ipsilateral hand remains a matter a debate, either in the normal function or after a lesion. We, therefore, tested the impact of permanent unilateral motor cortex lesion on the manual dexterity of the ipsilateral hand in 11 macaque monkeys, within a time window of 60days post-lesion. For comparison, unilateral reversible pharmacological inactivation of the motor cortex was produced in an additional monkey. Manual dexterity was assessed quantitatively based on three motor parameters derived from two reach and grasp manual tasks. In contrast to the expected dramatic, complete deficit of manual dexterity of the contralesional hand that persists for several weeks, the impact on the manual dexterity of the ipsilesional hand was generally moderate (but statistically significant) and, when present, lasted less than 20days. Out of the 11 monkeys, only 3 showed a deficit of the ipsilesional hand for 2 of the 3 motor parameters, and 4 animals had a deficit for only one motor parameter. Four monkeys did not show any deficit. The reversible inactivation experiment yielded results consistent with the permanent lesion data. In conclusion, the primary motor cortex exerts a modest role on ipsilateral manual dexterity, most likely in the form of indirect hand postural contro

    Behavioral Assessment of Manual Dexterity in Non-Human Primates

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    The corticospinal (CS) tract is the anatomical support of the exquisite motor ability to skillfully manipulate small objects, a prerogative mainly of primates1. In case of lesion affecting the CS projection system at its origin (lesion of motor cortical areas) or along its trajectory (cervical cord lesion), there is a dramatic loss of manual dexterity (hand paralysis), as seen in some tetraplegic or hemiplegic patients. Although there is some spontaneous functional recovery after such lesion, it remains very limited in the adult. Various therapeutic strategies are presently proposed (e.g. cell therapy, neutralization of inhibitory axonal growth molecules, application of growth factors, etc), which are mostly developed in rodents. However, before clinical application, it is often recommended to test the feasibility, efficacy, and security of the treatment in non-human primates. This is especially true when the goal is to restore manual dexterity after a lesion of the central nervous system, as the organization of the motor system of rodents is different from that of primates1,2. Macaque monkeys are illustrated here as a suitable behavioral model to quantify manual dexterity in primates, to reflect the deficits resulting from lesion of the motor cortex or cervical cord for instance, measure the extent of spontaneous functional recovery and, when a treatment is applied, evaluate how much it can enhance the functional recovery

    Asymmetric and distant effects of a unilateral lesion of the primary motor cortex on the bilateral supplementary motor areas in adult macaque monkeys

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    A restricted lesion of the hand area in the primary motor cortex (M1) leads to a deficit of contralesional manual dexterity, followed by an incomplete functional recovery, accompanied by plastic changes in M1 itself and in other cortical areas on both hemispheres. Using the marker SMI-32 specific to pyramidal neurons in cortical layers III and V, we investigated the impact of a focal unilateral M1 lesion (hand representation) on the rostral part (F6) and caudal part (F3) of the supplementary motor area (SMA) in both hemispheres in nine adult macaque monkeys compared with four intact control monkeys. The M1 lesion induced a consistent interhemispheric asymmetry in density of SMI-32-positive neurons in F3 layer V (statistically significant in 8 of 9 lesioned monkeys), highly correlated with the lesion volume and with the duration of functional recovery, but not with the extent of functional recovery itself. Such interhemispheric asymmetry was neither present in the intact monkeys, as expected, nor in F6 in all monkeys. In addition, the M1 lesion also impacted on the basal dendritic arborization of F3 layer V neurons. Neuronal density was clearly less affected by the M1 lesion in F3 layer III compared with layer V. We interpret the remote effect of M1 lesion onto the density of SMI-32-positive neurons and dendritic arborization in the SMAs bilaterally as the consequence of multiple factors, such as changes of connectivity, diaschisis and various mechanisms involved in cortical plasticity underlying the functional recovery from the M1 lesion. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The motor system of macaque monkeys, in addition to be similarly organized as in humans, is a good candidate to study the impact of a focal lesion of the main contributor to voluntary movements, the primary motor cortex (M1), on non-primary motor cortical areas also involved in manual dexterity, both at behavioral and structural levels. Our results show that a unilateral permanent lesion of M1 hand area in nine monkeys affects the interhemispheric balance of the number of SMI-32-positive pyramidal neurons in the cortical layer V of the supplementary motor area, in a way strongly correlated to the lesion volume and duration of the incomplete functional recovery

    Short-term effects of unilateral lesion of the primary motor cortex (M1) on ipsilesional hand dexterity in adult macaque monkeys

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    Although the arrangement of the corticospinal projection in primates is consistent with a more prominent role of the ipsilateral motor cortex on proximal muscles, rather than on distal muscles involved in manual dexterity, the role played by the primary motor cortex on the control of manual dexterity for the ipsilateral hand remains a matter a debate, either in the normal function or after a lesion. We, therefore, tested the impact of permanent unilateral motor cortex lesion on the manual dexterity of the ipsilateral hand in 11 macaque monkeys, within a time window of 60 days post-lesion. For comparison, unilateral reversible pharmacological inactivation of the motor cortex was produced in an additional monkey. Manual dexterity was assessed quantitatively based on three motor parameters derived from two reach and grasp manual tasks. In contrast to the expected dramatic, complete deficit of manual dexterity of the contralesional hand that persists for several weeks, the impact on the manual dexterity of the ipsilesional hand was generally moderate (but statistically significant) and, when present, lasted less than 20 days. Out of the 11 monkeys, only 3 showed a deficit of the ipsilesional hand for 2 of the 3 motor parameters, and 4 animals had a deficit for only one motor parameter. Four monkeys did not show any deficit. The reversible inactivation experiment yielded results consistent with the permanent lesion data. In conclusion, the primary motor cortex exerts a modest role on ipsilateral manual dexterity, most likely in the form of indirect hand postural control

    Autologous adult cortical cell transplantation enhances functional recovery following unilateral lesion of motor cortex in primates: a pilot study

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    BACKGROUND: Although cell therapy is a promising approach after cerebral cortex lesion, few studies assess quantitatively its behavioral gain in nonhuman primates. Furthermore, implantations of fetal grafts of exogenous stem cells are limited by safety and ethical issues.OBJECTIVE: To test in nonhuman primates the transplantation of autologous adult neural progenitor cortical cells with assessment of functional outcome.METHODS: Seven adult macaque monkeys were trained to perform a manual dexterity task, before the hand representation in motor cortex was chemically lesioned unilaterally. Five monkeys were used as control, compared with 2 monkeys subjected to different autologous cells transplantation protocols performed at different time intervals.RESULTS: After lesion, there was a complete loss of manual dexterity in the contralesional hand. The 5 "control" monkeys recovered progressively and spontaneously part of their manual dexterity, reaching a unique and definitive plateau of recovery, ranging from 38% to 98% of prelesion score after 10 to 120 days. The 2 "treated" monkeys reached a first spontaneous recovery plateau at about 25 and 40 days postlesion, representing 35% and 61% of the prelesion performance, respectively. In contrast to the controls, a second recovery plateau took place 2 to 3 months after cell transplantation, corresponding to an additional enhancement of functional recovery, representing 24% and 37% improvement, respectively.CONCLUSIONS: These pilot data, derived from 2 monkeys treated differently, suggest that, in the present experimental conditions, autologous adult brain progenitor cell transplantation in a nonhuman primate is safe and promotes enhancement of functional recovery

    Effects of unilateral motor cortex lesion on ipsilesional hand's reach and grasp performance in monkeys: relationship with recovery in the contralesional hand

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    Manual dexterity, a prerogative of primates, is under the control of the corticospinal (CS) tract. As 90-95% of CS axons decussate, it is assumed that this control is exerted essentially on the contralateral hand. Consistently, unilateral lesion of the hand representation in the motor cortex is followed by a complete loss of dexterity of the contralesional hand. During the months following lesion, spontaneous recovery of manual dexterity takes place to a highly variable extent across subjects, although largely incomplete. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that after a significant post-lesion period, manual performance in the ipsilesional hand is correlated with the extent of functional recovery in the contralesional hand. To this aim, ten adult macaque monkeys were subjected to permanent unilateral motor cortex lesion. Monkeys' manual performance was assessed for each hand during several months post-lesion, using our standard behavioral test (modified Brinkman board task) that provides a quantitative measure of reach and grasp ability. The ipsilesional hand's performance was found to be significantly enhanced on the long-term (100-300 days post-lesion) in 6 out of 10 monkeys, with the six exhibiting the best, though incomplete, recovery of the contralesional hand. There was a statistically significant correlation (r=0.932; p0.001) between performance in the ipsilesional hand after significant post-lesion period and the extent of recovery of the contralesional hand. This observation is interpreted in terms of different possible mechanisms of recovery, dependent on the recruitment of motor areas in the lesioned and/or intact hemispheres

    Pharmacokinetic profile of the selective 5-HT3 receptor antagonist ondansetron in the rat: an original study and a minireview of the behavioural pharmacological literature in the rat

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    The availability of agonists and antagonists to modulate the activity of the 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) type 3 (5-HT3) receptor has renewed interest in its role as a therapeutic target. Ondansetron is a highly selective 5-HT3 receptor antagonist that is well tolerated as an anti-emetic for patients undergoing chemotherapy. Preclinical studies in rat have shown the effects of small doses of ondansetron on cognition, behavioural sensitisation, and epilepsy. However, the pharmacokinetic (PK) profile of ondansetron in rat has not been described, which limits the translational relevance of these findings. Here, we aim to determine, in the rat, the PK profile of ondansetron in the plasma and to determine associated brain levels. The plasma PK profile was determined following acute subcutaneous administration of ondansetron (0.1, 1, and 10 μg/kg). Brain levels were measured following subcutaneous administration of ondansetron at 1 μg/kg. Plasma and brain levels of ondansetron were determined using high-performance liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry. Following administration of all three doses, measured ondansetron plasma levels (≈30–3000 pg/mL) were below levels achieved with doses usually administered in the clinic, with a rapid absorption phase and a short half-life (≈30–40 min). We also found that brain levels of ondansetron at 1 μg/kg were significantly lower than plasma levels, with brain to plasma ratios of 0.45 and 0.46 in the motor and pre-frontal cortices. We discuss our findings in the context of a minireview of the literature. We hope that our study will be helpful to the design of preclinical studies with therapeutic end-points.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Follow-up of cortical activity and structure after lesion with laser speckle imaging and magnetic resonance imaging in nonhuman primates

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    The nonhuman primate model is suitable to study mechanisms of functional recovery following lesion of the cerebral cortex (motor cortex), on which therapeutic strategies can be tested. To interpret behavioral data (time course and extent of functional recovery), it is crucial to monitor the properties of the experimental cortical lesion, induced by infusion of the excitotoxin ibotenic acid. In two adult macaque monkeys, ibotenic acid infusions produced a restricted, permanent lesion of the motor cortex. In one monkey, the lesion was monitored over 3.5 weeks, combining laser speckle imaging (LSI) as metabolic readout (cerebral blood flow) and anatomical assessment with magnetic resonance imaging (T2-weighted MRI). The cerebral blood flow, measured online during subsequent injections of the ibotenic acid in the motor cortex, exhibited a dramatic increase, still present after one week, in parallel to a MRI hypersignal. After 3.5 weeks, the cerebral blood flow was strongly reduced (below reference level) and the hypersignal disappeared from the MRI scan, although the lesion was permanent as histologically assessed post-mortem. The MRI data were similar in the second monkey. Our experiments suggest that LSI and MRI, although they reflect different features, vary in parallel during a few weeks following an excitotoxic cortical lesion

    Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of Boswellia dalzielii and Hibiscus sabdariffa extracts in alloxan-induced diabetic rats

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the leading worldwide public health problems. It is characterized by hyperglycemia which induces oxidative stress and inflammation, both involved in the pathogenesis of diabetes. We previously showed that Boswellia dalzielii (BD) and Hibiscus sabdariffa (HS) extracts reduced hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. In the present study, we evaluated the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of both plants in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Two sets of experiments were conducted in male Wistar rats subjected to a single intraperitoneal injection of alloxan monohydrate (150 mg/kg, b. w.). Then, diabetic rats were daily administered with either BD (1st set of experiments) or HS (2nd set of experiments) at 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg orally for 21 consecutive days. Glibenclamide (10 mg/kg) was also administered as a reference drug. At the end of the study, the animals were anesthetized, and blood samples were collected from each animal. Then, oxidative stress and inflammatory biomarkers in the serum were determined. We found that treatment with BD and HS significantly reduced malondialdehyde (MDA) and enhanced the levels of reduced glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase (CAT). These extracts also significantly decreased the inflammatory markers tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β). From the results obtained, it can therefore be concluded that BD and HS have the potential to being developed as natural sources of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents that can be used for the prevention or treatment of DM